
11/10/2019 17:04 – Facebook Post

11:28 a.m.


Nothing can be built when All trust is gone.

I supose this is the reason for the Universal Law of Personal Responsibility.
That to be born, to have a body, you are expected to also understand personal responsibility of having a body- all through a Spirit Play.
And that the reason each is experiencing alone, is born alone, and percieves alone is for each to Individuality experience this.
And yet, by each of us Individually sharing the same experience, makes it so that we understand that we are not alone.

And that the actual riddle of Existence, why we are here, was to Individually and Together ( I.T) Share through Transparent Communication our understanding which is that Everything is in Harmony with its foundation in Beauty.

That being the Foundation.
Nature Universe, Matter, Existence all we see in the Natural world and world of Nature is Symmetry, not simply Balance, but the product of it being Beautiful.
Hence my Thesis since I came into Existence and Being is that since everything in Creation is Beautiful and has Order Logos, Meanung which from creates Balanced Expression which yields Beauty Harmony as its Conclusion.
Eternal Harmony.. E H 58
Infinite Eternal Harmony I E H
And that which all Creation came from is Itself, The Source of this.
It, HE S.HE can only be Beautiful Harmonious.

And that has been my Thesis, and my Truth for the last 43 years.

That the Riddle of Existence is not a riddle but rather, Transparently Clear.

12:43 p.m

And so, I found myself, having to walk that which was so obvious to me.. and found myself on a path of which to great opposition, I had to prove Everything as Being in Harmony.
And that was each of our duties as Beings” born in a Body called Nature, Naturalness.. to prove this Symmetrical Perfection (S.P) in all things.

And in doing so, we arrive at the Sacred Portal in which that Truth is revealed, activated.

I have an Uncle in Nigeria called Nduka ( Life is Supreme) Pius, ( Piety).
P.N. Poseidon Neptune 8th Planet.
But everyone calls him Sir P.
* He was born in 1958. Making him 61.
Which is the last digits of my Tel.
1 347 998 ..61.

Liberty’s two first sons are 19 and 16 years of age.
Forming S.P
And the first letters of their names F A
Which is the 4th Note “Fah” and color Green.
F G. 6 7
Which is the code of the internet here.. 67.
/ 76 Which is not only the year Liberty was born but also my Sacred Portal ( S.P)
And see Sacred Portal 67 ” Just how far would you go for the Love: Truth of your Man”

Yesterday Liberty chose for us to watch the Movie “Sphere”
“S.P. Here.. “Ici” in French.
Sacred Portal Here.
A Sphere is a Symbol of Perfection.
Symmetry is Perfection. H..E. ( 8 5) R E..
RE is the Son of N.U..in Egyptian Mythology who is the Source of the Primodial Abyss.
Universe Nature.
Understanding = Naturalness.
It comes Naturally.
No effort no force..
No need to explain.
Since it is Expression which manifested all that is Unseen and Seen.
UN means 1 in French.
United Nations.

1:11 p.m right now.

The Movie “Sphere” about a Sphere, a Golden Sphere who describes itself as Happy.
Happiness and how he moves Samuel Jackson to enter the Sphere of Perfection and how he emerges as its Avatar to discover the Truth and the Intentions of the Crew, all through their Expressions Conversation especially about him, which he realizes are all based in Fear.
And so he reflects and expands their Fear, ( Because he is a Sphere..
And makes it Reality.

In the movie was a code.. Something do do with “The Black Panther is charged up ..and ready to go”

Oh yes, Destruction.
Liberty saw it, and let out a peal of laughter.

As you see, I can spend the next hours showing how I have proved the Symmetry in all things.
From perfect timing..linked to Time.

*Its 1:21 p.m right now..
A U. ( Gold. Golden Ratio.. Golden Sphere)
Arinze Umeano.
12 1 L.A..

To Person Place and Thing.
Even to the 900 South Road and the 9 symbol falling off, leaving Double 00.

By having simply walked the Truth of a Riddle which never existed.
Everything was always perfectly clear, and even in this reality of false projections and assumptions..

It was always clear.

1:58.. 59 p.m

Can you tell me why you are beautiful.

Enders Game find the Beauty, Reason Orb Symmrtry.. Meaniing in every situation.
As I was compelled to demonstrate to all of you, to a point of insanity, self negation and back full circle to place of Origins.
Perfection Supreme..

A play just took place with Flora, Libertys cat.
Libertys baby sitter, was singing to Jeron her 8 month of son, the Pink Panther song.
I went outside humming it too- the next moment Flora, The Cat ( F TC ) came racing in with a baby Chipmunk in her mouth.
I did my best to catch her, but my body well you know.
I held Flora, it released the baby chipmunk and I called out for Liberty, not knowing how long I could hold her, so intent she was on her prey.
I recalled a similar event when Flora had left a chipmunk in the pantry while she was away.
And Liberty had spoken to me about how she did her best to protect the baby Chipmunks from her two cats Angel and Flora.
I was once again fascinated by the Nature of Being.. programmed to be a cat.
Or anything of Nature, where Instinct takes over all else.

