
11/14/2015 17:17 – Facebook Post

From Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka

I have a strange story to tell…

I too concurred with Nenad M. Djurdjevic”s question about the Date…994..

But something just struck me like a bolt of Lightening, I had just gotten of the phone with my youngest brother who is not very happy with me, I dare say for very few in my bio family can come to grips with this path I am on.. its is always a sad thing when those who are blood, are the ones siblings can nor see you clearly…Though, I must admit 26 years is a long time to be on a mission of another realm, including the difficulty in accepting such a possibility when I have seen my siblings only twice in 26 years…Or that you have been Spirited away to another realm. From the Realm of the E conscious to the Spirit world of the NRI and had been fighting for them, and the world…Nor did I have the words and evidence at first, to explain my absence and “Wandering” life style. But we always believe that if we have left a trail of Truth behind us, that at least our loved ones would investigate our Truths…

I have not spoken to him since 2O13, when he flew to New York to see me with my cousin while I was in Kew Gardens…
And I sent them back without seeing them because, I could tell that they were in a different State of mind which could harm them if they entered the space Billy Hung had helped sponsor…A temple…

Anyway, I have been trying to call my Mother, whom I have not spoken to in almost a year- it has been difficult but how long can a Mother who has not seen her first son in 26 years, because of a Spirit play and to quote her, “You have been fighting since the day you were born”
How can one increase that pain and hurt, over and over again as She witnessed through Gossip the complete assassination of my name and existence through others..

I never believed for a moment that my Life would be taken over by a story of NRI (OI-Nri) and three Visions I had as boy of 8)

It is not about understanding, because A person may understand the facts but sometimes the Truth is to much to bear- just as the Truth of the number of years which has passed, and the reality of this experience…
A literal facing down a entire World consciousness- and paying an unbelievable price for something you were ‘Elected” without your consent to do…

Anyway, I called and called, and even though fully aware of the play and that right here at Jonn and Donna’s home that I am also aware of the codes here are all linked to the dimensions of my Mother Brother and Sister…
That I have been fighting in Ancient Amawbia and Ancient NRI solving a riddle in a play where all three of their Spirits had been held hostage…
Or that I have been walking in the spirit world since 1982 when my brother passed away and had to figure this out myself.

That I have been in the play of Universal Nature, a Shaman Dibia Magician breaking down ancient and hidden knowledge of Spells and other things, “Black Magic” walking the Streets and Homes of people wandering as a Shaman, turning fears on Knowledge, a Science which I have been decoding and posting and sharing with the world…

A Shaman while playing an English Man in New York..The Elegant Nomad…

While at the same time walking on the path way to the Consciousness of the E realm which this world suspects exists but have not ever experienced it..

Yes, I have been walking for 26 years through the Spirit world while walking the through the Streets of the World, trying to figure what has happened to my life.

To have no one believe you, or wish to believe you because the Idea of such being possible, despite the evidence, self evidence creates the impression of “Then Why Exist, if this can be done to a person?” Which is what many clean people feel..
To fully belief me, even though they could see, I was telling the Truth, would bring them ultimate despair.. Or so they thought…

But I understood.. in this case, my case, the Truth was too awful, to be seen as true.. It was better to make my expression seemed Far Fetched…

And there is no greater sense and experience of Existential suffering than this..
When you understand why, no one would believe you…

To literally be cast out of the Lifes and Minds of people you so loved and cherished had dreams of doing things, building things together with…

I myself would not wish to believe, that there is a power which could do this to a Human Life..

That is the Ultimate suffering, belief me, holding onto a Truth, a Beautiful Truth while walking through a Hurt alone, for 26 years…it is a Hurt, beyond belief not by those who abandon you for holding on to this truth..

It is the lack of Trust done to a person who never did anything to earn such a distrust…
Butt what is truly that which is to me the most unendurable, is returning with the evidence, the truth in codes, explanation affirmed through Echo and few wish to pay attention and instead you find your self fighting everyone to Cee the Play the Evidence which a Force beyond Belief is obviously forcing you to share and will not relent from creating excuriating pain in ones body, life existence for telling Its Truth…

And Its Truth you find is not the Whole Truth,

Yes, this is a Story of 26 years of my Walking through the realm of Nature, to get to the realm of E…
And I had no choice, I could not fight the Beautiful Truth which this terrible Truth and rage of the Dead, this Shamaic journey which my Cartesian mind for a long time just could not accept, yet my E-Spirit or E.S.P…or 6th Sense knew it to be Truth and even my solving the riddles breaking the codes by myself to assure my self that what I was experiencing was and is, real.. That this Force knew that that is exactly what I would do…

Just as I knew that I was being manipulated to call, my brother when I could not get through to my mother which has never happened like this before..

Nor could I not help notice the Correlation of what I posted yesterday and solve about my brother as as Alberto and David, A.D, yesterday…

Yes I knew I was being manipulated, even now…
It knew that I would fight the Ugly Truth of what I am really going through, by expressing and transforming it into the Beautiful Truth..

It knew that no one would believe me, or want to believe me until I reached the home of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…

The Dead End..

it knew I understood what It was doing to me..
and how well it knew me…

It knew that I would Fight for the Beautiful truth because that is the One Truth which surpasses all the Other Truths experience, which turns all these other Truths which create rage awful cruelty violence….back to Light by solving its infection by the lie of perspective and focus…

It knew that in this world of matter I was alone, and it was the absolute power, but not over my pesonality my character and the truth of my Being..

I have been in an experience in Ancient Nri in the Spirit realm in a 3 Visions or parallel universes experiencing Excitement, Discovery Wonder, the amazingness of it.. While fighting a Tidal waves of Human Despair, betrayal anger all the negativity…
I have experienced and witnessed and journeyed and understood things which some I can never ever speak about…
Which can not and should not be spoken about…

But I have experienced the Rage Beyond Belief of Universal and Nature.. the Unseen as I walked in 3 while in this world…

Yes, even this moment is set up…

A.D 994…

This is the Intials of Amit Dhawan of yesterdays play, as well as the inintials Akil Davis the real line of my Fathers and Sensie I met in his home on Green Street in 2O12 and where I began posting from.. Where I was instigated impulsed to begin addressing the world on Face book..

and 994 are the three last digits of my mothers telephone number…
Which I had trying moments before which prompted me to call my Yongest brother to enquire about what is going on.. even though I knew that I was being manipulated sett up in a play at which there is nothing you can do but grit your teeth and bear it.. let it playy out, master the awful feelings it inspires in you, then see its Beautiful Truth rather than its Awful Truth of what is possible and allowed to be done to you…

A.D. 994…I. I.D…

ADONNA-I.I.D…. Identity.

A.D..1 4.. 14 Is N…NRI…14 18 9…



Examples are the Identity… of E..
Personality God Head

14 18 9
See Sacred Portal 5…99
59..9….59th Street..the 9…see sacred portal 9


14 (N) 5(E)…19 (S)…1O.(AO)…ao Agan Nakan Demon…
5×9..45…(D.E) 9-2O…9=I, 2O=T…IT…
A.M.I.T…Amit Dhawan… s

see meaning in Sanskrit of Amit..
See sacred portal 84 and the Demon behind the Couple..
See sacred portal 28…And Hermes the Messenger behind the couple…
Dhawan means “Messenger”

A.D 994 my Mother..

A,DD A,,,(ADA First Born Daughter my Mother)

AD NRI Kingdom…(N.K..Nnamdi Kolo) 994….I.I.D.

See sacred portal 99 and 4..
99 is Victorious Warrior Victor…
4 is Raine and Regin of the Goddess and Infinity Rain…Harmony

4:17 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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