
11/13/2015 4:30 – Facebook Post

From Alex Reyenga

Ah… It is a perfect reflection of Where we are in the play…here on Facebook..
Where I had promised that Evolution of the Human Being through Expression and then Consciousness E.C
Code name represented by Elizabeth Clarizio
Elizabeth Kolbert E.K…
Elizabeth Palace….E.P…

*See Brooke Elizabeth Erler
And Then Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

That by reaching an understand of the the 3rd Dimension C…Mi mi mi.. ROY Yellow actually being Gold..
and the 4th Dimension R-Green….
we reach merge the 3D to the 4 Dimension through E the 5 Dimension which is literally the 5th Element…ROYGB…Notice I have two Face Book friends with the name Brooke Elizabeth…B is the 5th Color..5=E..

Notice the Evolution of Brooke to Elizabeth…C..K…P…a code of my Initials
Chukwuemeka Kolo Plan-E.T…
but also means Consciousness of the Doppelganger- the parallel universes 11 =1…are Really one…

B.E.B is a Question Be E B? which was played out and then moved us to
B.E.E….Which was linked to Donna O’Sullivan on her Birthday by a gift to her Husband..
Then the played moved back to Elizabeth Clarizio who was the first Elizabeth to appear as my Face Book Friend…E.C..5 3..

5th Dimension is Elizabeth meaning ” God is my Oath, Vow “Do not take his name in vain…meaning of his name is Mot-Tom meaning his Word have twin meaning and effect on the Parallel or Unseen to Seen that they are linked..
II=V=I…and are one… So to lie or swear using Expression Energy has true consequences in a parallel universe..
Link the Movie Tomorrow Land…

It also means God is Abundance – Wealth, and God is Satisfied..

Clarizo means Bright shinning Light Clarity to See, not a blinding light…

Hence in this my Face Book friend is the code
E.C…5 Merges with 3….create 8 Infinity Harmony..
Expression =Consciousness which created 5+3= 8..Harmony Infinity H.I
3 x5=15…which is letter O, Perfect Symmetry is Harmony.H.I. O
1+5= 6..Sixth Sense called Common Sense and Sensibilities Sensitivity…

By merging to playing Fields (U.F.O)
THE 4th Dimension Green
and 3rd Golden (Yellow..it is really Gold)
these two Dimension represent the Physical realm of manifestation
Golden Sun Shine Consciousness..
Green Life Lightness, Consciousness…
Golden Transparent light..
Basically the Parallel Universes of I I
Body and Being
Both carrying the Akashic record contained in your D,NA and the knowledge that is must transform to D.N.E… Wings…
The records of Being symbolized by Space Time is Action movement here in this world through Time and Space…a temporary Beautiful illusion..
And the Body as the Stillness which is at rest but in motion..

The body has 7 Chakrahs
so does the Being…
G=7…Y= ROY A Trinity=3= Cee=Golden…(Yellow Brick Road)
Green =G as 7 as well as being the 4th Wave Length

3-7.. 1 O…21 Letter U…21 Plus 1O is 31 as well as 22…4..D
4-7….11..28…1 28 as well as 11 28… 39 as well as 29…29 = 11 18.,29 1.18..19..1…C.I..B.I. A


This is the alignment of two Cees…from 3-7…C.V…ROYGBIV…
But then to 4-7….D.V…
but to make them one as both the Body and as Physical matter The For Elements… To transform both bodies then
C must merge with D…Which I called the Compact Disc the C.D..
The Circle and the Dimension Square Root…Voice Box…
5th Chakra…
Meaning to merged the 77 chakras of Parallel universes of expression into one,
777…comes from the Expression from the Solfege do re mi which can only come from a Human voice evolved to the E consciousness and the understanding of 6th Sense CC two Cees expressing the Fill circle o of perfect Symmetry in all things and it must be expressed through the 4th Dimension called the Heart Chakra and its the expression of the Heart which is the Light C of Love..

The 4th and 3rd dimension has it original template even if it is mis translated by human consciousness…
It has has there waiting yet not waiting to be activated by a Human expression, Voice, whose expression from the the 5th and 6th are both one…56=11.1…3O..4
654..321 OH..

