
11/17/2016 21:34 – Facebook Post

7:17 p.m

All 17’s….


Herry S Lang texted me today and completed it at 17:17 which he was aware enough to notice…

But did not align to the TEN..DOLLAR ..BILL…

*( BILL Y HUNG.. Yes it really means “Well Hung” as all the drawing clearly point out.. AMU… Amu is the O.INri world for the Sexual Organs… The “Nether’ regions.. The Nether Lands..
Not “Never Never Land”)

Recall it was given to me by BED 33 and his name is Kwame…
I am in bed 32… my Name is Emeka….

I met Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka at age 33- Publicly, with D.P.G…(David Phillip Gil… Beloved Friend Lover and Horse Happiness and Joy…
Image result for Meaning and origins of the name Philip
From the Greek name ???????? (Philippos) which means “friend of horses”, composed of the elements ????? (philos) “friend, lover” and ‘????? (hippos) “horse”. This was the name of five kings of Macedon, including Philip II the father of Alexander the Great)
While I was at the Bean on 3rd and 2nd… 32…

Emeka Kwame… E.K… Bed 33 and 32…
Emeka Means Praise =Graciousness…
Kwame means “Born on Saturday”

Who was?

Nnamdi… April 5th 1969…was Saturday…

5-4-69….M.W.54..69… 6×9=54….5-5.54 The Passed.
5+4=9…6+9=15=6….96…96% Dark Matter -Delta Manor…D.M..
4+13..17… Q
Code of Q… Anamla Qayin… “D.M.I.C..T.P/K 115 AGE”

“AUG 1ST, 10:25AM

Anamla Qayin.

“May I ask your assistance?
A code of sorts has been brought to me.. one someone saw in a dream, perhaps a memory of me from long ago. A complete stranger. Found me of his own will
I do not understand the code he saw fully.. perhaps you may?

August 1st…10:25 a.m… 1-8-T.P (20 16)… A.H! T.P…
8-1-2016….H-A-T.P-K… H.A.T..G..K..( 7-11…K.Grant Alway Open.)

10 Y J.Y…(J.O.Y).
10 is J,B E…Jonn Blackwell no the code name meaning “Black Well 96% Dark Matter…
J.B.E. Room A.. bed 007
10 25…35…J.C.E…
Jose Clara
Joseph Carey
Joseph Ejiofor..

10= 1O…
A.O…Y (Amoza Born sent 25 usd…2+5=7…)
G.O..A… Room 3A…

D.M.Delta Manor…

A.H! True Point/ H.A.T of P.G..(Gil Happiness Joy Granted)
K-11 1O…Kolo.Kwame

115..K.E….Kwame-Emeka…. See sacred Portal 115 it is the Breaking down of a Wall.
*There is a Wall which divides my Bed from Kwame’s, but a different wall was broken down today.
I asked him his name… Kwame he said Ghanaian, “He smiled and nodded”
He asked my name “Emeka”… Ah I know and recognize you now he said”
He is tall and Slim like I.. though I am more muscular stature.. he is (Shit!) more like my Brothers Nnamdi’s physic

8:00 P.M.

I broke down the Wall of communication by offering the 55 for his Ten.
And asking his name…

AGE.. Is 6..666666…6-1234566789 1O
A-G.E…1 7 5… One World…

/ E.G.A 511 K PT..C.I…M.D…

E.G.A.L.A..X.Y…C.I.. 1O11.. (5-11..E.K..Emeka Kolo-Kwame)
K- Kolo
the Point Perfect Timing…
C.I…Consciousness Created Infinity Individuality….
Manifest Destiny… M.D…13+4=Q.

Kwame means Born on Saturday…

Kwa means;
a branch of the Niger-Congo subfamily of languages, including Ewe, Ibo, Yoruba, and other languages of coastal West Africa.

Recall, that Kwame hears people through Sound and had identified one person who never came back as having so many voices in him at the same Time….

Now recall the TEN U he gave me in exchange for Two Fives….

The codes are all posted right here and acted out…
which is what I shared was

QQ M.G…69 98 8 77 4

and in the bottom part

Q M.G…63 98 8 77 3….

I will post Sacred Portal 63… F.C…First Contact…

It is interesting to note that in my bio family, my brother born 69,
and an Uncle, child of my grandfathers 3rd Wife both go by the Name Nnamdi…
But of Course it is the Embodiment which counts…
Nnamdi O”Kolo…N.O…N.K
Nnamdi Umeano “Breathe” ..N.U… God of the Abyss.. N.U.E..
Both Align to myself because I am N.O!…
When I say No, you may think you have changed my mind but I really meant it… Yesterday I said the same No I said 6 years ago and for the last 10-11 years this play extended.


And now, finally to my conversation with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka today….


8:34 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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