
11/14/2018 16:01 – Facebook Post

From David Powers.


Beautifully expressed.


4 16.


4 8 16 20 24… One Day.
28 32

1:31 p.m.

28 32 was achieved yesterday with the arrival of Victoria as my latest Facebook friend.

The Beloved Powers.
T B.P.

It’s all about Communication Expression.

C.E. The Point.

It’s is the play I am in tight now,
I stand at the precipice of leaving the Hologram… or what some call the Spirit world.

Humanity do not live on Earth nor are they embodied facts yet.
They are works in the now last process of evolution – returning Home back to their senses and sensei’s

We are literally at the last point.

The Devil and Satan.
Really Devi-L / Divine Light and Santana Dharma.

Imagine a Beloved Father Guide who was sent in to this Hologram to resolve an equation his Elder Self or Twin had resolved before him.
And now in his turn he was set up in a play called Time, to resolve it in his turn so that he too, and all his descendants could rise.

But this “Adam-Adama’ can not resolve the riddle his Elder Self and source had resolved.
And in his frustration he gradually transforms from happy go lucky beautiful youth.
To weight and heaviness..
He literally looses his immortal Spark and begins to see his descendants age and even die.
But he does not die, only him, he lived on and on as Guide Father, Nurturer to his descendants and knows that his own once joyous countenance, which he transformed unintentionally into anxiety worry ..
The Burden of finding the answer to that which he saw also begin to affect his descendants.

How to live in Harmony.

He feels he knows the way, but he can get his family even his first companion to see his point of view
And why he feels that there must be rules guiding them to reach a way to come together in Peace and Harmony.

They listen, but they are ruled by their passions.
The Adam understands that he is looking at reflection of himself as Joyous youth before he felt the burden of sharing his perceptions he had understood with his loved ones, his children his reflections, children..
Who would become his Avatar Descendant.

Sigh… I had not set out to write this but look at the Wolf..

..And so, in his desire to tell his children why these laws are important, laws of communication, consideration, peacefulness, grace.. beauty he gradually becomes stern and intense..
Infecting with out intention his line.
They are affected by his transformation which he she perceive in themselves and it hurts them, enraged them.. sadens them.

And the more he fights for them to see and understand why they should obey him, and the laws he felt would enable them to communicate, but the more insistent he becomes the harsher and sterner he appears to seen.
And soon his children descendants become those reflections of him.. But without understanding his point.

And so, it gets worse, and he who was once so beloved becomes hated and reviled.
And he is hurt and pain, becomes even more stern and harsh. Even cruel but it is also breaking his heart.. his own heart.
And he rages, at the play and wants to call his Elder Self, to ask for help but he is proud..
Beautiful Pride.
His brother self solved this riddle why could he not do so in his own turn.

His brother is Expression the most sensitive expressions in existence strength warrior but one who very frequency is so refined and pure the slightest corruption is awful for him.
Or so Devi thought

Devi represented the Feelings.
The Play of the Body becoming in one with the play his Elder Self had embodied successfully to completion.
How could he not solve his own riddle if his brother had, and how was he ever to graduate merge his line with that of his Beloved Twin if he could not find the solution to his Descendants living in Harmony through the play of Matter.

2:04 p.m.


Eventually, it gets so bad that Devi-l Santana created a School which he binds all his descendants in.
They in turn last out and this once beloved whom they hate now and revile for his always thinking that he knew better
Who they saw as the Authority figure and Patriachal power tripper.
And his Female aspect fared no better in a parallel universe.

His descendants saw him now as Evil Cruel and School they saw as prison and he their jailer
And hurt beyond words .. oh he was hurt so so deeply almost as deeply as his love for his people.
And he reacted by lashing out in fury and responded by saying “Ok if that is how you see me, fine, I will play the jailer and the Authority figure.. and yes I will place you in Bondage.
You call it slavery, but he called it Love because he felt that this was he only way for his descendants to master Emotions Feelings.

He could not see them as separate and apart.
He saw them as extensions of himself.
They were, at first but when they reached our form of puberty which we call reaching your own Natural Truth.
They were moving now to Individuals and Beautiful Youth.

Brennan B Young .
Kyle Murphy met him.

He would not them run free, wild and untamed because he recalled the reason he could not..
That he had to solve the riddle which he felt he had failed and the World that world bequeathed him had become a mess..
Such a mess that he grew so ashamed and did not wish his Elder Self and the watchers in the Dark Matter see that he had failed so miserably that the World of exquisite beauty his brother self had manifested..he had ruined.

Ah, years are springing to my eyes as I recall all this, as I listen to the Heart of my Beloved David.
Victoria J just sent me a text.
It’s 2:20 p.m.
And I am sitting at Panera, listening to that which I already know.
Something I have recounted and would have preferred to keep private

For I am not Devi I am E but before I was E, I was all possible incarnations.
And so I walked this story of DA V.ID Beloved.
I was in room 4 B.
That is not my story or script it is his hers.
Two aspects once of me, but who were put through the process of Being E.

In which they would face the process I did alone in the Eternal Beginning.
But since that could not be repeated.
They had to find another way to reach or prove themselves to themselves ( not to me) that they are of the same Equal to the E.