Once this is Done, that patient original template and blue print becomes activated but does not reach completion until 3+4 “Mi Fa” M.F are aligned
MF if you look at my sacred portal is sacred portal 54..Mother Father..Masculine Feminine M.F (* Whom people, not the true play have linked to Morgan Freeman and even to people projecting non stop that idea that I resemble Morgan Freeman…I don’t but strangely when I moved to the states and found myself doing this work, my face began to morph into resemble Morgan Freemans!..of course it is peoples power of projection based on a universal Model they have been given via media and films to identify with…
Morgan Freeman..Morgan was born June 1st 1937… 6-1-37… Fa! 4 Note 3-7.
He is 1O Years older than my Mother so he could be my Father… but he is not..
Morgan is a Welsh name meaning ‘Bright Sea..See..Cee..
note the Word Bright again appearing in the puzzle.
as Erik Ebright
Clarizo, Kolbert,…

Why I mention this is I wish to establish how this reality Holo deck works with the inversion of parallel universes in which the Material realm and Consciousness seems to be confused as to life mirrors art or art mirrors life… Or better still that the energetic realm as well as the physical realm are influenced by Human thought…

Nothing can be further from the truth…
first of all they are one…Life is Art…LA! Sixth Note Called Expression 6th Sense..

And HUE Men beings of the 5th Dimension influence Everything and it is this Expression from beyond which links 77 to 14-5…and to 3+4 (C.D) To clarity of 777…Which comes from expression which comes from the Fith dimension where there is the Being Body BB Linked to 2 2 22 =V=E
And Universe 777..21 U..C

E,C Elizabeth Clarizio…which then creates .H.I..O..E.H..M.D..q
Quantum Leap… 17-12..29…11..18..1 9…1O…Because there is no such thing as 10.. Zero does not Exist and the shape of this Zero is an Oval which is not the Symbol of perfect symmetry equality equidistant…

And thus Alex.. Alexander Means ‘Defender of Man” and a Man is the being who understands how to Express himself which is how and why Lady Echo, the Body the Being the Universe responds and the body transforms through Expression Conscious…
literally vibrating for lack of better word on the Wave length of the 5th Dimension at which Everything in 77..14- N..Nature- 1+4= 5.E. 777..21 UnIverse (N.U)
53..E.C responds in Harmony..

Just as this post you brought to my attention… which you can see brought forth this proving..

Why the Explanation…

Well it is to establish which is the Source and which is the reflection…
Who brought who into Existence..

The Originator or Source or the Original One is the One who can Explain how it came into Existence…

Please be reminded of By brother David Roman Nicholas who showed me the evolutionary end result of his body.. He had the literal outlines of wings which just as the movie Transformers displays but on a biological level he could bring forth and then put back and be as an ordinary body- car…
He showed me this way back in 2OO2…

it was a secret only because I realized later that he told me he had shown no one else but perhaps one other… because it had to be proven into Existence or explained…Or he would be seen as a freak.. I also witnessed his pale body glow luminous…

And so for 13 long years I have been explaining that which has already come into this Existence, neanining David Nnamdi who recognized me from Beyond was also a being from Beyond…From the future present right here waiting simply to be explained because Humans require explanation and the Step by step break down of a process or they go into fear..

My body, also David had warned me would experience the same thing..
We have the same body he drolled..
Perhaps I drolled back but I am 4 inches taller…

And all I asked him was would Hurt..

No.. I had already risen once physically to a height which drew alot of attention in 2OO2, but I did not have the experience of the Wings,,

Oh it is there David Told me after all, I was the first Born twin…

What he did not tell me was how much it would hurt when it sought to rise and this play which required its explanation would last 12 years, almost 13 years to complete.. the proving it into manifest being when in truth, it should have happened in the blink of an eye when I reached age code 35…C.E..

But the Transformation was this time placed in the Hands of the SHE understanding my expression proven before the entire world while treated like a Bum but undercover as The Elegant Nomad…T.E.N…55..B.EE
E.C.V.I.K…My intials

E.C.V,I.K..I NG…


Zeina Hanna

Spear of Destiny..
I began my Conscious journey into Dark Matter in 1989…

Wingmakers 1998…

Wonderful to see that what I have been proving into Existence on Facebook has entered into the Mirror reflection this Holo-deck called this World but the source off it as all which is beautiful and rising in the World it source is not here..
It came from a Expression Conscious Harmonious O.H.E…

James means ‘Usurper Supplanter’ U.S
We the E. line Universe Supreme
Gala-xy I,C 11O1 are not the Usurpers
We are GA LA XYZ 1O-11/11 O1
Of others Ideas..
You are because we have proven that you are moved by a Source from beyond
even to this Face Book play
and yet I have watched observed experienced over and over again when I call to attentions peoples Harmony and posts, and its alignment to a play from the 5th Dimension how each one over and over again takes credit for a play which they had no clue until it was pointed out.

And then to add insult to injury, they deny challenge and lash out when you give credit but only for what they have done while being conscious and aware..
Which is what Donna O.S..represented in this play..
as well as I because I played the S.H.E in a male body and guided and expressed right here the process of transformation years before I met Donna…

The Chosen One yes…
but the Choice was left to her if she wished to pay attention…

And so the Quantum leap comes from me and the Source Supreme also ME..

Sacred Portal

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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