
11/1/2015 20:32 – Facebook Post

5:47 pm

1-11…2O15 (2OO…Boo!)..2O+15..35..CE..(*See sacred portal 35 in my Albums “The Point” ) 3+5=8..is H…
Harmony Infinity…E..Expression Civil- Polite Courteous…C..P.C..
Consciousness O is the Personal Computer..
Universal Mind…UM..D.E…(Donna O’Sullivan Emeka Kolo)
Divine Expression Q…
Q=Queens Quantum leap of I.Q…(Q of Star Trek) Q ( I Cue) to keeping the Ladies in Waiting…to evolve to H..
Harmonious Expression..H.E…
DOS =101010…10..10…1O1O 1O…111= K=11-5…
51-15…In perfect J.O.B
1OO2…Jonn Blackwell
Of maintaining Balance of being the
Q,H..The Quiet Heart Playing the Beautiful Devil..
Beautiful Death The Transformer…
B,D TT…24 The Portal our of The Matrix of Mind
not Aligned to thee True Universal Mind
who has now risen, as an awakened Sleeping Dragon…
Code named Donna O’Sullivan

Lady Hawk Eye Beauties Offer… Wisdom..Supreme..

12 8.5..Bows…
To Saggittarian Jupiter..
exclaiming By Jove!

Hallowed Ween….
H.W…See George H.W. Bush Snr..
See Odin Fenrir.. OF..
Shane Michael Robinson Sr.
L-ions De.N….Nature.
Daniel W Mills Sr…

2O15…15=Letter O..2=letter B



2OO…2O=Letter T.
*Sacred Portal 2O..Lady Echo…E…Response..
Mother Of Dragons..
Michael O’Donnell…

*You might “perceive” by piercing through my transparent veil of words, precisely what it appears that I a doing…
I am weaving into manifest being what I stated clearly 3 years ago what I said I would..
The Forked Road which for some will lead them to witness and experience the Beautiful End story of Evolution Awakening…
A Exquisite Vision of Beautiful Harmonious Expression from beyond…E.T.

And the other, well that will lead to the Black Hole… Hell made real as the experience given to the family of E… To literally exist undercover in condition of such heat burn intensity and pressure it aligned to the temperature of living in a Super Nova.
In return for the luminous touch of the Diana Brooke Shields Equation
*See Sacred Portal 5…
A Touch of Love with such Class and Style- U.S. Universe Supreme that it Awakens the true Soul… in you..
Sol! The Fifth note, the Being of the Truest Self, the One within who knows All…

Yesterday was Halloween..
1O-3O-8…1O3-8…..13 8…M.H…48…
*See Sacred Portal 48

I did not even notice…

And yet something played out yesterday and something was given today…

*See Marvelous Shares of Donna O’Sullivan and Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

I received 1 then 2 then finally 3 face book friend requests…
A. H..Cee
but only A and H remained..


Madzibaba Job..M.J.


Ndabase Khothekhaleni… who when I privately enquired about the meaning of her name, I was informed that their real name is Cassim Osman..
Nnamdi Kolo=Cecilia Onu
*Pls See sacred Portal 3O..

Also 3=OOO…

See Lord OOO Image posted by me and shared by Ele Ife…
E.I..Enquiry Inquiry ( Information- Investigation..i and I)
Eternity Infinity…

The name Mazibaba- “Madzi”- means “Water” in “Bantu” And a Long Robe L.R or Garment…
Baba means Father…

Job means
The Water Father B-EAU,Being of Water arriving in his long white robe..The Mesh, Weave, Fabric of Existence formed into a Majestic robe by linking threading,”Sol”- a needle pulling thread!” the Sol into the Patterns of Existence creating a Flying Carpet (F.C), a Tapestry and a Moving Picture on Film and T.V, caught on Candid Camera of the Truth of the World and the truth of the Universe and that which was only of Beautiful Truth, is what he used to create of Robe, cut to measure to to form a Majestic Cape…
The Veil and the Curtain rising up to Reveal…

A Job well done E..

The Word Job has 4-5 meanings.. A Crusader (who borrowed it from the Hebrew meaning “Persecuted one” – linked to the Awful Bible story about Job which then transformed into the action of contributing to society and etching out a living s a means to exist…
The “Fair” Exchange,,
Such as Wall Street ..

It also means “Unfortunate one”

The occupational name of a “Cooper” ( the maker of caskets and Barrels usually wine) hence a Vessel carrying “Four” 4…Barrels and the person carting it..
it then degenerated to lump or the menial tasks which one is forced to do.. which no one wishes to do…

*meaning the Word Job means to enslave in something people wish to do but must do or are threatened with the no existence literally starved to death enter a black hole of despair and the Shelter system which..The Black Hole..
goes on to this day…

And it means a long Woolen robe in french “Jube”
I literally met a beloved with Erek Eclass Mateo called “JUBE”
And Infinity…

Family crest a Shield Silver and Blue..

A Crusader, of the persecuted ,unfortunate one, saddled with the most menial job, which no one wants, of creating water from thin air and then turning it to wine, from the not having a job and persecuted for it (Tried Executed Condemned) sent to a black hole and then have to transform that experience into water as “B-eau-Ti Victorious C” of the Full Circle..
Then into Wine of the 4 Dimension while creating a Robe, made to measure of Blue and Silver- the Night time Sky, to reveal the Blue print of heaven to Earth by being forced to play the sacrificial lamb of Human Existence… Weave a Robe from the Consciousness of Cloud 9 which is of Mateo-Jube- A beloved nature of True Man being God Like being of infinity.

But it really means J.B..
Code Jonn Blackwell..
18 Mountain View…
Ah the Being in Balance of clear vision…

M.J…B…. Julian Brown….*See Meaning of the name Julian…

Ndabase Khothekhaleni told me that Ndabase is her mothers name and
Kho-the.k-halen- (Haleine means Breath in French..”Obtain Air Breath”)
It is a Zulu nick name for ” Stuck up Nose” breath to snob…? 🙂

Cassim means (Kasim) is Arabic for “Ones who distributes, Shares.. is Carring”
It also means the breaker and shattering of things (Illusions)
the Orgasm Oh! The Big Bang…The shell which hides the Yoke :Sunshine.. Sunshine Rae…Ra-E…The Black Pearl.. the True which lies within…
And requires a great warrior..
He breaks the enemies the Foe..

Fi Fie Foe Fume..
I smell the blood (Red Distribution Circulation)
of an English Man..”

Jack and the Beans Stalk… De-Vine..

The Bean Cafe…3rd and 2nd- 2nd and 3rd Street Manhattan N.Y.C…
(Nnamdi Yeshua Christ)
Code represented by Yeshua Sananda Daitenku

Y S…D…

Y.E.S…D….Donna…O..Sullivan….Y.(3) S.D..

Donna O’Sullivan just laughingly petitioned the sources of this play to allow me to take a Break.. from my solving and take a Shower..

We laughed only for me see I have written the equation..



Osman means the Chosen One (C.O..3O)
out of the “Braves Ones…”..B.O
It means the “Divine Protector…” D.P..Dignified Pride
It also means “Tender Youth”.. T.Y…

As one can see in their names is the Q.E.D…M

Of the Equation

“C’est Qui Cette Mec”

Who is that Guy?”

The Guy Pierce
Moment- UM…
Activation Manifestation

7:32 PM


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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