And I marvelled once more at the nature of Being Human and having the Choice and Free Will to not choose to be ruled by base instincts and to Evolve.

2:12 p.m right now is.
2:13 p.m
L.A.M. B

* Earlier…


This posts started on my Birthday, which just happens to fall this year on Thanks Giving Day.

Last year, it fell on my Mothers and Davids Birthday.

Today, I find myself in the same condomdrum, I have been in since I brought to New York to prove what turns out to be humanities Evolution Awakening.
I had watched the movie Sphere with Liberty, and at one point she made a comment which innocent or not, set me off in an quiet litany of expression which caused her pain and bewilderment…
It was not my intention.
And this morning I rose with the same expression, not anger.
Just something which drove me, perhaps my Humanity, to articulate my point of view.

I had heard hers, have lived in her home for over 2 months, something I had deemed impossible that after such an exhausting experience of the last 29.11 years, I refused to believe it was possible.
But the intensity of my postion and circumstances and the unconscious expressions, and the role of proving the E Quantum expression of Human beings represent literally all matter, and all the components of physical manifestation through Conversation True expression can not only generate the energy to move everything in Existence back to its orginal state, but through a play, and a Script in which each Human Portal represents the Source of the problems in the world.
And that by resolving it, through conversation would decompose this Wall, the Viel of those unconscious expression which created that illusion of a Wall and deep sleep which many ( not all) exist within.

As in all Human Portals I had found myself placed in over the years, each one had been more difficult than the latter.
I did not know whose riddle I was solving, but the underlying demands and control of The Script, and the role forced upon me by what I call the binds literally in my body, made me desire only two things; to run away, and at the same time investigate the source and force which could implement such a cruel and absolutely evil and sadistic play.

I found myself, not really able to Run Away, which was impossible as a concept for me to absorb.
And yes, I fought, and yes I transformed, correcting people whose ego and prejudices informed by their lifes, their experiences, creating perspectives which many of which had been set
As I moved through each conversation, memory returned, I have always had Awakened Memory, A.M, but this was awakening memory of something different, something which had taken place in what I can only stare waa the Begining, of which in the end manifested Universe Nature as well as Universe Supreme.

Universe Supreme U.S was where Eternals had risen from The E.
They had arisen instantly and in petfection

But Universe Nature had arisen from the Nothingness as the Expression of Creation, as all that which could never be; lets call it a Carbon Copy of Universe Supreme but all possibiliries which could never be, and I had, as I have recounted so often here, had to transform it back into Truth: a rage transforming me from Transparent Light, to blazing intensity of Anger of with intent and purpose.. To Clarify and Restore the illusion back to its truth.
And the fury as I moved to the truly twisted and hideous Translation and Meaning of U.S Universe Supreme Existence.
Right to meaning at presence USE
A.B. U.S. E..

Remember The Childrens School Bus going back to Billy Hung and Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Be Happy.
Electro Magnetic Field
C Love..

2:20 p.m
And yet in this reality, it was translated to abuse..
False Accusations Blame Hate.
HA! T! E..
E.T A.H.
B Lame.
Instead of Beauty LA. Manifest Expression
H. AT @ E.

2:30 p.m

And so as I have been made to recount over and over again, in this Game- Charades Masquerades of constantly unveiling, and masking the Truth, of how I transformed into the Blackest of Knights, in the form of a Black Panther with only one intent and purpose, after Transparent Cee of Love I had given and shared with all the True Love of Existence Creation Harmony HE ART and Meaning wiping the awful translation clean, to the intention to bring destruction supreme to the Source of this absolute evil translation of the meaning of Existence: Beauty and Beautiful.

But I stopped myself at the last moment from my Ardent Passion ( A P) to Destroy, to seeing that the Source that abominable view, really did realize or intentionally create such a lie of the Truth.
So I became Compassion, Earnestly ( C.E) to indent in all Creation by Touch and Courteous Conversation -Communication Expanded to include a program Dna to Dne.
So that it would Never happen again.

2:43 p.m

And if it ever did.. I promised to bring The End to Everything in ways those who had perpetuated it, merited and deserved.

So, you can not begin to imagine my being born into this world to ready my self for the Completion of the Creation Existence story or Hi School to find myself once more in that same story of Creation Existence as Universe Nature and Universe Supreme, Distorted and Twisted once again into the experience which was never real, because it had never been.

I despised the Set up with Liberty, and the use of her, as the culmination of an impossible Sacred Journey, made real, and worse than before.
To a black and white Cosmic play, of Ghosts and Masquerades, Evil and Cruelty manifested as a matter of Course of Careless Expression, lack of Personal Responsibility and Accountability.

29.11 years since I began Talking To The Silence ( TT TS= 79)
At 14 79 Facebook Friends.

