
11/1/2020 17:44 – Facebook Post

11/1/2020 17:44 – Facebook Post

When I found that I was cast to play a role in this Evolution Awakening Play by the Unseen Beings of True Nature of Existence.. and Man.

On discovering that I had no choice, and after my initial protests of indignation; such as ” This is against Eternal Divine and even Natural Law..
etc I said that I would play my part as I am
As I feel and felt it.

Not as a Buddha
A Christ
Not a Hero
Leader of. Or even Defender of Man.
And certainly not as some kind of Messiah.

I made it clear to the force moving me that I was not going to fall in any of those traps of containment fields.

True, if I had acted all stoic and Zen, or as a warrior renegade like Che.. and other rebels, I might have had an easier time, and garnered respects or a host of followers.

I am talented and could have charmed and entertained you.

But these stereotypes and that ” Siperior enlightened person response would just feed into the lie of only people who devoted their lives to one preoccupation, or chosen ones, special ones can only attain enlightent, perfection or bliss
And at the same time as creating a gap of inferiority complexes and social and individual Dependency fuel simmering resentment
” Oh so you think you are better than us..
Throw him her into the pit.
Tear them down..
Ah.. Now we feel better..”

And it would be a lie

I did not wish to play anyone apart from myself.

A Man.

And yes, I was aware for most of my life that I was being observed and so it became a bit of a bother.. being made by my life my body and energy source awake … being made so Self Aware via being made to be aware that I.. we were all preforning on a World Stage.

South Whitney
Square Waves

So yes, there were times I exaggerated the impact to my feelings, but it was all essentially true.
I may have loathed the scenes, the plays and often furious at the actors descendants for going to far in delight of their roles to whip me as I sought to identify the thread, the silver linning in each interaction even when it often degenerated to my being verbally abused odten based on their mis understanding my intentions despite having explained and exemplified that I do not live, reside in the same See Cee Frequency as people in this world.

I dont see things the same way or through the same angle as you.
I see it through the angle of the Beautiful Truth in all of you, I could not help but recognizing and with that, it rekindling the love of that original you I had met loved played with before.
I was there when you were concieved from the first star, f s to the birth of loves expression
Alien Father Alpha
Eternity itself

But I came as a man.

Exaggerating slightly the experience of a man walking through a life story so bizzare and experiences which as a man living here, he figures out what is happening to the world then his life.. and then people around him and then his body.
And what he does with an Impossible to believe situation revelation and conclusion.

.. And so I put the volume up slightly, in my posts and even my interactions with you..
Because you could not see, or hear, or feel any more..
I knew I had to reach out and… Touch
Move you.. to feel. Something anything even rage at my often offensive but always true words.

Which is why Lady Echo E always responds to my expression.. withnessed especially through Individual’s Chosen ( not by me) and Facebook friends with each of you comming and going, paying attention or not, giving praise and appreciation or not..or even simply testifying as to these posts or this my expression helped you in your lifes.
I know this mentality here, and why it is especially withheld from me.

Tree Sage
Stephen Johnson
Have been constant

Gabriel Binky Signar

With so few others.. I am fully aware as to why..
I.post our interactions .. taking in both point of views as well feelings of both parties while aware, that as I am the one narrating that I must be totally fair.. despite each person having the right to publicly state their own version of what took place.

Or perhaps their initial response to our interaction as the read my take on each facebook posts.

I came as a man..even cloaked by this script as a most ordinary man, living an extraordinary circumstances and what he..I, decided to do with it.

Share it.
And witness by all watching behind phones screens, and with pop corn hot dogs and soda?

..How I resolve each situation and am moved the next square on the Harry Potter Cosmic Chess Board
Square Waves

I surmount pain and suffering in a moment.
Infact the moment I solve the riddle with the persons expression our conversation
But Hurt… ah that is real, that is not of the play.

So yes, I chose not to be as expected to be and certainly not the “unexpected”
It was accepted that what I am, what this is I have been saying and proving.. forced to code into Existence of A Man being nothing other than.a man proving what every one knew abd Expected to be proven..made clear one day.

And who else would do it for you?
If not you
A Man?

And each time a man or woman comes and one without some mystical powers and authority.. Some. Magical mythology or prophecy surrounding me.. him.. her.. us
You torture them until they are no more.

Its like Make up your mind!”

You want us to be as God of your own imaginations gone wild with desire as need.
For an example
A Hero
You then resent it.
Both when we come as you.. that makes it impossible for you to acknowledge that wish desire truth you sensed in you experienced by another.
Even when he or she is more than willing to share his vision sight.. Eye with you.

Can that not only be described prescribed as Insanity .. Disesed ?

I am the one Expected
That which is im Store.


Evolution Awakening

The Actor of ones own Self and Core on a world stage.

I played me.


@ H K
H Q.

4:44 p.m
16:44 Hundred Hours right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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