
11/16/2017 22:36 – Facebook Post

I have a new Face book Friend…

Welcome Angel H. Downs..
And I noticed that I am her 11 87th Face Book Friend.
And that I am 987 Facebook friends….

9 87…
Please see Sacred Portal 87… “Returning the World to their Senses and their Sensei’s…”
Yo.da… Luke Simon called me…
“Do or not Do, there is no Try”

Nasa qualifies the Milky Way as M.W87….

But I found on the interet that there are two products with that code found in England and France… E.F… 56…

/ Microwave Oven / MW87L-S… Micro Wave.. Oven..
* please recall the play with the Micro Waves… M.W.. And My stay in Hells Kitchen.. and then the arrival of Hurricane Katrina in 2005… 25… Letter Y…
E G A L A… X Y….1 O 11…. 3…

And MW 87 Y… which led to A QLED T.V…Samsung 8 Galaxy Phone, Gaming Monitor… Powerbots Star Wars..

Alien toys…

7:17 p.m

Ah, that reminds me…

Carlton told me yesterday, if I recalled my telling him on the day he showed my the “Imagine Dragons.. Thunder Lightening video when he went to check if there was any money the government owed him.. and how he saw that he did and then declared that I had brought him luck..?

I smiled…

He continued do you recall that you told me that a gift was about to manifest for me…
I said yes…

“Well’ he continued, “i received the check today, I thought it might be 30 or 40 usd dollars… but it turned out to be 717;00 USD”

I jumped up and slapped his hand with Joy, a joy which pleased him but startled him by my enthusiasm.

You said it, you brought this about he declared…
And suddenly I understood why when I came into the shelter Carlton sat and some people where staring at me quietly..
Carlton had spread that news…
He gave immediate credit…”Give Credit where Credit it due”
No one has ever really given me the Credit I have been long due, instead they take me for granted…That I do not know or am not aware of the value of the knowledge I have been sharing with the world or my own value and worth…

I had endured this for 16 .8 years in New York, and was the main reason I refused this mission imposed upon me and brought to my awareness by Prince Chidi Ejikeme in 1987 in Enugu and again by the Unseen in Paris 1993…
30 years ago…( I have 30 usd in my wallet right now)
I already knew how this world would treat me, and wrote about it and documented it non stop of Face Book.

When Tharwat arrived, and stated that his name was wealth, and the instant attraction he felt and which I acknowledged and recognized in its purest state, I knew…
It was after Tharwat that Carlton… Whom I recognize as the Earth Father Expression Round Circular born 1964…64/ 46…
See sacred Portal 64 Sensie.. and The Creator in Sky Heaven..

*I met Joseph Carey through a person called U.S…Alberto but Joe visited me at while I was staying at Sky Oak Speakers home in Park Slope Brooklyn 2002-2003 ( Code S.O.S…P.S…Fear of the End… Just as Geoff LaCour had met me while I worked for one day only at the night club Cielo “Sky Heaven” in 2004…
But just as I had choreographed my first Show – End of Year Fashion Show for St Martins College of Art part time students graduation at Heaven Night Club in 1990…

1964 is the code of my Sisters date of birth 64-65…
46 is the code of Lisa Natalie Johnson.. meaning they were evolving to that stage I had already incarnated, just as Nnamdi had as NN…The Twins…Now it was the Female aspect of him selves turn.
To rise from Non Existence, or Potential. since 64 and 65 are illusion…
Existence Creation manifested in the Eternal beginning at 86/68…
Balance was reached at 66… 6/6…=1.. 66…36 O… 9 O.. I O..
Isis Osiris…And the Manifestation of Earth Matter at 67…
See sacred Portal 67..”How far will you go for Love.. Truth..?”
wThat is.. was the furthest point… Because Existence Manifested as 86.. Infinite Harmony Fact…6 8 is the going Backwards which the play with Carlton and The 15 year old in Who wants to be a Millionaire was played out with Carlton answering the Question by going to the End, then moving Backwards instead of what the 15 year old did by going forwards…or starting at the beginning.. Carlton had started at the End. Which is exactly as I described Hindsight Foresight as…Going forwards naturally at O nothingness bliss while slightly aware of that which you are Expressing Creating as you go along and then in going backward through your reflections to see how you did it….
68….67… 66… Then into non Existence…6 5 6 4….Because Expression comes before Sixth Sense….Something Exists is already Created which creates a Wave.. W.A.V.E.S… Frequencies which is what Sixth sense Is….
Thus, 6 5 6 4…. 66 54/ 66 45… is what the Chaos on Non Existence in a realm of 0.. or Potential had to be aligned and manifested to…
Basically creating from Zero as in Non Existence… From Nothing.
Which you all observed me saying what the Devil is going on, that such a thing was being simulated when it is obvious to everyone present that Nature Exists, that it is impossible to go to a space where nothing exist…
But this is what this simulation created.. something which could not be because that ONE Action had already been done and can not be repeated.
But this Simulation manifested a play of that to…Whew… I am getting pissed.

