
11/1/2016 14:52 – Facebook Post

11/1/2016 14:52 – Facebook Post

This was updated as one of three responses by Michaël Trahé to my post yesterday…’

I recall about 13 years ago when Joseph Carey literally woke up.. and spend hours in the rain enacting out an ancient martial arts ritual for hours outside… Very similar to this image..
I recognized that he was no longer in this plane of Existence or Awareness..
Little did I know that I would spend the next 13 years manually representing this by aligning Circle after full Circle of Everything around me brought to my attention and awareness to creating these rings and portals…
Do you notice that He is standing on a Rock… Alone.. Manifesting two portals… One is a Galaxy.. E-GA LA XY C.I..( 39) 1O 11..IO II… The others is a portal to the Blackest Hole.. Non Existence…
Does this person not remind you of Jet Li-G.H.T… Actual it is T.A.O…LA.O…T.Z.E (T.S.E)…
2:51 p.m.

Thank you
Michael… the images were meant to be shared…
the story belongs to Everyone…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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