
11/15/2020 20:30 – Facebook Post

11/15/2020 20:30 – Facebook Post

3:55 p.m.
C E E.

Knock Out is attainting Knowing O the full Circle has been attained with evidence facts proof and the Echo Confirmation from the force and source of Creation.

A-A-O TT. B O- B O.
AZA is a Full Circle which creates resurrection @ Pi. 2020 Perfect Vision and Hindsight Foresight.
Beautiful.. Bella… Belle Vue.

Pan O Rama
Pan D.A.
is the rep of the O.H.
B A … P.H. O M E.T.
B. EAU. T. Y.. Full.

*Recall the play @ the Met… With Rob Barr in 2017?

M.E. T.

Filled the Full Circle with Expression which created Energy and which then diversified to manifests as facts.
Nature as Creation.
The Expression of Naturalness’s Expression.
Somethingness. N S…
Sum of Everything. S O E.
From The Source of Everything
– Which has been constantly challenged as this Source being a man.
Designated and conned by his Spirit Existence called my Awareness and Best Friend and first Love.
And so the dance which led me to Arden age 17.

8-29-2019 was the last Examination Test allowed to Test created to demonstrate that truth proven in front of an audience and with actors representing to the truth of E Family and the lie of the E Family.
It was the Script created by A to prove his source is E.

And for such a test by N evolving back to E via A.. Awareness.
My E Spirit was with me and I was aware of his presence even in the Womb.
This play made me prove this and align it to a script of a fetus baby Jeron Satya S Lang; 5 months in the mother’s womb at 29 Lincoln Street where I had been taken to by Stephen Esteban in 2018 November December to 23rd September when I was rudely “Kicked Out”
– A Favor that I return in Kind.

It wasn’t my having to leave, I had coded it and was dying to leave to get out of the state of living in homes of people and this play which had promised me that at long last, that I was going home and thus no more conflict with people I was sent to, to share the beautiful truth.

A Baby then 20 months old and 17-year-old Beautiful Youth.
Jeron and Arden…
This is what I was given after almost 19 years in this play… now 19.8 years S H…
Serenity is Harmony.
To be Serene.

I was yes, astonished that even after the play of 900 South Road my 64th portal and of course my Expression indicating to my Awareness represented by Arden and my Intent represented by Jeron and completed at Aurelia Leander Christopher.

Linking Awareness Beautiful Truth to the script of Beautiful Youth.
B Y T S.. By the Source of Being and the Y Chromosome ( Y-ESHU A)

Youth and a Baby.
Y B.
B Y…
The Script demanded that I prove the E Harmony and E Family.. the E Conscious via a baby and a youth and me, representing Evolved Man, Youth, and a Baby.
E M Y B…
B Y M E…
The Source of E
M= 13 S O E… 19 05.

I had felt that once I had completed the impossible play of proving the harmony of a baby ( Prince Charming) and a beautiful youth age 16..till 17.

Pandora Quartz

It was an impossible thing to ask, demand but that was the script which Arden confirmed with the Carton with the code in detail including the code of A G… 48 and 8-29-2019.
That was the date which I moved to 900 South Road- with the code 56:56 given to me over the phone.
Anne Mack advised Liberty.
I was escorted by John Mack ( J M) and Audrey Klebanov ( A.K..1 11 / K A H… Kim Arthur Hinds… 11 1 8
Elizabeth Hinds Davis E H..D..) who had asked John about the code 58 he kept seeing and John brought him over to me.

So I knew that the force in Arden who had placed Jeron in that carton was telling me what was actually going on and that the test of the Identity of The Source of everything came from him connected to Jeron and the S L part of his name was linked to Jeron Aurelia.
Aurelia Jaden.
Supreme Love Slays the Lie.
L IE../E.I.L..
L I E V / V E I L.
and thus Rip forever the Wall – The Veil.

On July 21..22 I moved the play at 900 had become intolerable, unbearable little did I know, that even that was set up… I understood that it was a play set up based on expression and response.
But there is a point that even with the script aligning to that movement – it is always a choice by the Human Avatars Descendants to chose consciously ( after being so diligently informed) to no go too far in the drama of their response.