Salvatore Mundi… sold for 450.03 million dollars..
April 5th was my brother Nnamdi’s Birthday…. 03.. C… 1O 11.. 111.. 3… C.I… Chukwuemeka… N.C…Is Me… my past… C.N..E…C…N.E….C..H.O…E….

4-5-69….Nnamdi… 11-22- 68 David.. D.N…
I asked the time yesterday it was 3:15 p.m at Delta, the exact same time I came back from Manhattan the day before and arrived at StarBucks..

8:00 p.m right now…

3:15 p.m on the 14th Starbucks at then on the 15 at Delta ..3:15..on the 15… 3 :15.. C.O…Outside at Starbucks was the 14… 3:15…14… C O N… N.C O…. 3;15 on the 15th.. at Delta… Aligned.. Delta means 4.. I sleep at Delta… 4th Dimension is within… It is an idea… potential it began from within and then became manifest outside moving backwards…
C N …3 14 15… Pi..3.14159265359… Lisa Natalie Johnson what time did I ask you to note on the phone.. was it not 4:59 p.m?

This out side world is an illusion..

8:06 p.m.

Salvatore Mundi…
Salvatore Dali… Figueras…Spain…
Salvatore E….

8:07 p.m.

Salvatore Mundi, Dali, Emeka… ( Dali the Boxer Dog I took care of in Istanbul for Jerry and his brother Jeff.. J J.. )

*Two beautiful black Russian Terrier dogs came in called Storm and Sophera… S S… One Lisa went to and cuddled called Storm… See X men… The other Sophera..

Name Séphora : Meaning, origin, etymology and all informations about first name Séphora – Whistle (for Arabic). Bird (Hebrew). And Flowering Tree…

*”Sophora is a genus of about 45 species of small trees and shrubs in the pea family Fabaceae. … The generic name is derived from sophera, an Arabic name for a pea-flowered tree.”

45… 450 Million….03…
Se sacred Portal 86… Victor over the 3…1 2 3/4

*”The Black Russian Terrier (abbreviated as BRT), also known as the Tchiorny Terrier (tchiorny being Russian for black”

Salvotore Mundi
Salvador Dali..
Salvador Eskander E.k..

Storm Sop-Hera… Halle Berry and S.O.P H..ERA…
S S…19 19… 38… and he has another dog called Charlie… C..
38+3= 41… DA…
Gaspar Salvador Avelino G S A…

After finding getting the time was 3;15 p.m I took a shower and then Will in bed 4-003 asked me the time, I asked Allen Murray he said 4:14 p.m… D.N… D.A D…3 15… 4 14… 3 is aligned to Day and Time… 4:14 a Story of Nature which is not even real in is the dream source at Delta.. coming from within… D.N E/ END… Sigh…
D.A.D… Watches sighing… Wake up.. its a dream..

Carlton continued, telling me that he took 600 usd ( 6) and put in the Delta Manor Safe ( P.S..Allen Murray bed 4-012.. D.O.R..Door Of Life… is 60 Years old…)
and then he decided to buy 50 usd worth of lotto tickets,- which I never do, I do not really gamble, but hey he said with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, “I just wondered how generous God was feeling”
I laughed…

He said he got to the 8th ticket and still nothing… but on the 9th Ticket… ( Ennead.. 9) He won 50usd!… E.O.. 9th -5/ 59…
I.E/E.I… 9 is 8… 69 68… 66 98….Diamond Hearing…
Angel H. Downs… A..H.D… AH…D!

..”I broke even! at 9.. he declared… 9=I…
And at Ten… He won again but this time 5 usd…
9 50… See the value of my Jade Stone from Heaven Elephant (Memory.. Enyiagu Afam Samuel.. from Daniel Maman 950.00 usd.. bought for 550.00…
105… 1O5… 6….

Then Tyrone, a friend of Carlton, and a mild mannered very articulate young man educated, very whom I was also acquainted with. And as Carlton recounted his story… I thought about the Equation.. 717… G.Q… Steven Colbert on the cover of the one I was bought as a gift from Jonn Delguidce ( Blackwell)… J.D.. J.B…
105… 1O5… 6….lh is the 6 manifested into completion.. The Orb held in the Hand of Leonardo’s Salvatire Mundi…The Globe.. B.R.O… The Rock Solid Full Circle…. 7.. 7O… G.O.. GO Antiques where I had bought the Elephant with Billy Hung…2012..about this time of year…
505… Ah that was the car I won Peugeot 505 I won in 1986, after winning the Designer of the Year award which I was cheated out of which none fought for me, and which my Uncle Charlie was not happy about because he had been given a brand new 505 which meant that what his father had given him, I over ten years his junior had won by myself….

