
11/10/2017 1:37 – Facebook Post

Revelations…. contd….

Lets Give Credit where Credit is Due.

* Thank you Ria Casey H… I am beyond tired today’s play and mt continued presence here on Face Book and residing at Delta Manor, while doing this work, and each time seeing the confirmation that the Full Circle has been proven as 51-15
As well as 8… Infinity Harmony… 53…5+3=8 O.E.
I know that I have proven beyond any doubt the Truth of not only Harmony but the Full Circle, but also the True Ego, and Id as the Universe Existence Nature Creation responding through Persons Places Things.
Which means Truth Responds as an Echo responds, and it Existence which is “Being Doing”

*I have demonstrated that we are in a containment field in what I have called the Delta Quadrant
( D.Q…4 17.. 4- 4 13..4 17..21 U..Universe..
2+1= 3 C… Universal Consciousness)
Star Trek… Discovery…. S.T..D. 19 20… 39… C.I.D .Delta

/D.T.S… Donald Trump Stephan… Not the President but the meaning of the name, “The Universal Ruler Trumpets, Triumphs Drums, Pounds the Drum Beat of the 4th Chakra, the Heart, the 4th Note Fa…the, 4th Color- Green…
the Book. the Voice Box, Crowned with Laurels of Victory is that which moves the Universe..
The Book of Love.
4 is 5.
Emeka Kolo representing the E, in At Delta Manor.. 4, In room 4, Bed 4… 444 12… 4-012.. Allen Murray A.M…4 O 3…

Joe sent 150…He chose… 15=O.
I ended up with 151 USD In my Wallet.
Lisa Natalie Johnson was already at Starbucks when I arrived with her friend Jamila… Lisa Jamila L.J….. Jamel with me at Delta Manor… Emeka Luc Jamel… Jamel White
J.W… Julian Webb- link Kemi Sara. K.S..
Kevin Spacey K.S… K-Pac… ( I am the correct version and I am not in a Psychiatric Ward nor was I admitted into a Mental Hospital- I am in a Mental Health Shelter under cover 007 to reveal the Truth of what is being done to the Spirit of Hue- Manity, transforming them into A.I.

* Please see New York Times Article
with Jaron Lanier. J.L… 10 12… 22… 13… V.M/ M.V…
By Maureen Dowd. M.D…. Yes.. MD from Keith Grant D.M

‘Soothsayer Sees Tech’s Dark Side.
I quote

“I’m a professional Illusionist” he says, “In some ways, I might know about making illusions more than anybody.
Mr Lanier is one of the few who admits that the spawn of Silicon Valley ( Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susan)
..could become Evil, but tries to stay on the sunny side ( K.C and the Sunshine Band).
It helps that he avoids all social media.

11:07 p.m right now.

“The popular ones are designed for behavioral modification ( He mentions Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook… A A G F… 1 1 76 ).
‘.. Its like why would you sign up with an Evil Hypnotist who is explicitly saying that his purpose is to get you to do things that people have paid him to get you to do, but he wont tell you who they are. I mean it is for me, I had always feared we would create this social manipulation technology out of computers…

His is called the Father of Virtual Reality and has just written a Book,”Dawn of the New Everything:Encounters With Reality and Virtual Reality…

the article continues..
“But he’s well aware of the “Matrix’ dangers. He realized this early on, he writes, ‘It could turn out to be the evilest invention of all time.
It is pretty simple proposition”, he tells me: ‘If you control the persons reality, you control the person”
Or as he writes in the book, “Never has a medium been so potent for Beauty and so vulnerable to creepiness.
Recently, the creepiness has been on display.”

I had 151 USD in my Wallet…
I decided to tip 5 to the Starbucks staff today and asked for change two 5… One was marked… I did not even bother to remember to check the code.

I looked up to the stars today, such a deep sadness and weariness filling me that i truly felt the desire to simply lay down and weep, for all I had seen, witnessed endured and that this did not have to be this way… played out this way…

11:28 p.m.. Right now…

“What more do you want from me… please, what more do you want from me?” I asked.

