
11/11/2019 16:05 – Facebook Post

10:51 a.m.


Now, see the time and the date.
The Time Code T.C indicates where we are in the Play.

I did not say to myself, I must post at 10:51 a.m, rather it happened naturally.
You can’t fake it.. and that is the Nature of the Play.
It was never meant to be an Enders Game of Thrones, but rather, A Play of Perfect Timing
( E. G.O T. A P. O P..T. ” Attained Perfection;
( StephenJohnson..Sacred Journey) Full Circle Symmetry of the PT..Point, Perfect Timing: Hence the Movie Liberty C Liscomb own Perfect Timing chose to watch
Sphere which came out in 1995.)

The difference between her play and mine was my Awareness.
And my role with her representing the 29.11 years ago when I reached her Portal ( 8-29-2019) when I began my journals of Literally “Talking To The Silence” T T T S.
TT The Script T= 20
20 20 vision, ” Eagle.. American Eagle, Perfect Vision, ( P.V. Purple Violet 7th Color) and not the year 2020.
20 20 20 19 = 79.
* I am currently at 14 79 Facebook Friends: Sacred Portal 14 ” Evolution Of Consciousness” ( E.O.C), Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence” ( B.P. O E and her Age code 43, aligned to 43 44 years ago when I wrote the Story of the Destruction and Restoration of the World” in 1975- 1976 age 7-8
Her portal linked to Andrew Bartiz, Galatic Historian. G.H.

M.W 87. is this realities classification code of this constellation Milky Way
Corrected by myself,via logic MW 78/87.
And by Logic and Reasining as M.W 69 since M is W inverted, the same way as Sight and Vision, which we do not see with two eyes, rather we see and percieve through our 5 senses in 1..
Our Third Eye.. The First I.
Feelings Sixth Sense.
Expression is Natural, Instinctive? Inuitive? No its more Harmonious, Harmonics H 3 lines One I because we existed before we arrived here or were born. We travelled from somewhere outside of Universe Nature as Creation.
We passed through Harmony Harmonics Music.
And then we entered the Mother Womb.
( M.W and journeyed through the music for 9 months..6
Rings of Saturn, the True Dee Jay, dear Tree Sage.
And then we landed on a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Web of Earth, the 3rd Planet from the Sun.
A Reflection of the Real Earth, Earth School.
9 6. 3 33. 33..
Earth Saturn, Pluto.
E S P / E Sacred Portal ..E 19 16…E 35. E C.E
P S E.

12:38 p.m right now.

L..C H..

L is 38. Connecticut Harwington..Consciousness Harmonious.
Conversation = Music.
Lyrical Conversation.

D E A T H = 38

L for Liberty from Death.
Who is Death.
Existence is Death
Being is Life.

D E A T H. E…= 43.

In the play I am 51 years old.
As well as 2 up.. 53.. and 2 down 49.
The balance is 51 because that is what has manifested through this Play as the Truth.

12:43 pm
Meaning that the Play Board like a Ouiji or Jumanji, or Monopoly or Cosmic Chess Board, a Square, a Diamond Base..Ball in which the object was to create a Full Circle..
A Portal Out of the Square Playing Board by moving Darkneess, Blindness, Blackness to Diamond Light Clarity.

Thus, from the 1 6th Sense, creating 5 Senses and proving them 1.
Twice 69 96. Both ways.. 6 9=;15 = letter O
9 6= 15 letter O.
O O. 6. 6. 12. L.. 3. C. C Speed of Light as Consciousness Travelling from outside of Time to Creation Time.
13.8 Billion years.since the Universes Inception.

5 1= 15.. 1 5/5 1..6/6=1 A
A Sphere is the Full Circle as well.as the way out.
And yes

J -E A.

Via placement of Person Place and thing

Would link me at my present abode as what was formely 900 South Road now, 00. OO South Road.

People Present with these 3 initials.
Jerone Emeka Arden..- Aurielia.

