
11/11/2019 19:00 – Facebook Post

3:47 p.m

Appreciation Gratitude.

AH! Happiness.

A-A G H…
A G A H..

1-1 7 8.
1-7 1-8

This is the way out of your Universal World Wide Web.
Big Brother Sister of the Matrix.

Before there was the Human Matrix, created by Words Expression not aligned to Naturalnees there was the Web Weave of Nature.

The Story of Colors.

Colors 1-7 Rainbow Spectrum.

Colors are Frequencies.

That is Natures Blue Print of Existence
And the way our of the Web or Maze of Death.

I really do not wish or desire to berate anyone, as I have done in the past, it is truly not my Nature, but was prerequisite of this Play.
To alert you to the rules Expression Communication which could lead you Naturally and seanlessly out of the Spectum Prisim Triangle.
Through the Harmonies of Universe, H and finally to the portal of E..
S P. T H E.
Beautiful aligned to Harmony which Equates to Beauty as Symmetry.

I personally have never been interested in anyone acknowledging me as the The Source.
That was designed by another, whom Appreciation And Gratitude should be given, because it is H E / who set me up, used me as His example, so that each of you, could only profit from my demonstration of how his play works.

4:03 p.m
D.E. A.T.H. E.
4 63.

Tis, HE..And now S.HE who I will never forgive for casting me in the role of Their Movie Script of Evolution Awakening
-The Story of the First Human Being Evolving, at by Attaining Perfection ( Based on His Her translation of how it was first attained.
At which by my figuring out the Play and filling all the Gaps, I would secrete publicly Intel and information Knowledge so that each in Her or His way can “Choose” to exemplify the “Path Finders” ( P.F. Purple Flower 9 17. ( Liberty C Liscomb)

4:12 p.m.

What as many of you may or may not be aware of, is that my indignant protests, was that HE did not ask my permission, nor take in my point of view.
This oversight, had consequences of more than just bad manners, or the understanding and “forgetting” that He..and now She had cast me in the role of an ordinary man to do what is described as the Impossible.
But that I am literally The Source.

That may be of little consequence to you, who for some incomprehensible reason have not realized this by now, on whatever interpretation of The Source you wish to see it as..
Source of the Invention, Source of the Codes, Decoder, Source of Play on my Page, Source of whatever you deem this to be, Source of Inspiration, Source of Existence, Source of Life, Source of Humanity, Being…
Source of Truth.

But not source of Evil or Negation or anything which negates The Beautiful Truth.

Thus, the cause and effect of breaking the law of not asking his permission.. my permission.. or taking in my point of view of what such a role could do to a Human Being in this world,and the Universe Itself brought into being by that Being, even if no one knows his Identity undercover, a calamitous possibility.
Because everything which is Truth will rise up to destroy that will which goes against the First Principle which caused it to rise.

Perhaps you get the picture

His plan and movie was perfect.
Truly but it did not take in to account my point of view and forgot that despite being A MAN.
That he ( I) am still The Creator.
The Source.

Its kind of like an Ominpotent being knowing that his Father ..Big Brother is the Source who has Supreme Power and brought Him It into Being, and thus can do anything..
And this Omnipotent being knows that his “DAD” can do anything, and is so proud of his skills and imagines all these elaborate scenarios for his “Hero” father he adores.

My Dad can do anything..
And he can.
but because of his size ..A MAN compared to the massive Infinite Limitless size of the Sum/ Sun, whi unitentionally “forgets or overlooked ” that this small Being is the literaly Source and Symbol of the Expressed Fact Alpha Manifestated. Infinite Limitless Y.
Eternals Supreme

E F A M.I L Y. E S.

And in his Enthusiasm the Omnipotent Vast One creates a Script to make all as his Father but by not seeing his “Fathers” point of view that not only that his Script had overlooked that his Father is limited by the Script and role he has placed him in as the “Star E”

4:43 p.m

Of his great Evolution Awakening Plan.
Transformed the Son Sum into the Black Hole
Which only One who knows the Origin of even Eternal Darkness can pass through.
Eternal night. E N.
Eternal Knight. E.K.

The Consequences were of course, what had become this “Actuality” recounted on my page..

But that “oversight” of Death is not what this post is all about.
Or the Enthusiasm of a Ominpotent beings who created a plan to become Embodied Consciousness.