I came up stairs…

I place was made vacant on the computer here almost immediately, my food is on the table..

Please see Sacred Portal 66.. It shows me in my E.T guise emerging from a Black Hole with the heads of The Great Illusionist Hypnotist and the Great Witch. Computer Geek and the Spell maker..Twisting Words…
Yes Link F F..Francis Frick.
Anthony is sitting beside me right now… and seated besides him is Francis Frick…
Anthony Rapp… A.R…E / E. R A…P.E…
E P.A.R..E…

*2. to remove (an outer coating, layer, or part) by cutting (often followed by off or away). 3. to reduce or remove by or as by cutting; diminish or decrease gradually (often followed by down): to pare down one’s expenses.

i am aware, made so more so as I lay awake this morning analyzing my Existence that everything has been taken away from me in a way since I born through a process of reducing everything that I am to nothing..
No body, a man with missing teeth and white sparse hair in a Homeless Mental Health Shelter…

E PAR E… E BY E…. Par means By in French..

Pari means Bet… Alpha Bet…

Sacred Portal 13 is “Manipulation- Stop yourself from going too Far”

I came to New York on 3-20-2001 the Cab driver was playing Janet Jackson’s album “Control”

The Code did not align to Woman represented by my Aunt Julie the 8th 9th and last child of my grandmother…
I called She and Joseph Carey Joe responded in perfect Harmony to a Text… See the Code.

Giving Credit where Credit is Due…
Lisa Natalie Johnson spoke today as usual with the seed of Light aligning without realizing to the Highest play in Existence way beyond Humans… She is Order.. O…
Joseph Carey is Joseph Henry Carey and is the only one who understand the physical Spiritual and Emotional Truth and horror of this experience because he has lived.
Both he and Lisa embody it and may have different interpretations and languages of expressing their experience of it but it aligns perfectly through their Bodies Being and Reflections Secretions… B B.. 2 2… R= 18, S=19…
22=4… 18… 19… 22 23…. U.V… Ultra Violet.

Ragnarok is presently the Number 1 Movie in the World.

Sean Ragnar Gill Wind…

More Expression… Clarity.. E.C… I already knew because I saw the Taylor Swift code and the case which “Began” the Snow Ball Effect of the Sexual Harassment equations…

T.S… T-20th letter… S 19th… 39… C.I

M.T.C.N..Code… 68 2…1 97…39 14…

68 is David R Nicholas… He endured horrors by a Priest as a child… He is the one who gave me evidence of Human Physical Evolution which begins at the 4th Chakra and the Base of the Neck.. It opens up into something unbelievable and awesome…
He is born the same date as my mother C.O…11 22.- 47.. She 68 he…

*A Denver jury sided with pop star Taylor Swift on Monday, finding that a local radio personality sexually assaulted her four years ago.

The jury, which awarded Swift a symbolic $1 in the civil trial, rejected the the disc jockey’s claim that Taylor’s mother and a member of her management team improperly interfered with his job and helped get him fired.

In a statement, Swift thanked her lawyers “for fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by sexual assault” and said she was planning donations that will help other victims defend themselves in court.

“I acknowledge the privilege that I benefit from in life, in society and in my ability to shoulder the enormous cost of defending myself in a trial like this,” she said. “My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard.”

The trial began after David Mueller, 55, filed a lawsuit claiming Swift, 27, had him wrongfully fired. He’d asked for $3 million.

Swift countersued, arguing that Mueller groped her during a June 2, 2013 concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver. She asked for only $1.’

$ 1:00 USD.

“Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp claims Kevin Spacey got sexually aggressive toward him when he was only 14 years old, and Spacey has responded by apologizing and coming out as gay.
Rapp told BuzzFeed News the incident occurred in 1986 … the 2 were both on Broadway at the time. Rapp says Spacey told him he was having a party and invited him.”

Kevin Spacey is 58.

Now.. for its Source….

Original Source Code…. E.

In this side of the mirror.

Taylor Swift Groping Case.

Anthony Rapp. Star Trek Discovery.