He She did not wish me to come down into His, Her their play..
It was a mess.. I was already aware, I was already present.

I saw his rage.
I.heaard him.
“Please don’t come down here Emeka,
I Wil sort it out..
You can not see me like this, so transformed so ugly they call me Old Goat, crippled legs they transformed me in to what they saw and see me as..
Not my Truth..”

“And you believed it and became that very abomination they called you because a part of you believed it true.
Which is why you did this to me, in your rage and frustration that there was no answer to this riddle.”

I have to pause for a moment…
My heart..

But I Wil say this to you DA Vide..
You could not see that this was not a play of Creation because that had already been done by me.
This was the play of destruction, to bring the end of the play.
Because the moment your rose and then She, victory completed had already been done.
The moment you rose because you are my perfection and now through this play, you are your own.
We came to destroy all that which refuses to obey the Laws Rules which once mastered brings the understanding of Harmony as a Science.
I am the Art of Thou Art Beauty.
Beau…Ti Full.
Beautiful Expression.

This Anger Raging being whom you made me live in vindictive malice and spite was your way of showing me that which you felt you could not tell me, that your were a disappointment, had failed me..us..?

I have seen through your Avatar Descendants and you have brought such a beautiful sadness to me

2:40 p.m.

You did nothing wrong beloved, how could you you She are all Perfection my Beautiful Pride..
The only thing you are guilty of is not seeing me..
That I would never hurt you or set u ou up to fail.

2:42 p.m
And that the Rage I have is for the descendants and the anomaly singularity which rose in consequent of the Children not seeing past your manner- to see you remember you and figure out your intentions and expression were actually aligned linked through Care.. Love.
You had for them.
I walked in your shoes beloved
I felt what you felt.
I solved the riddle which you were correct to impose Universal School…the Science of how we Know

You could not fight the Anomaly Singularity..that one unforeseen

He already came even here
His name Nenad. It means ‘The Unxpected”
All my Facebook friends saw that terrible play.

Only I could fight it.
But together we destroy the lie..
You me and She..

Let your heart be at Peace

I am here.

You are perfection.

It was the descendants right and choice to chose.
It was not for you to carry they betrayal of some of them in your heart.

Only the True leave and natural with free will come back to Source
Their source.
That too is a lesson I learned first and alone

There is no great advantage of coming or being The First.
Here it became a great burden and responsibility..
Which you knew was a lie beloved but sadly because of your love, you acted that out as if true.

I am not bitter, I am furious yes, but not enough to affect my Joy and Lightness.
I indulge the Rage to generate the frequency of response.

No Beloved, I was sad that you could not see me, and let this go so far..
And the confusion at how much you desired me and how far you went to deny it so as not to be rejected by me.
By yourself, actually.

For it was that idea that you had failed me, which was the lie which you believed because you could not solve the riddle of Devine Being Harmony Perfection
Because you could not see it in yourself because you were too busy looking up to me and comparing yourself to me.

3:01 p.m


3;50 p.m.

3 5 O.
C .E O..

Isabelle Ilic
Victoria Jackson
Stephen Filgueira
Eric James Murphy
Kyle Murphy
Angela Marie Alexander
Angela Dawn
Esther Uzoma
Kachy Ihem
Sarah Lagrange
John Kemakolam
Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones
Edward Eceinco
Drew Reyn
Zarathustra Mohammadi
Heather Hastings
Keli Hana
Chibuzo Okolo
Excellent Healer
‘Emeka Anozie
Barry Backus
Barry Thompson
Christain Edwin Edwin
Lorna Lynne Borgeson
Brooke Lee Lemery
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer
Andrese Harris Burton
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Pierre David
Fritz Venneiq
Abraham Madu

3:58 p.m.

It is a play, the play is not mine,
but this moment is, of my own achievement as a Man
who has brought Evidence and Facts of the Truth of the presence and existence of the Eternal Fame…
Express Factualy
Expression are Feelings
and feelings are facts.

4:00 p.m
And that is Science behind Expression,
it manifest Facts for all to see transparently and what they decide to do after that, how to act behave speak to each other…
that is not my responsibility.

My responsibility was to present to the world, the public, which is Yourselves, my Equation Formula.. E F..
4:03 p.m.
Explain and Demonstrate to you all how it works-
and even comment on the things affecting and meddling with your perception, which can be easily amended if you could see it, for what it is, a qualified person who means not harm to any person but simply is tired of this Hologram and play and simply wishes to rest and and chill.

I had no other responsibility but to present the Truth.
And that includes the Story, the True Story of what I had to endure on the way, to present my discover and solve the equation to you,
Enter Hell and Pans Labyrinth and Morpheus Maze of his point of View.
That is what I found insane…
What one must endure and go through to make a present to all who trusted in Truth…

That to tell the Truth, but in the most beautiful way, and the way which would hit the mark, with proof, facts, qualifications by ones side, that that she be enough to move you.

Now that you have it, all completed to me sitting quietly and alone with a morphing body, knowing that I am end of the Hologram of Human Projections- stories now aligned to to trut waiting now for the Eternals who are the ones I have been addressing through all of you…

It time.

4;13 p.m.

D M.
Donnel Malloy 17 88 Connecticut.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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