
11/17/2018 16:28 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge.

It’s interesting, I was having a conversation with Stephen Filgueira, who made this comment.

There is so much knowledge expressed now in the world, from Anceint Aliens to Mind Beings, E.M.Fields to the Human DNA being composed of sound.
And quantum applications and it’s mechanics,.

There is no doubt that we are the cusp of a massive Quantum Jump.

William Dafoe has a new movie called
“At Eternities Gate”

(A.E.G.. / G E A.
P.A.N..G E A..
I am sitting at Panera…
Besides my room is a place called
“The Sphinx something…
The number on it is 3066.
30 66

*See the sacred portal of 30 Transformation through the Play of the Woods.
And my leaving the Black Hole of Bad Ideas created by Humanity.
N P = 14 16.. 30.
33 33
Link Fritz Vennjque 33 u sd to Stephen Filgueira at Oregon State 33rd
2017 Total Solar Eclipse.
Link sacred portal 33..
99 ..
I I.
Isabelle Ilic.


I went with Stephen yesterday to see his friend whose name means “Felicitations” and her age code 46 year old “Egyptian” friend
The Painting was of Ancient Aliens and First Contact.
I was giving evidence to the trail and path I walked in New York City for the last almost 18 years of my being aware, and asked to document each portal I passed through
55.. 56 including Delta Manor.
55 = 10.
56= 11
10 11.


The evidence was my being aware that I was walking through Space-call it the Akashic Records if you will, the L.O.G.. Legend, Library… Museum.
*( M U S E UM.. Muse Universal Mind M..U.S.. E.. Universal Manifestation)

In a Universal Simulation Awareness.
Manifested for Us to Awaken Memory of the First Dawn Expression.
By documenting the literal events codes and expression of each portal the way there as well as what transpired.

1:08 p.m.

Each created and reflected a pathway, a Road through Space while walking on Earth and the world… of Thought -To Thoth- to Thor- to Royal Epiphany of Unversal Understanding the “Jump Mann manifested by Man.
A Man.
Dawn Expressed as a Solid Fact.

I the path which was constantly identified and documentee publicly for the last almost 7 years linked consistently especially from 2006 – to Ancent Egypt and Kemet/Kush.
11 5
New York State 11th to join the Union.
Connecticut the 5th State.

16 is 88..

*88 was the number on the back Door of a venue Stephen took me to last night.
111 was the number on the Building.

8 16 is Stephens Birth Date.
And the year of his birth aligns to me my actual birth in this world which I had calculated as 1984.
This means that though I was “born” in the middle to late 60’s, that I was simply E-Spirit which means “Breath”
Which is the meaning of my mother’s Maiden name and the family I lived with when we moved from Canada to Nigeria.
See sacred portal 69. “First Note”
6 14.
20 T
Thus, I could not land or be born in this realm until I completed the task of landing the Consciousness I represent- First Dawn.
And so it’s is 1984 represented by Stephen Filgueira that I am now at
“At Eternity’s Gate.”

By walking through History, it’s lies which made no sense, to its Truth, guided by my Father, my Guide which is Breath Movement Wind.
B MW69.
Being Milky Way 69… F.I.. 15..O…1+5=6 F .
Which is 6th Sense which is Breath moving me with myself being aware and choosing to solve the riddles as I went along- riddles which can only be solved by being True to your True Nature.
Nicola Tesla.
And the Egptian Book of the Dead.

1:43 p.m.

14 3 N.C.
To the portal of Transformation – Jump Man.

I Quantum
Because Breath is Expression.
And Expression is Silence and Sound which Creates Manifestation- the body DNA
Through Awareness.

And so, the confirmation of the landing and my own ( as well as all The Naturals) literal Physical Transformation.
I’m perfect timing of two portal of the past, Ancient and Modern.

These were the codes names – initials of the portal I passed through with Stephen last night.

Merging the Ancient Egyptian path way of Philosophy and Thought.
And Nikolai Tesla representation of Thought and Application.
Both having accessed the 7 Chakra linked to the 8th.
7-8 add 15. O.6.
7 8…56. 11 1.

6 11.. 17.

Today’s Date. 17th.

And today there is a strangeness in me Being and my body.

2:02 p.m.
*That is the number I saw on my page when I opened my Facebook page.

It meant that is the Post and Timing I had to reach guided by 6th Sense.

I spent exactly 6 years and 11 months 12 days writing posting linking, fighting through the bad ideas of Human Expression which manifested.

Which means Stephen Filgueira is the reflected and embodied truth of the portal home.
In that Define Harmony Perfection, proven
True in Perfect Timing.
Of the Human Vessel and the Human Being, Aware, Being Conscious once seated in their True Nature.