S.C.. Steven Colo Bert…
South Carolina…The Total Solar Eclipse ended there from Oregon to South Carolina… 33th state to the 8th…

* I just observed a Woman carrying a Bag with a Woman painted on it,I recognized it immediately – Sheba.. Hipployta…

*”Queen Hippolyta is a fictional DC Comics superhero, based on the Amazon queen Hippolyta from Greek mythology. Introduced in 1941 during the Golden Age of Comic Books, she is the mother of Wonder Woman and Donna Troy, and queen of the Amazons of Themyscira.”

sI had noticed that my Locker Art Installation which had that picture of the Sheba I found at Taylor Ave, and had covered with a beautiful Eurasian Girl then with a picture of Joaquin Phoenix as the truth rep of Man.. J.O.A..QUIN..Quin means 5.. J..O.A.O.A..Quintin bed 4-006…My neighbor…That one of the Male dolls had fallen last night and this morning her Face was seeking to peek out making the other images fold…
9:04 P.M..
94.. I.D… A Fictional Character still fighting me…
See the Amazon.. Linked to David .. IgnatIo David.. I.D..
Figueres Spain Salvadore.. Door e Dali…
The power Chord arrives Tomorrow- I figured that out already because Carlton who is in the highest harmony so far in the play spent 600 usd of the money leaving 117 usd…117/711…K.G/G.K.. Linked to Me.. Keith Grant…Dette Grant…Seven Eleven…
Wonder Of Woman… W.O.W… A.Q.. Anamla Quayin who sent me the message given to her in a dream of a man, who then in real life gave her the message which she did not know what it meant and sent it to me… last year D M T P K 5.. her Meme was the Grim Reaper… G.R… Golden Ratio… Moi…
11-17 is tomorrow.. 2-11-17…2017… 37… 10.. 1O…
Linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson Amazon
Carlton told me the company which sent the check was called HIP…
I worked on a show in Istanbul with Clio Fotiyadis in Turkey called H.I.P… I had gained the contract and asked Clio to join me… It was based on Andy Warhol A.W…
Lisa Natalie Johnson complained on her Hip today…
My hips have been meddled with- my pants keeping falling down…
The correct code is Hera… Harmonious Era… Wife of Zeus…
and Mother of Alexander the Great Olympia… Hera Olympia..
9:17 p.m.
I.Q…H.I. P… HI.. Plan et…Harvey Irma… Meddling Stories…

Wonder Of Woman… W.O.W/M.O.M….My Mother… Wow is me.. awe.. Lisa was aligned… Lisa Levine I met her friend Olympia when I was there in 2011..12… 97 Green St… Green Point Ave…

I then noticed that the way we were seated it formed an equation I was furthest away and Tyrone sat near Carlton.. but it formed E.C.T….And then Carlton asked Tyrone his year of birth… 73…and mine… 67…64…Ah, my sister 64.. The first born in my bio family and my brother Oboom the last 4th… I am two… Emeka Nnamdi.. Steven… 3…
Nons 64…7-28… Booms 5-20… G.. the Plan as 7O…and He as E.T…And me… PLANET… PLAN E.T…

Then Lets play a Millionaire came on, and Carlton alerted me, I have enough on my plate, and this was not my play… but I listened to the question for 7000 usd..
It was a language fictional which had 4 possibilities A Mavi B StarTrek..Kling on… C something.. D Star Wars…

The 15 year old was there again… He broke it down so did Cartlon.. I said A… but then it could be Star Trek..Klingons.. but Carton said Klingons…
The 15 year asked the audience, he had already won 50.000.00 which he said he donates all his money to charity..
Carlton had just spoken about the use of money to enjoy life.. to give but to also enjoy… The kids response was annoying.. he asked the audience help they said Navi.. Avatar…
I knew after a moment when they said the expression out loud..
It came down to two responses in the end A or B…

I knew it was B from my codes… but it was not my play and I chose to say A…
The boys logic was great but he went with the crowd.

Carlton stuck with B… Kling ons…K.O…
He was correct… he just commented that the kids logic was correct but he chose incorrectly…

I turned to him.. but you got it correct..
50,000.. Is 5 with 4 0’s… 5 4…
5 4/ 4 5…O… Salvatore De Mundi…
Carlton Father Earth as the true Physical…
Being 54= 9… Ten… 50 5… 5 O 5… E O E…

9:36 p.m
i… 360…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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