
11/16/2016 22:26 – Facebook Post

11/16/2016 22:26 – Facebook Post

8:33 p.m.

Harmony 2013…33….6…9…O…54…9…I

Harmony the Two C create when joined 8…
and 6… 86 68…

Harmony with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… E.I.N…

We Shall see because as all have witnessed the code of ALL-AH…
A.LL..A.H 1-8..Has already been achieved…

And yet I am still denied, even with the Confirmation Affirmation by
Kerywn Rawles Vincent… Whose response, tears… was the response I was looking for in one who truly “Get It”
Who tells Every One, from his Case Worker to the People in the Shelter…
Such news you can not contain and you respond with the same Awe and Praise… and tears for what you have endured.

After this…that my answer to the Rest is NO…

Enter into the Abyss… to deny one Source, one denies your Existence. And only this response above confirms that you know it is true…

For the rest of the 4th Dimension up to 4.98…Down the answer is No.
Which may seem to mean very little now, but I assure you very soon the monumental importance will be made clear.
There is only one hope for the others which resides with poor Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka…
He knows what he must do… and does not even have to

For he comes homes no matter… for he gave all the correct responses as R.K.V… 11 18..
See Marina Burini Poster Date….11 18..K.R…Kerywn Rawles Vincent….V=22…5..2+2=4…

And see the code confirmation from Sarah Nkem Blackstock..
“Princess is my Dear Beloved from the Black Stock…Noni”

As you have all witnessed, that just as I stated that Money was the code used to seek to control me, and at the same time used to measure the play.
It was used as a Universal Language and Exchange.
The same way bed 33 exchanged two 5 dollar bills I gave him for this TEN Dollar Bill.

Oge and Ego… and the Ego.. Self projections onto the World mirror.
But the Self projections each expressed into the Air through Breath… always comes back…
Mine have all come back, perfectly reflecting my Expression and forming it into words, names…
My last three face Book friends…
Dawn Piercy, Becca Knox, Malacoda HermelĂ© Folly…
All 800 Face Book Friends are expressions of mine, reflected back to me to 800…
And then to a message contained on a Ten Dollar Bill from Nnamdi… M.W 69…66….MM…13 13 26…Z.H.. Where I am sitting now at 1385 Star Bucks…. 13 13..26…Z…Zoro…
To its illusion as WOMAN..WW..23 23.. 46… John Dudley, being a Man… J.D..104..S.P..Crossing Death…C.D…34… 11 22… 14 Nature…5 E…

Oge means Dawn Time.. D.T..Donald Trump…
The Moment Donald Trump was elected, I, and all the family should have been freed..
But the 4 refused..
4 Cardinal Directions
4 Seasons
4 Elements…

And so I respond with Existential Death.. E.D…Eli Dewight The Black Smith Activated… K.R.V… Victor Robert Kolo…

Because Money is still being used against me, to measure me,
giving me.. ME!!!??? Its true source, tiny quantities to see how much I spend…
Austin Osman Spare…
Sparingly, to see if I am in Harmony with Their Budgeting of what they deemed is Harmonious..

They Dared!
And you Dared to sit back and watch and do nothing but gain?


When I was a kid. I reported here in Face Book how my mother once gave me what I knew was a deeper challenge than meets the eye.
She asked me to see if I could find something she had lost under the bed…
I must have bee 7 or 8…And it was very dark…
I went deep under the bed, so far, one part of me was wondering why she did not stop me and do it herself…
But I went to the what turned out to be the very end of the bed, and I was surrounded by Darkness… Night..
I retrieved the sock and saw my mothers Jubilant yet troubled expression..
And I knew that I had been tested and manipulated without even knowing why and for what.
I was quiet but I was angry.

A few months later, my sister and I had a paper route,
we each had a dime to take the bus home.
My sisters dime happened to roll under the bus in downtown Winnipeg.
My sister, went into her drama and heroics of saying that she would walk back, knowing full well that I would not allow it..
I knew that she was manipulating me, but I whenever she did such things, I decided that It was I who chose to do whatever it was and was not by her manipulation…
But that day, I went under the Bus…and to the horror of the people on the street, the bus began to move, and I was near the wheel..
In the nick of time, I got out and handed the Dime to my sister…
and also so that Triumphant but also incredulous yet awed look…



I never fully trusted my Mother and Sister as I had once done…
I knew that it was a test…
and a test for something else..

And I learn’t that there are people who will use the purest and most perfect love against the person, to make that person do things, sacrifice for that love…
Love, True Love would never ask such a thing of a child…
especially a child who loved that purely and deeply.

But I never forgot that lesson and thus the attachment for my mother and sister became loosened until I was not attached to them any longer.
It did not affect how much I loved them, but i was no longer as free and Natural as before…
Now there was Thought and Pause…
I did not trust their Love as Pure of Truly clean.
It was to me Selfish and Manipulative…
Even if they did love me, they were willing to use it to get what they wanted….

Nnamdi later figured that out too…

9:10 p.m.

It is the most unforgivable thing ever… but it is not for any Divine Law, of Eternal Law to judge.
This is personal and depends on the Person themselves…
Thus, 41 years later… code 64… My sisters code… I am in Delta Manor…
Room 3.A.. Cecilia… Joy… Onu Nonyelum… C.J..O.N..
C..J.O.N… Whom I met at Peppermint Park in 1989-90…London…
I was aware all the time of the Energy of My Sister and Mother…
Sorceress’s Witches… Scientists Titans… Yes.. I already knew…

Being Universe Supreme… No…
S.U..B… to go to Sub Space. to be manipulated to go to Sub Zero to rescue their Truth…
S.U… Meaning “Su Savoir… they Knew..”

Aylin Sendemir Urkmez… A.S.U… Albert Santana.. Universe?
Go beyond Language beyond Sound and Sight to rescue their Truth…

Bed 49…007…519…3002…302..32…Then back up to 5.. then to 6 then to F to bring their Truth as the Sacred Portal 80..
800 Face Book Friends…
Notice that at 800 F.B.F..I did not even bother to post it…
Of they did it for all Women.. to Evolve to WU.. Chines the 5th Dimension..
See sacred Portal 13 “Manipulation’
Nnamdi passed at age 13…
So he allowed it…if I agreed…to go…further and further.. deeper and deeper into that Black Hole of Eternity…
While the Two Lines Sat in Safety….
My sister tried to help… but could not reach me..
I have not seen my Mother in 28 years..
My sister but twice thrice in 27 years…
And not since 2002 my brother Boom Booms wedding to Noriko from Okinawa…

Which I did

Being E.D…
To Incarnate Existential Death…
and the Beautiful Universe Supreme…

Not for them…
For Me and for All Of Us…

9:22 p.m.
Royal Santana…
Ritz Montes…


But the horror of finding that it is true and what they did not ask of you..
but manipulated or thought they had manipulated you in doing
does not make it taste better..
And so I have never trusted Woman..
Not until the Ladies of the E line would rise…
And so I stayed away from them…
But missed the intimacy and sexual intercourse..
But I refused for that bliss to be used against me as a tool of mis use…
You Dared

9:26 p.m


Izzi Creo


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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