Now link the meaning of these three names.
” He Sings! Holy and Sacred Praise, “Well Done” to the The Golden One..
And Gold Coin” A Roman Gold Coin

Now which meaning is it?

Gold Coin evidence was provided by Liberty to me a few days ago.
One she found the day she and her ex husband Chris bought the 576 Horseshoe Hill property
( That I believe was the number but pls verify..
I am no longer making any effort to retain unnecessary data, once the evidence is documented, The Script is over).

The Gold Coin had Hermes who is a Greek God on it.
Roman would be Mercury nearest to the Sun and what is erroneously described as the Messenger of the Gods.. Sigh
Angel means Messenger”
I call it Angle of the Rays from the SUM.
Expression of the Sums Rays.
Hermes is a Man.
Hermes Mercury. H.M form 8.13
Mercury Hermes forms M.H the age of the Milky Way 13.8 Billion years.
Yet historically, we know that the Ancient Greeks came before the Ancient Romans.
Infact, the Romans Civilzation was inspired by the Ancient Greeks.
A .G
Arden Auriela Gemino.
Alexander Grove A G Where I lived when I was born at St.Marys Hospital in London England.

Libertys Husband also found a Gold Coin that same day..
He lost his and tatooed it on his body.
She showed me hers, this weekend.
The Throat Chakra of Hermes has a Diamond.

1:15 p.m
Behind it there is a Woman standing behind a Column rep of 1..or I.

* Please recall the vision of me at age 8, when I astral projected to a world where the Great Kijgs and Queens ” Gods?” Where meeting about Pangea and a troubling vision of their End.. The End of the World.
I had hidden behind a Greek column while observing my Mother almost unrecognizable as a Goddess, elected me.
This was confirmed by Kyle Murphy who had a similar recollection, but he was in the gathering sitting or standing under the Column of this gathering

My mother was my Younger sister, Harmony Creation
Harwington Connecticut.
Liberty middle name is C
* Her Parents couldnt settle on 3 names all beginning with C
C C C.. 3 3 3. 9.

Gold. Gold E N.
When Liberty once took an Acid Trip with Esteban Miguel Filgueira present at the North side of the House.
* Link Trillium.. play..
Meaning Embodied Consciousness
Flower Symbol of Ontario Canada and Ohio where I visited with her in 1974.
O.H.I. O

1:50 p.m
150 ( A.E)
15 is O
66. 12. L 3. C. 12. L..3 C

She saw herself and her Aura * Aurora.

Then she sent me a Picture recently from photos she had lost 9 years previously, and recently retrieved of herself in almost the exact place, I sit, and sit and discuss with her, of her giving birth to Auriela.. Besides her was her two young sons, Farell in Gold and Arden in Blue.
Yes, Tree Sages Share..Dee Jay Dark Matter Energy
D M. E..
Delta Manor Emeka passed through.

D I M E. ( The Coin was American )
E M. ( F.S) I.D.

Gold ( yellow) 3rd Color.
Blue. 5th Color.
Earth Jupiter.
E J..
Emeka John.

5 3= 8. Sacred Portal 5. 3. And 53. And 8.
35. 8

8:16 a.m was the time liberty sent me intel from Andrew Hodge A.H of her drawing intel which aligned to what I had told her of her role as a great Tree with so many branches.

A Beautiful Empire.
An Excellent Healer.

By her sons opposite was Chris Gemino who has the Midas Touch but with Money.
She, healing.

Thus, Nortn to South of the House ground floor Auriella G Old was born in Joy.
Gold is Joy
Farrel.is Joyous Valorous Man
Blue is Eden Arden.. Garden of Eden
A Man and then Two Youths was there first.
And Two More, their Twins.
Leander and Jeron.

Liberty Auriela LA where there but as Ethereal Expression Glow. S.UN & SUM.
and could not Full Incarnate until.the 4 in 1..
2 2 play waa balanced.
Emeka Nnamdu 4 in.1
4 2 is Chris Gemino.

