
11/1/2016 17:25 – Facebook Post

11/1/2016 17:25 – Facebook Post

The U.S. Of A…
U.S.O.A…Universe Supreme O (Symmetrical Perfection) Awareness…

US..Omega Alpha…

C.B… 32 Consciousness Beauty-Beautiful…

But the Altered Equation is U.SA… United States of America…
A.S.U…Backwards means Language…

Represented by Aylin Sendemir Urkmez
Aylin means “Moon or belonging to the Moon.
Send Emir…. Emir means Ruler Commander..The Prince”
Send the Ruler and the Commander…The Prince.
Urkmez means “Justice- the One who Never Fears..The Defender…
(Alexander meaning)
All played and enacted out in her being one of the only people to publicly testify to my effect of our meeting when I was a lecturer in the Akademi Istanbul 15 years ago out perfectly by Aylin Sendemir Urkmez..It was 15 yeas when she testified her ON Face Book 2-3 years ago…

The One Belonging to the Moon dimension of Luminosity, S-End, Send Emir -Ruler Commander of the Army, the Prince who is the Defender of Man Kind- Justice which never Fears… to Defend MAN-Kind..

But the Equation on my page that the one enemy is the U.S. A and its peoples their own worst enemy is them selves.
And that the Consciousness Being, which they represent is a Show of Strength and Power…
And that the A.S.U.. Language is that of Power and Violence backed by their Army…
Which this play today has finally Confirmed.

The meaning of Aylins name shows what the truth Dark Side (D.S) of the Moon is… It represents the Power of God E Harmony…
The True Arm and Army of God…
And from todays play, this is the only thing which the People from the Individual level to the highest offices will respect…
A Show of Strength and Power… Compassion and Kindness are wasted on them.. As well as most of the Species and this has been exemplified through out Human History…

Something I knew as a young man…

And finally the Eternal Truth, and the Eternal Law have finally agreed with my assessment after truly believing that by putting me through such a torment for the Evolution of the Species that Compassion and Kindness would be shown to me, and to the Lines I represent…
Instead Challenge, Abuse Greed..Envy… (C.A.G.E) And taking Advantage Greed Envy has been the response.
5:06 p.m.
11 1..
Todays Date…

See Sacred Portal 11 1 which I have been publicly weaving and programming this play to..

Through Awareness Synchronizing Synchronicity Harmonious Expression…
A.S…S.H.E…Who Must Be Obeyed.. W.M.B.O…/
O.B. M.W…
The Full Circle Milky Way…B.O..M.W 78/87…
Which has become a tedious play by the conditions imposed to prove the Truth that I understand the Human Children and the Human Illusions better than the people who have descended to the status of Sub Humans… Illusions of themselves…

5:16 p.m.

I have a new Face Book Friend…
Bilal Khan.. Welcome…

Bilal means Water.. “Eau” B Eau Ti..Full.”

Arabic Meaning: … In Arabic the meaning of the name Bilal is: Chosen one. Muslim Meaning: The name Bilal is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Bilal is: First Muezzin (Caller to prayer).

The Chosen One… (Meaning of the name “McGuinness- B.R.C 400 McGuiness Ave)
“Call to Prayer”
Holy Communion- Eucharist- Holy Communication.. H.C..(83)…
H.C.E ( 83-5 /53 8)

It means also..
“Wetting, moistening” in Arabic. This was the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Which links to the Ecstasy of St Theresa…
And Sacred Portal 8…H…

Desire…Ready for Penetration by the Arrow Sword.. A.S..
Of the Eternal Truth-L.AW.E.R

Orgasmic Awakening.. O.A…
Alpha Omega-Omega Alpha…

Khan means “Ruler”
Khan Name Meaning. Muslim: from a personal name or status name based on Turkish khan ‘ruler’, ‘nobleman’. This was originally a hereditary title among Tartar and Mongolian tribesmen (in particular Genghis Khan, 1162–1227), but is now very widely used throughout the Muslim world as a personal name.

The Chosen Desired One, who Sword of Truth penetrates and reaches beyond the G Point, to Infinity Harmony…to create Ecstasy Bliss…The Luminous Transparent one..
The Being of Water B’EAU TI Full One, the one who creates the moistening, the wetting of Skirt and trouser in anticipation of that which has been so long awaited…
The one whose call brings the Awakening, the Gathering, Expression of the True Holy Communion as Conversation which creates the Awakening of Everything.
The Energetic Ruler and Commander of the Army of God, Existence and the True Long Arm Of E.. of the Eternal Law…

Code of tel card… Just bought…
88 39…5 22 313… Just saw Dewight pass by with Thaddeus… D.T..Dot (Death)… 4-20.. 42..24.. 66

5:24 p.m…

Dewight represents 31 and 13… 13 85 Metropolitian Wood.

5:25 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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