
11/16/2019 18:00 – Facebook Post

I am Evolving Alone, in front of the Entire world.
My Body and Being linked to my solving a riddle which included passing through 64 Human Portals of Human Nature, stuck in a 3D Mentality of this Insane Diseased idea of Life and Existence.
And having to proove them of the Extra Terrestrial family line of The Elegant Nomads, and then give them a choice after presenting..

Evidence, I was forced to prove, multi dimensionally through a play of Nature as Time, in a Language of Logic and Reason in an unreasonable and prejudiced world view.
And land it here through empirical evidence after being placed in a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze in the United States.

Moving through the Sum Total of Human Existence Imaginations and Ideas of Life Beliefs: through an illusion of Time as Life and Death.
Existing here in the present, while Spirited away to all this dimensions of Human Expression of Cruetly, Violence Hate, Secrecy of Abominationable Monstrous actions, control.
And Evil as that sum total of expression of lies ( fed by belief and distorted ego projections which made their beliefs come to Life)
Then transmutate, transform, transcend, translate, transcribe, tranparently to langed grounded facts, empirical evidence, before a condemning judgmental line of humans, whom I had to retrieve the intel and data in them of their being Extra Terrestrial but also which would link me to the next Human Portal.
And all had to be done through 6th sense with out anyone really understanding or accepting that my expression was not fiction and that I was not insane.
While having to fight to get them to pay attention, and focus, on the facts and proof presented, that this world is a universal matrix and not real.
Without support, and complete isolation and solitude and alienation, betrayal, poison, savagry imposed by the dimensions of being allowed to exist and experienced physically by me without anyone seeing, then caring, all in a mentality chosen for their representing all the elements of the parts of Human Nature accepted as normal behaviour, which the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix and Super Computer has determined is the Source of Evil and why the entirety of the Species “Project” must be enslaved and destroyed.
At which I had to prove the Beautiful Truth of Humanity by proving Naturalness as The True Source of Existence, but give those who were once my family, the chance to choose E.
Evolution instead of Extinction which by thier actions & expressions, of those persons selected by the Simulation, through Divine Law, Natiral Law, Eternal Laws of True Existence, they evolve to D N E. LLL.. Love Light Laughter..
Or meet their E.N.D.
All by and through a set, and controlled play in their homes in which I must stay, until the Universal Simulation Awareness play decides I have resolved all their Equations and questions on human nature H.N and delivered the intel and indented the message and activate the D.NE so that the Seed of E could flourish or leave the host body based on what they enacted while in the play of their homes, even to The Point of The Script, The Game, The Process ( none of them the Orginal Expression)
prompts me to reveal myself as The Sourve, The Designer, The Creator, The Orginal Man without my orginal power which I had to rearn and with attacks on me sexually, physically mentally, emotionally psychicly, scientifically all based on the sum total of The Cruelty expressed by Human Nature intentiomally and unintejtionally, and play the Devils Advocate, the Beautiful Devil and even the Programmer of Destruction of All.
While being Sexually molested and raped by Death as Man and Woman claiming Supremacy and fight all my Family undercover to gain back my seat.

3:30.. 3:31 p.m

All the while enduring the Truth, Solid Fact of Evolving painfully all alone in front of the Entire World.
And no one taking it or me seriously, and those that perhaps to most simply taking advatange of me, my circumstances to use me to get knowledge and intel to use for their personal advantage, others not in the position to help but most too apathetic to really care.
Comfortably numb .dumb.

3:35 p.m right now is


Earlier Start:

2:33 p.m

Being Christ Consciousness
Being 33 Vertebra.
See Sacred Portal 33
“And D came to E, to Arouse and Awaken me from Terrible Dream”

K A-A. (P) A F. (T) B F (.S..J) A.F I
“11- Dopplegangers Ressurection of Perfection, Alien Father ( Trust/Truth), Best Friend ( Sacred Journey *(rep Stephen Johnson and name meaning)
Best Friend.. i.

At 14 79 Facebook Friends for the 5th time..?

See sacred Portal 14 and 79

Evolution of Consciousness and Blue Print of Existence.

Liberty has been out for a couple of days, leaving the Kids and our own to out own devices.

Today, my body really began moving, to the point that I opened my mouth in Awe and Stupefication..
Then I remembered..
Its real..
I am Evolving..
My Body Being linked to Being, solving the Riddle of the Body Linked to the Being but as Brain.
Body Being with the Bridge linked to The Brain.
: Instead of the Brain being the tool of Being which links to body.

How can I not forget, every one around me forgets, despite the obviousness of my condition.

There was no one here but the youths..
Libetys children
Farell and Reilly.
Arden and Joe their friend.
And Auriela who had arrived early this morning and not rejoined her mother; and her friend Jaden via telephone loud speaker..


A J.

Code F R. EE
Angelina Jolie ×2.

The Zero Float had done something to my body.
And something had shifted, taken place here last night when there were only 3 of them, then 4..
Now there is 5 and via tel 6.