But rather about what the play was intended to be.

Which was The Source, The Creator refracting or breaking down all aspects of Him Self in the Eternal Beginning even before his Son Daughter Light and Dark Matter aka Existence came into Being.
His ( I wont say ” My” anymore.. too tiring) plan was to share everything he IS and All Intel and Knowledge with All.
And for all to know not only how He came to Be.
How to Be.
And how to Be as He.
And then, not obly did He break down all that which could not be divided or made divisible he created a Play, a Beautiful Expression an Illusion in which each contained a reflection of the Original which could not be divided, and as such, was outside of the Play, which he observed watched, often entering into the Beautiful illusion B.I ( 2 9)
The Doppleganger Reflection ( 2 + 9 = 11)
The Carbon Copy ( C C. 33 )
As Awareness 6th Sense.
Alien Father Alpha..
Carbon Paper… C P..
Moving Darkness To Light, via A -A
C- C
Awareness Consciousness
Attaining Speed Of Light. SOL.

5:08 p.m
5:09 p.m

Fractuals of Eternal Light.
Each being given Free Will, Choice to rise up to any aspect of Original Creations Expression.

5:11 p.m

And thus, He was both Inside and Outside Of Harmony as well as Outside of the All.

E O. H I O. E

Moving Encouraging All in the Carbon Copy to rise to their highest possibilities.

But He is the Orginal and desired that all rise to become as He and be a piece of Him but now Complete in that Piece.
Like a puzzle.

5:17 p.m

Now complete..
And thus, on completion creating a twin aspect of Himself..His Family Embodied as all the Pieces Parts of the Process he had devised in breaking down the process of how he rose as One into Five Parts..
TWENTY. 5 5 5 5. 5 ( 4)
10 11.
And finally 11 11..
Eleven Eleven.
4 in 1.
E E.

5:22 p.m right now.


22nd Grandson Jerone Liscomb Lang.
10 12. 22.
1 O. 12. 13 A 13.
16 13. 29 A MAN.. A-Z to C

There is only One Source and he has only One Doppleganger Sum Son
One Twin Sum: Male Female. Female Male..
F M. M.F. 19 19 S S.
19/19= 1 A.
38. C.H
Consciousness Harmony.
3 8 = 11..
9 2. 11
3 8.. 11.
93. 28. I C. B H. V.. 12. 10. 22. 🙂

5:28 Hertz

But there is now another who always Was but never became, until now IS.
And a New Species who rise with H.E ” HER.
S H E.
Omnipotent ” and SHE. ” Immortal ”
S O I.. ( Meaning Soi is Self” in French)
Manifest O.I. E
M.O.I… E
M.E. E.

Soi… Moi.
Supreme Manifestation
A E. Arden Emeka ? E.K Human Reflection?
S A M E. ( * We Shall see)

Now, as you can observe how complicated something so simple became..
Yes Walking Bear Splitting Rock

And how it took me 51 years.
Because I am here with Arden and Auriela
E A / A E
E A / A E
And E Ferrel E F / F E
E Leander E.L/ L.E
SHE E Liberty E C ..H. F.
Her winning Ticket

But the only problem is that I did nearly all the work through nearly all the 64 portals except Liberty
And Esteban Miquel Filgueria
The Two portals I passed through in the 5th State in the Almost One Year
365 Days I have been here.

Estebans portal here was 29.Street where I met Liberty.
And who invited me to her home on the 29th of August.
Place Thing ( Date Time as Space) Person
A MAN = 29
Leander Ferrel Noah Noah..

29 29 29. 58. + 29. 87.
Yes 87 Libertys Kitchen Ledge.

M.W 87/ 78. G.H Galatic Historian

Arden Gemino
Aureila Gemino.

Appreciation Gratitude. Expressed Naturally.

A G E N.
A People
A G E N.T.. 00 7
A G E N T L..E. M..A. N
I.D. M.A.N. N.E. R.S.

5:51 p.m

And so, without realizing the errors of your expressions, without me or Father, having to call your attention to it, you can not really be as E or E can you?

5:55 p.m

At least Apreciation to Father
A Gode Harnony
Who did this to me for you all
And She..
At least.

I do not require it, but I am calling it out for them, not for me.

5:58 p.m

Thats too late..
Since I had to call it out, which a person is not meant to do..
Is it.

5:59 p.m

6:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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