Liberty reprsents Strength and Chris 42 Ohm.
Strength Power.
Farrel Arden
19 16..
Add 35. Gold Blue.. G B. 7 2.
8. E.I GH.T..
/ E B G..

Repairs on her car 16,58 usd.

G.O L.D. ( Life Death) E N ( Emeka Nnamdi)
Auriela Aurora is what she almost named her 14 year old daughter.

The Golden One.
Taron Green O see the meaning of the name Taron..
It means “Thunder” linked to the God Thor.

Link Thor codes from Stephan Filgueria to John Mack to Joseph Mccorkle to Liberty Liscomb and Viking Slavic English etc descent

2:17 p.m
Be Quiet.
That is Beautiful Death.
Transfiguration. Yes Andrese Harris Burton A.H..B!

T T T T..
When we.I, reach 1480 Facebook Friends, by solving the play of 14 79 Facebook Friends by and through this P.L A Y ( Arden Dol. PH IN. E) of aligning Evolution of Consciousness to the Body- Being the Blue Print of Existence
Talking To The Silence..79 and its Completion
The Response for All.to See Percieve Consciously..

Eternal Hero of The Golden Dawn
T T G G O D.
Thunder Sound is quickly followed by Lightening
20 12..
32..Consciousness Beautiful
5 E. Electricity

E. M.F..
E S ..P.

2:26 p.m

11 11. 19.

Gemino Gemini
11 11. 4 in 1.
Leander is 11..
Arden is name Gemino and he is a Gemini.
Twins.. 69. 96.
66. 99. 69 96..

1 69. 15. Letter O.
Leander and then Arden more so expressed this.
I met Leander with Noah the first day and Arden last 4th of the children of Liberty and Chris.
Auriela Alone
4/ 4. 1..
4 3. Door of Life..
A-A is 11=1.
Arden 2nd Son but 2 4/4 2. His Father?
Yes and Mother.
Strength Power and all in One plus
41 51
6th Sense Farell F.
4th Note.
FA. E.. 4 1 = 5. Expression.

Now, this is a basic explaination how the Play works.

Did you see how long it took..?

P.S Chris Gemino was born 1977.
The year we moved to Nigeria from Canada.
C N.. 3.14 Pi.. Golden Ratio 1.6 18..
A F A H.
Alien Father A.H..

2.41 p.m
Line of Arden Gemino..
Garden Genmino
Harden Gemino

Now, I would like to speak about
Appreciation Gratitude
To Beauty..

2:43 p.m

And I am responded to the Expression from Tree Sage but not because of his expression and post, because I.was already about to post and code about Gratitude and Ingratitude and Manners at being given such Grace and the response which has not only been.obscenely self centered- since you have been given everything, all knowledge, attention acknowledgment at such a great cost especially those I came to and personally trained by sharing knowledge which rose them up from ordinary to extraordinary, mudane existence to supreme understanding of Existence and non existence to the path to.being in existence, fullfilling the Void emptiness of your selves and filling it up with the gift of Purpose destiny and meaning all on the back of they creating their own suffering from a simple riddle of being.you did not solve but could have solved if they had adopted the True Correct Attitude.

I would like to address all that you put me through, from beginning to end, and all the hurt you put Me..U.S through my the response and self centeredness of your responses to that which fought for you.
And gave each a chance to attain the highest Identity out of pure generousity, of something which none of you created, and the selfishness and sense of entitlement greed and truly obnoxious behavior of not even pausing even now, to look.back at how you behaved responded, challenged, and even usurped The Source of Existence Creation ( my Brother self) when you created nothing and all your inspiration came from.He.

2:58..59 p.m

Note even true sincere gratitude for bringing you out of the pit and black holes of your ideas of Existence and Being when HE and I owe you not a damned thing.

I invite you all to read Tree Sages comment
Of “Me Me Me” which of course represents
TS The Script.
I invite you to see how many came to visit or ask of my well being, after I did the work in conditions and how so.many felt I was blind and that their needs to be elevated was more important than the fact that they trampled on.Their Source with out thought just to get recognized as..

3:05 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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