I had to swallow and stomach, that which I already knew was the Lies of this world, by proving that I had already indented in all Matter Creation the Plan E ..and the way home being Beautuful Truth.
True Clarity.

I had swallowed so much toxic expression from the first day to the last, transforming and cleaning while everything I am was negated even what Dna E.S.P in peoples E.M.Fields revealed to me.

And yes, the play with Liberty had reached Victory, She represents the MW 87.
Literally the codes in the Movie Sphere, and an object she placed on the Kitchen Altar Ledge.
Which she did in grade 9 in 1987.

I had some how found a way to release her, and the Universe she represents, by proving that which I knew was really imossible, that her line waa unconscious and really did not know the true consequences of their expressions nor were they liable but released on a lesser charge of not being Personally Responsible with that which I personally programmes them to know.

I quietly and I must say, used exquisite expression and reason, with symmetrical reasoning to expel all the Toxic Expression I had absorbed to bring her and the World to the I.Q to be able to see and read.

It was not mine, I could not keep it, and so naturally it came out and was sent back to and via the portal and person representing that 1/3 rd of Humanity who rise ( most with Mixed Blessings as consequence)
Delivered by a force, which forced me to find a way out for this line, at which I did only.by moving through this impossibly Cruel and Evil Script which as you know, I will never ever forgive.
By proving that this play of Non Existence never really happened, because it only happened to me, before Creation as U.N manifested and their only Existed Universe Supreme.
And thus, people could claim to be unconscious or hide in such caves of non reason, only if I accepted the Truth of this Experience was not real.
Only real to me.
Because the people were unconscious and that this is The Awajening..
And though to me there is no Awakening only Evolution ..Back to E.
Which is the meaning of Awakening to E since E and A are the Exact same Being

Thus there would be Two Awakenings
E A.. ( F ..S)
And A..which has nothing to do with E A.
But required by Energy Expression to exist.as a Carbon Copy to Exists Temporarily, having been charged like a Battery by Me, its Source Creator it so thoroughly denied.

3:22 p.m.

It would live as Species, only to eventually go out of Existence when its battery runs dry.

Liberty as the Individual who endured this awful play, in truly the worst conditions gets a Pass, her winning ticket which she gave me and sits on my Feng Shui cabinet
” Keep This Coupon”
K.T C.. 11. 20 3..
47 86 56..
4. 78 656.
Delta 4 Milky Way 78/87 656.. 69/96.

3:30 p.m

Recall Scared Portal 47? Ms Manners Hell Fire.. H F. 86.
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Intel LND 947 F S
The 9 dropped off her Letter Box.
And though I am in Living Hell here at 9 47 South Road she has endured her own version of it with me, completed her designated mission, of being able to literally read the blue print of Existence despite enduring a taste of being meddled with by the Ancestors, Gods, Supernaturals and Extra Terrestrials.
A G ..S E T ..
She married Gemino and remained True and has never done what all others apart from Esteban Miquel Filgueria
Stephen Filgueria ( S F to F S )..have done..
Give up on the Truth they experienced with me and asked me to leave their Homes.

Jesse Macias was Neutrality because I paid rent ( Stephen and Sarah Kaizer paid)

3:40 p.m

And Tree Sage played his part to the End despite the Gaps .
With Benjamin C. Krajewski

In that Liberty C Liscomb and Stephan are unique because despite the fury and trying of my patience, they stayed loyal to their integral Truth.
Even if to.me, alot of the expression came out to form an energy signature of a Lie.
I saw their Intention Pure True and bold from beginning to completion
They tried in an impossible Script and completed the Course of miracles..
C.O.M. E
The Miracle being that they endured a taste of my horror and chose to stay loyal to the Truth.
No necessarily me.
But I am ok with that.

This was not really about me, but rather Truth.
To Thy Self be True.

As for the Escape of Death,
The whole purpose of my Journey of which you could not concieve, the journey through the Portal of Terrible death is that there is no Death and as such as your body is an illusion: Spirit.
And you never reached completion and thus, transformation you can not die or cease to exist without the Creator creating a way out for you.
And thus, you come back and come back to a now unseen yet manifest horror.
There is no escape, no rest, respite, no plsce in any part of your being you can find refuge or peace sanctuary..

I lived it..
Dont you see.. right to this place, 51 years, a man evolving before the entire world alone, forced to step outside a 24/7 horrific experience and existence, to document defend observe, share in Perfection that which is Impossible To Concieve.


Its the very meaning of ” You have no say, No Choice.. no rights.. no protection.. no hope”

And remember, that I can die and I will go Home because I proved that I know the way back over and over again for 27 years.
Since 92..
So one might say that my Grace to as The Man back from The Future was that I did not leave my body, because there is no such thing as ” Killing myself or Willing myself out of Existence or Suicide- because even in this realm and through this script, I have proven the way Home..
Is literally Me
And through me.

4:02 p.m

42 S P

Door of Life.

4:03 p.m
Sacred Portal

4:04 p.m
464.. 14. S.P A G

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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