1:28 p.m
Its real…
So real and true that this is really the play of the Awakening Evolution…
“One pure voice heard in the Depth of the Sea”
That all I really do, is bow my head and weep.
But I am in a Shelter the Depths of the See, posting from the Siren Logo of Star Bucks cafe.
Its real.
Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis
Look at the code of this name… Of my Face Book friend…
Sunshine…. I passed through with Billy Hung and Ravindra Singh, Ft Lauderdale
(S.A.O) and later Erik Ebrights portal Miami-of the Sunshine State 27 th state.
999…and met Izzi Creo M.H.M…I.C
I passed through the portal of Shinto- Japan.. Samurai…
Green Glowing Orb over Okinawa.
Jade Ford
And through the portal of Star Gate Atlantis… In 2012 at Forte Lauderdale not Miami which was the realm of Nature and Evil Spirits…
This is confirmed with the Atlantis Portal of the Western Union, aligned to the Mermaid Logo at Star Bucks by Dewight Smith.
1:43 p.m.
The Portal Star Gate out of the Universal Simulation is the Bottom of the Seven Seas…
Acted out by John Shaw…and Marina Burini she was reading the Doc in Monaco and he at the Loft of Tom Truman, his brother with me…
( Jaime Grace’s Austin Osman Spare .married Shaw… Code meaning linked to the name Shawna Marsh… Delta Ford is Marsh land..
1:47 p.m
That is the symbolic geographical equivalent of the Human Subconscious and the Seven Sees Sight as 7 colors in a Rainbow..
Link Facebook Friend Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel…
To Music, from the Human vocal chords
Do re mi Fa Sol La Ti Do….
Reflected in this world as Delta Manor..
Where some people end up, in a Mental Health Shelter, because not only do they have no where to go, are not wanted, or are so desperate to be housed.
That they pass through sleeping on the streets to Assessment Shelters and then sent even deeper down the black hole of being worth nothing…
– More so applying to them selves but more applicable to me.
So deep because now are they deemed worthless or at rock bottom by society and even their family friends and children but also ” not right in the Head”
And to live with knowing of neither being worth being Seen or Heard, are made invisible and a cautionary tale.
This is why I am here..
I went that deep into the Abyss.
*See James Cameron’s film “The Abyss”
And that is the Black Hole Sacred Portal 66 I am have been making and proving my way out of..
And that is how deeply the Governments buried the Truth of First Contact.
Of the truth of area 51.
How deeply Humanity buried the experiences and knowledge of the Beautiful Truth, for fear of being called crazy and ostracized, isolated..
Or not to be disappointed burying in their subconscious that it becomes “Forgotten” to the conscious self completely.
It is the portal of Existential Death in this world but the portal home in the E Consciousness.
A beautiful pathway road way transformed into a horror….
I can not even describe any longer what I am seeing feeling understanding each day.
2:12 p.
I have been so focused on the Beautiful Truth being Supreme- and though aware of the Horror of the last 15 years, since O knew it was a lie, an illusion… I could ignore the meaning and implications of where this road has led me…
But after the rising of the Sensie in me literally before the guys in the shelter,
To meeting Dewight and Kerywn…
And the riddles and equations I have been endlessly stored solving from the recent Dante’s Inferno and transforming it into The Divine Comedy, then deeper, still
to Austin Osman Spare work on Automatic Writing and Drawing and transforming it from A.O.S
Back to its reflection in the Skies “Cielo”- Heavens S.H…C.H…to S.H.E… And 38…
And Being Automatic B.A…
Room B.. Keith Grant…bed 53
Who linked with Donna O’Sullivan
D.O.S… Operating System… O.S.. AO.S
To Marina B’s Silver Mac 7031…
*Kevin Grant…. A.O.S.
Isla Grant.
Back to S.O.A….then S.A.O.
E.N…Emeka Nnamdi…
S.A.O…R…I .. E…. 18…9…I.
C.H.R.Y. S.A.O R
Brother of Pegasus
Golden Sword…
And now 33..
2:33 pm.
Linked to Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
Who I met when I was at the Bean Cafe with David Phillip Gil- ( D.P.G…4 16 7..the past a story) who recall I saw him rise from the depth of the sea as Aquaman.
Aqua Mentis
To the Heavens at what seemed myself standing in Mount Olympus- “Enu-Igwe”
E.I…Sky of Kings.
Amit Dhawan.
We were on 17th Street.
Nnaemeka was 33.
See the meaning of his name.
Emeka’s Father that something from the ancients the way (RD) which was not lost”
And the ten dollar bill given to me yesterday Bed 33 just a wall dividing where I sleep on bed 32.
Meaning that we are near me finally.
Is marked with IO but could be Q’s
And it reads or is marked
QQ then G7…M.G. 69 98 8 77 4. U.F.R.A.N…
Bed 35 Paul C.E
Centrine Paulson
Eduardo Paulo Salvador
Maurício Paulent
Paul Gborie… P.G
Pauliclenio Felix Azaleia
And on the bottom.
Q M.G…6. 39 8. 774. A.F.U.R…..A.F…U.R.
/R.U..E… FA
But now it has sunk in
This horror
This lie
This Path and Journey is..
Was Real.
And I feel Speechless
Drowning but not sinking
Rising with this truth.
And I want to nothing but
Be alone
And weep.
2:55 p.
Peace Bee
2:56 pm
Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here