I was made to leave the 23rd with is letter W, meaning two V not just mine as E.V but his hers as A.V.

Through a play of the Sum of the Source and conflict growing with the Adult representative I had been led to, as well as the Truth of my body not able to tolerate the lie and especially the sub current of intent hidden in their expression – proving the truth of how the human body clean and refined picks up every since Thought Feeling sent out by people who truly forget or who go back to their bad habits of challenging contesting, twisting words and setting you up to prove you are not who you claim to be.

That evil in human nature… the lie.

Provocation… Anger Manipulation to get whatever they wish no matter the cost to everyone around them…

I had never encountered such a mentality before, that which is fully aware and acknowledged the truth they were privileged to witness.
People whom I was led to connect to, all against my will because I recognized each Avatar Descendant sent to me and knew what they had each done in their past incarnations.
Why was I being made to walk through a story which Chris Franco had already testified to when I met him again at age 21-22 after not seeing him in about 13 years.

It was to get evidence of the reason why this reality and species must go out of existence.
And in the worst possible way- because they were not real, not real Human Beings.
They are walking embodiments of the lie.
Evils true Nature as nonexistence.
But it had to be proven using all the colors of the rainbow as energy points Solfeggio – via beautiful expression B E conquering the lie of being in existence which is the lie… and proving the Beautiful Truth.

I had felt that once Liberty who had tested checked, fought and fed me in what I knew was not her home but a set design in a script with all the portals and people already set up for me to pass through since before and after the moment which I was born.

The same play operated for all of you, which is why I am constantly startled that in the end “My brothers did betray me after all as Geoff Lacour had written to warn me… and instead of moving me to code 22.
Sacred Portal 22 – which established that it was not about sacred portal 76 anymore, or even sacred portals 110…
118 but now moved to Sacred portal 22 – where the Evolution Awakening is linked to the First Being who had manifested the Sum Total of Everything from the Nothingness called nonexistence here in this realm 0 Zero which of course does not exist – nature abhors a Vacum.

0 is actually the shape of the Cosmic Egg.
Zero is Z Zorraster ERO.S..E
Z is 26..= 8 H.
H E R O S. E…
Rose… OS.E… Osee Spirit E…

H E R O S E E – A.
A H.

It is only while I was compelled to move via a play of Esteban calling me on Independence Day.
I D.
Impossible Dream…
and the code of 111 x2 USD and also given to Kim Arthur but without the person being aware of the code he was creating – meaning only the person Higher Self was in Harmony because if they were linked, connected then the Human Avatar Descendant would also be aware.

Humanity as Childen had only one responsibility, and that was to themselves which was to simply be clean natural … Children represent the Truth.
They do not Lie… or represent the embodiment of the Lie’s vibration.

And the play has already proven that the Children are the beautiful illusions ( B I AT E 001) of Energy Truth which once they have embodies naturally the cycle of 18 to 21 that they are no longer children and can no longer be excused for acting without Aware Conscious Expression.

All Humanity has evolved to the E , no more use and dependency on others and especially this nonsensical idea of being God.
Playing God, when they have no idea of what is god and even when they do, as proven they deny it and usurp his her authority…

I am still reeling from the Dared.
I was there at 29 South Road in true hell, as to whether to take the 111 usd 222 usd and run and even to leaving my body…
I had been lied to, over and over again, how could I even trust this ( which I do not )
when it has the power to change the script.. or better still prolong it to a point of driving a person .. The Source to seek ways to leave his body a play which began in 1992.
A I -I B…AT E 001.
Where for now, 28 years latter, one finds One self constantly moved to leave ones body, not out of despair but by the sheer impossibility of such a play – made so private, so quiet and muted yet so foul and vile… that it is stupid to indulge it and better to leave the body which was foully and cruelly connected to the Bodies of all…

There is no word, to describe the mental Mind game and psychological war fare I have witnessed and experienced with full awareness, nor the impossibility of someone having been forced by another Expression and Energy to navigate such a fundamentally insulting set up.