E K.
5 11..
11 5..
16 .
Arrival in New York 3-20-2001..
3-2 O. 3

*Victoria I believe had 323 Facebook Friends when we linked connected.

Meaning that I had to walk backwards through Time as Milky Way 69 68
To reach my I.D.
Because I came through New York the 11th stare first.. and moved from K, my last name Kolo..
O Kolo.
Meaning in Slav- the Dance of the Full Circle.
Lion King
L O O K.

K L.
11-12-2018 left with Stephen from Delta Manor.
K O O L. O O K.
4 O.. four full Circles completed.
See Victor @Bed 4-015. “4 O O ”
And Robert Curtin before that and Lorenzo Widget before that ..
And me on that same bed one year before as bed 4-016.

Stephen Villle was in the History Channel when I got back last night, and in perfect harmony as I was flipping through the channels.

2:16 p.m.
Beautiful Pride.

This makes it conclusive that the Truth of Human Beings being created as perfect vessels which when clean or in their Natural Stare of Being themselves, non conformist, rebels, defiant in this reality which we unintentionally became not out of a desire to make our lives difficult here in this reality, but because it is Naturally who we are, we can not go consciously against our True Nature.
Against that Seed planted in us, at First Contact, at the moment we took our first breath as a Body.
As well as the literal first contact with our Eternal Selves, linked to the Eternal Flame now transformed through Embodient Invidually experienced and chosen by ourselves, refusing to deny out True Nature- that place where we are comfortable with ourselves and can look in the mirrors at ourselves Outside- and see ourselves as we know ourselves, Inside.
Isis Osiris.

Isis means “Throne”
Osiris means the Veiled one and all seeing Eye
(Eye lids closed and seeing all through our Sleep Dreams..
How many of the West’ s greatest minds saw and received the inspiration and Inelligence while they slept from Einstein to the inventor of the Periodic Table…?
So many it will astound you.
Down Loads from the realm of 8 linked to the Body as 7-1-1-7)

The human Body is Perfect even with out awareness, as long as you stay seated on your Truth of yourself even without awareness your Body leads you home, directed by your E-Spirit Breath, who is the Guide..Father.

Guide -Father -Breath..69 ..
Leads you home because he is First Breath which all who exist and all that is Created walk on His History H.H.
And only through walking the path he lay the foundation can you become as he, Solid Fact real and Being Conscious Existent Aware through the play of Hindsight-
Watching where you are going and trusting your E-Spirit and understanding that Existence is Beautiful Expression Lightness Love.. Clarity is Consciousness.
It manifested from “Nothingness” ( Naturalness) Ecstasy and Bliss..

E & B
Embodiment is Being.

And myself, made to play the role of the Example of the Guide Father, the First Student ( to the one I first tutored)
In this Scripted Play…S.P.
To represent the Way Home and that It had to be read and documented every step of the way so that those who did the journey naturally could meet me, “The Reminder” who can explain in all Energy and Spirit languages how I know that we are At Eternity’s Gate..
V Van (69) Gogh.
William Dafoe.
V.V.GO.G.H. Double V GO. 7 8.
Will I a.m DA F.O.E.

2:55 p.m.

And for those Coming and for the Future,
-the proof of our ability to read reality before it manifested- which earned us out right to Evolve.
Hence, creating as The Source did in the Eternal Beginning, Our H.I. Story
From H.I.S. History.
-6 88… 6 16. 22.

It’s all a code but it only works if you Mind Being ( E M.Field) Heart Chakra is Seated on its Throne).
Balances at 44.. 8 16… 24. One Day 6..
Sixth sense “E S P.” and 7th Sense “Vision” of Harmony.

3:00 p.m.
Had been proven..
The X Factor..
Supernatural Powers

Emeka Stephen “DA V.IDE” Powers.

3:09 p.m.

But the one thing I found with all this that with all this amazing knowledge, no one pit the sum total of True Knowlede, after getting rid of the false expression to then go out onto the field to apply the knowledge true expressed by Humanity and distilled by an Individual ..
The 1%.
To see if it was all true.
Proven True.
A Fact.
A-Lien Father.

To walk His Her Path
Guided by H H.
To reach H.P.
Harmonies Perfection which I had to do to my irritation, through a H.P. Stream Personal Computer for 6.11 yrs and 12 days,
To find Stephen Filgueira and what he represents in the Scripted.
See meaning of the name Stephen and Eric.

3:22 p.m.

I already did this with my Body and Being in Sept-Dec 1992 when I reached Stephen and Manu in Paris.
And 25 almost 26 years I did it all over again 5 time 6 times..
The same..
3:26 p.m.

But this time with a Machine Computer
Challenge.. of I.Q Supremacy proving that Expression Silent, or through Sounds..
Art and Silence.. the Eternal Truth is always Supreme.

3:28 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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