On the correct side of the Mirror…

Taylor Avenue… Jay..J.. “Jay means “Swift- Victory in Sanskrit.
J=10…. Jay at The Collection ’96 Chelsea London.

10:12 p.m.


10+12= 22 V…. Victor. V=5. 5=Letter E

Joseph Carey
Lisa Natalie Johnson…

Victor ( Sacred Portal 86) my British Name.
E.. Emeka Kolo.

1O+12= 13… M.

Nnamdi passed at age 13…. Letter M.

M.T.C.N..Code: 68 2 1 97 39 14….
Code in the Evolved Perception E.P U.R.E

F.H.B… Fore saw Harmony Being…
( Foresight Hindsight Beauty)


The result is an underwriting loss which stood at $97 million in the first quarter in the case of AIG. American International Group’s high combined ratios in the property and casualty business, however, are a big chance for the insurance company to create value”
( 1 97..Million.)

Artificial Intelligence Group..

Air Intelligence Group….

* Obviously it aligns to Life Insurance as well as the code of A.I affecting the world.
And the Air Intelligence… Wind.

Recall the Star Trek play with the man at Starbucks.. very tall who insisted that I watch that episode in the dessert?

Captains Log… C.L… “Talking To The Silence”
The Circle Without End… Volume 5.
“To The Silence One Last Time…”

My walk across the Milky Way, through Mind… and Body…
Heaven and Earth since 1989…. Taylor Swift ALBUM 1989…
Linking weaving… Documenting quantifying Naming…
Dark Matter 96… Jay at the Collection… 1996 and Tuan.. “children of Tuam’,, Jerome… J J.. T… 10 10… 20…
Tom Truman… Truman Show… TS… 39… E Ga la xy.. 1O 11 C I..
Galaxy 11 01 I.C… Dina Singh…

Metropolitan Woods… M.W…
Number 13 85…

12:13 a.m.

I do not know what more this Script desires from me, wants from me…

I just heard.. ‘The savior of all humanity…
Savior from a Disease destruction of All Humanity..’
just heard that on Jimmy Kimmel by his guest
Jimmy Kimmel… J.K… 10 11

Ah his guest speaker was Josh Hutcherson
who stars in the movie Future Man.
F.M… My sacred portal 54…

Release Date 11-14…. K.N…

See code MTCN… 39 14…. C.I.. Nnamdi…
Nnamdi Stevan… Susanta Nayak S.N…
N S… North South.. 11 Dopplegangers… 11 19= 30… C.O..
Chukwuemeka O’Kolo…
N D…. 14 4… 18…R… Reflection..

E N… 5 14… 19…. E N S…
Emeka North South…

I lived in front of the Gard De Nord in Paris when I went home in 1992… Stephan owned the apartment my room mate.
and I am wearing South Pole jeans.. Miami the South Georgia Savannah Blair.. Augusta Georgia… Atlanta…
I visited Erik Ebright.. E E.. He put the code 8369 on my computer changed my sign up name from Emeka to Erik Ebright and took a photograph of both of us together and used it as my photo…
Erik Eposito gave me the jeans.. he was bed 009.. me 007…
9 7… then he was moved to bed 004… which where Luke Wilson L.A W.. Was…
97… 47….
009 004
94… I.D… That was 2016…
I was there is 2015 bed 49… For 2 months…
I was there in 2016 for 2 months… 9 4…

2 2…

i was brought here to bed 5-019… E.O..S…But never allowed to sleep there until I proved that I rep the E was O, The Full Circle S Supreme… E Original Supreme…
not the Reflection… R as 18… but I had to prove that I was also the two three… 9 9..18.. I I R…9..I…5..E…
2 2=4…+ 18… 22…. + 19.. 23….
4 is 5…. 18….23… 9…27… 5 + 19.. 24… 9 + 19… 28…

ah.. i see…

12:33 p.m.

22 23 24… 27 28….

2015.. 2016… 22 00 11 56…..11 00 22..
11 22 47… 68… David.. Cecilia… David Onu…
D C… 4 3…. D O… 4 O… D OE… Doe First Note…

12:35 p.m.


12:37 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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