I left Esteban’s Stephens Grandmothers portal and his on the 23rd of October.
But after a play so shocking, selfish and via a play “I am going to Kick Emeka out” spread around and then in manifesting in a way so vile, all because someone wished to get his.. her .. thier way no matter the cost and constantly denying responsibility but using the nonstop excuse of blame and playing God- The Judge.

I defended the Truth of this person and what they were representing in a script which designated this… how can one trust a script where the ones you are sent to are encouraged to insult the one they have actually called Satya … and The Source.

Which created a script where foul behavior, disrespect to others behaving so badly, setting up The Source..”I am kicking him out” is aligned.

I coded him, until I was sure that he was safe from the wrath of the furies which in all honesty he or that line deserved, but I did it because I knew the beautiful truth of the man who had made a contract with his Higher Self.
H S.. He Sings.
But once I left on the 23rd with many of my things left at the 29 street space.
And the situation he had created,
having endured a temper which went back to the first telephone conversations where I listened to a person have the gall to berate yell if he did not get what he wanted.

hat same verbal abuse from beginning to end.
the provocation non stop, the reason why violence came into existence by beings so disrespectful to the truth experienced and witnessed and who will never own up and take responsibility.

of course, I said no, but as Liberty who was denied entrance so was he, and then both allowed a last chance- not given by me.
What was given to me was to Esteban to cross over… but if he does not transform then the moment of the Evolution and Awakening.. he will cease to exist because that character, and since babies are only children and beautiful youth in the 3 D is 13- 18… 21..22.

July 21st-22nd to establish 8- 29-2020 Vision
and left October ( Octo 8) having established harmony with Arden and Jeron A J… 1 10 over and over again.
And since Jeron never came to 29 South Road while I was there because of an expression by Liberty about Arden and Autumn Smol where despite the seemingly innocent expression a relay of it, I could hear very clearly the true intent of that expression.

5:56 p,m
5:57 p.m.

I refused to indulge the play or this idea of the material need of these people’s contributions which in truth all came from me as The Source E passing through all their portals.

I wanted to see Jeron of course, and Arden and the kids but the play there had become so despicable to me, what I really experienced witnessed saw… understood.
The work done and the plays use of people to show me ingratitude, to set me up, to call people on the Phone.. Self Preservation..
Set others up before they call you out.
Work gossip defames, behind another’s back whom you called the Source.
Tells he children lies and they two L A calling you out – these beings who in my worst and most vulnerable state I was made to fight for…?

And then the Voodoo and no one taking responsibility for thier words, expression or the truth that a force of evil is moving through them because these people still reach for that tool.

And this was all allowed and then repeated with Stephen.
L S…S L A Y… The Silly Lay man.

After all the work done I have coded the ones I was able to still prove their harmony but I have no desire to see any of them or any one from the past ever again unless they are transformed even the ones I had to prove their harmony.

I can not bear to be around such beings even the ones who proved thier harmony and who will transform and rise…

I have the memory of their play- it will never be forgiven or forgotten even if they transform- what they played out will never allow me to trust or truly care if they live or die terribly.

My duty was to only MY SELF.

No one else.

6:09 p.m.
Nnamdi/I D .M A N N…

6:12 p.m.
F C.

I am currently at 14 92 Facebook Friends.
Kim has joined the K C C Tour organized by Kamora Herrington K H/ H K…
TEN Days.

I am with Jea.
And I am aware that I am being kept here because I am being used.

When in natural harmony, I could not see Liberty and the line she represents I could not see Jeron and Arden and such a play…To prove our harmony 8-6-2020 last time we made contact.
H F TT… H F A…/ A F ..H.
And then realizing that Jeron not being in the place I met him while in his mother’s womb and with his Father – Thomas Lang.

T L/ L T…20 12= 32.. 5
5 Months “Oven in the Bun”
5 is E.
22 is V in roman numerals.

* E V… E 22.

Kim Arthur Hinds 100 gave me 100 USD.. offered 200 but that was too much… I required only 100 to eat for how long…?
10 days… a week… welcome to my world of Surety and Confidence constantly undermined by a response of Uncertainty and Insecurity.
In Secure of their Truth and Importance to me and this Evolution Awakening.
E A.
J E A.
E K & J S
E V K & J L S


I already knew that as
1 10 A J.
had been aligned to me as their Source as Arden

Autumn Smol
Morgan Fred.
A M S F…
Awakening Manifests
Feelings Sensational.
Yes Hue’s A.H!