All last night, I had to will myself from looking at the truth of my circumstances and situation

I knew from the mental and emotional agony and experience of the Shelter, Delta Manor : the Sheer Impossibility of placing a Man who had proven already my own and humanities evolution, to put a person in my condition, sensitive to sound, to unclean frequencies..
And to force me to play, proof through a bed number, room number play in a mental health shelter..
A Man who was undergoing Evolution alone, and who had been placed in such a role, despite being already evolved to Eternity which I had never left..
I had known that to endure and survive what no Brain Mind can truly compute the significance of and to do so would destroy my “Mind Body” to even acknowledge it

I had had to be dettached, look and act as though this was not happening to me per sey.
And that all the obvious facts that it was and is, I used in my interactions to advance myself in the play, while looking for away out, while creating through the Anger Rage of which naturally builds in me, to transform it throught the Tight Walk balancing act of living in those conditions at Delta Manor to peoples Homes and always back on Facebook.

The impossibility of my Experience could no longer be focused by my true being.
It was not a question of surviving, it was all about Doing.. because Lord Knows, I was not allowed to Be.. Myself.

One step in front of the other..
One day at a time..
Moment to moment, ignore the fact that my body was seemingly occupied,
Twisting unfurling in front of people- 17 years later, all the evidence facts..
And the Response.

I did not, do not allow myself to dwell on how I have been responded to, people who claim I rant, and complain, impatient, demanding
I say nothing, I persevere, I grit my teeth, solving the riddles, bringing forth the power through my solving responding to the script to bring an answer through this Story.which I know is impossible but which I pause to take in..
Yes, it is happening to me.

The Equations I solve work.
I do not speak much to my Core, to.my heart to.my Espirit.
There is no response to this.

A last portal Liberty C Liscomb
And 16 year old version of me as a reglection

The Set up.

The Absolute cruelty.
17 years of physical hell, muscles twisting twisted, limbs organs,
A house with 5 children,

A moment of balking..
No! No.. please no, no more..lies.
There can not be more..

4:14 p.m
But you saw.. you see..

And so I entered yet another play, so insidious, so cruel
A Man evolving alone and evolving awakening all alone.

I stifle my cries, I grit my teeth.
I smile.
I see the play,
I See peoples play.. the use of words actions
The cruelty of Human Nature
The Beauty of Human Nature..

Again I must chose..
Which do I do.
What decision.
I can’t take any more

I miss Emeka Being myself and not in a controlled experiment of how much can a Being endure the Truth of exposure to the Truth of Human Nature.

To escape, to leave ..to die.

To rage..

Tell Them The Truth!!!

I suffer silently, I surmount,
I sleep rest a few hours each day and then I rise each day.
I dissolve everything, the horror of my circumstances, the truth of my being and body,
I endure the constant betrayals, insults to my Spirit to my Truth, my words
The lies..

No one cares, is the fact I have long since understood, detached I observe scientific..
All care.at best can be linked to Self Interest.
To perhaps now fear..
Nothing is real.

But my yell of Pain and surprise..
I yelped.
The house grew Silent.
I raced outside 4 5 times because the Yelp was so astounding as the pain of my myscles stretching awakening from a death of ..

I use laughter, mocking.myself..
It almost worked.

What can they youth in the house do?
All teenagers 14-21 years old.

They did not have the correct information as to who this man was in their house.
Liberty had decided to dissmulate the information in her own time, in her own way as a Mother.
As a person.
Based on her Understanding and on her Truth.

Auriela came down to see, perhaps if I was alright or what was going on.
I was almost prostrate on the stairs
Stunned, but They Will Not See Me Like This!!

They will Not
None of them

Adult to Child.

I will play my part in this awful play..
But they will Not see me Like This!!!

None has earned the right to see me like this.

Where is Eternal Youth?
Beautiful Youth E?

Beautiful Truth
The Beautiful Ones..?

They do not Exist?

I called Arden after it subsided a bit.
He had a right to know.
” Its a play” I said.
I.can tell you about it because I am meant to and you can choose.

He chose yes..

Tell me now.




Then I remembered how I my lines..

I am evolving, I have been proving it to the world, made to.
My.body jerked me down and I was kneeling before him
I knew why…but I didn’t tell him why.

” Its involuntary” I said.
He nodded yes, as if even wondering why I would state the obvious.

It did it.again.
His expression was very serious.

4:43 p.m

It took.less than 3 mins.

I am in their house,
Only.they are present..
My yelps were so loud even outside where I ran.they could be heard.

20 mins in the bathroom- could not get it umdercontrol


I had hid it, controlled it enough to appear as a “weird interesting new friend of Moms”
An.Act A Play.

Today, it just exploded outwards
So I had to tell him my Truth.

“This is what was done to me even, after I have proved the truth of evolution empirically” I.told him

This is what this world has done to me, this alone in your home, evolving even after this amount of Evidence.. They went to far keeping this truth from the world demanding of me more proof evidence..
They went too far.
This is why I am so so pissed

He nodded.

Who was I speaking to..?
A 16 year old or Alien Father my Sum of Darkness

It did not matter,
I had done my duty : made myself available to the Youth the choice of explaining the Play

And to his Highest Self..
My Reason My Rage.

Of the Quiet Heart of Beautiful Pride of Existence my Soul Mate.

4:58 p.m

I.have a new Facebook Friend
A K..Y.

A S K. Y.

Y Father Son.

4:59 ..
5:00 p.m

Y Chromosome

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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