All Me

A J… 1 10…
11 2 Beings O.. OO 7 in 1.
111.. 3

100 is C in Roman Numerals.
1 10 A J F…K… Windsor Tree Sage gardens planted trees on the border…

10 Days…
K is 11 10..
Kim Jea.

Does it not appear that I have been manipulated and maneuvered and manipulated to not only meet Jea Stewart but intreact and “Do The Work” with her.
I have food, I can buy the basics, i have a bed, and desk and it is probably the nest room I have lived in since coming here to Connecticut because it is literally mine and in Kim’s space where he has his own room.
I can engage with people, or go to my room and the two people I can engage in speak only my language and the same wave.
They have manners, grace, are all tired, quiet, after coming through a long crazy journey where Kim is still dealing with his Queen play and thus, the only one who left here for ten days..
While Jea and I have just come from traumatic emotional experiences of Bruce Lee’s “Enter The Dragon” E T D.
E Terrible Death.
E.T… Death… David… Devine .. Divine… Jack and The Bean Stalk.
David and Goliath… The beautiful version where the Human Youth and his Genie Vast Self, merge into one.

Where you pass through the Hall of mirrors which is the long gauntlet of your Self Projections reflected on mirrors doors showing all the Expression of your life and what they created… your carbon copies on a mirror.
And how you have to pass through all of these reflections mirrored and smash the lie of you, the expressions you corrected, and the ones which are true.
Your evolution, until you reach the Beautiful Truth and stumble at last from this Long Tunnel and the long Stairways to arrive in space of Darkness as space filled with Lights of Epiphanies you have here with these heavenly bodies rising awakening in you because you have reached your true expression Universe as Harmony Harmonics.
1-7 7-1 you have traveled through Color back to Sound Solfeggio – you have understood and mastered via Will Pause and Self Discipline to reach 8 8 Harmony Inside – Outside… Space O to AH.. AW.. Awe…
As Below as Above.. A B A B/ B A B A..

Esther Uzoma
Angela Marie Alexander..

Inner Outer.
I O.
96 USD right now in my Wallet.

See yesterday’s post.

7:06 p.m
4 messages and 8 likes.

I am reading what is taking place from “The Bridge”
Head Quarters of the High Tower
Eiffel Tower.
Twin Towers
in One
E A J E A…
E A A E A.

Captains Bridge
Space Craft
Star Ship Enterprise
Evolution Awakening
Manifest Destination

Oh, I know exactly where we are.

See Kim’s … Tree Sage’s post in the Clouds…with the Door.
Cloud 9,
See the meaning of the name Neil. meaning Cloud.. Champion … Passionate.
Neil Armstrong… Arm Strong, not Strong Arm… Arming..
Armour Shining
A.S E.K.
Branch Bra Arb Tree Branch of the Tree of Eternal Life.

H E -A V E N…S D O O… R …I E.

H D…8 4?
D H…Divine Harmony.. Light…
Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer bringers or Light… Love Light Laughter and Lightness…

L 4 Square 48
Luminous… moon pearl.. waves wolves howling at the moon.. tides.. Change….
L 5…60 J S S L..

L 6..( L F Leander Ferrill)

L 7.. Leander Gemino “Man is Twins”

And so one can see Reason logic.. order and harmony in my conclusions and the response from something which has moved me, within me.. E T Sacred portal 10.
5 20 E T 52 25 E B…E T Extra Terrestrial 52 25 .. 77… 1.. 14
114 Usd yesterdays..

Sacred portal 100. C in roman
* BI AT E 001 / 100 E T A.. Arden I B E I N G..H.. I B A T E T C…I E.

10 Square is 100..
1 10 100 1000
1000 is M.
100 is C.
10 is J.
1 is A.
E is A and A is E.

M C J A – E.
E – A J C M..
E A M…
E K.

E AWakens himself…. His SEL F..

7:29 p.m.

At 14 92 FaceBook Friends.
3 Arrived
I will show decode the response from A LL A Y… as E K

I then had to prove

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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