
11/1/2014 23:44 – Facebook Post


1-11-2O 14…B.O. A.D.

Code of The Blue Door.. IS.E

C.O…The Beautiful Devil Is.E.

B.LU.E.. Being read Emeka (F.B P.G.)

Code Siththy Ameena “Best Friend” B.F.F.B code
2662…She became my.F.B friend over 18 months ago and called out exactly what I was foing three times within days then weeks of becoming my.Facr Book Friend and made me go A.H someone gets it giving me the surge to go on…
And has proven value of my.F.B.P.G.E by a gaining a Harmony which is chronicled on F.B Merited Earned.

Thus the Switch. B.F.F.B to put the Lights On
(Code Onu.Nduka.O.N Mother and Uncle Lady Cecelia Onu and Sir Pius Nduka..

*Codes of the past moving to.the present…

C.O. P.N
3O. Paris New York
And I and I

Istanbul Israel.

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna O-Kolo
England.Canada Nigeria..E.C.N
/N.C.E…( Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna N.C.E..)

Paris Istanbul New York

Thus Onu is

Onu.Nduka U.

And U.S.A. ..O.N.U…S.A!

A.S.U ( Aylin Sendemir Urkmez)…15yrs O

Loyal Friend
Istanbul Sri.Lanka

Code Best Friend…26 Harmony

Zeina Hanna…Beauty…Harmony..

Not Njo.Ugliness Miserliness B-rattiness



Code to.P.C Complete.
Code to.B.Lu.E (Read E..R.E)
Door…DO (e..1 8..A.H) O full Circle Rob Barr David Philipe Gil Raz Berry…

Code of D.O.O.R…Complete

Code B.F.F.B (Full Circle)

(2 66 2… 2 123). 88 8
See Sacred Portal 2 66 abd 123…All affirmed as me…as Mba Afor Ocha as Infinity E as Emeka and as 47 and 147 A.B-Emmy.as Destruction and the Point

88 8
Time right now 11:28
My.date of birth
Today is II I.

Code of Maps.
Physical.to Spirit to E spirit Plan E.T

Phoencians Phoenix Eagle
Abyssinian (Sudan Ethiopia Eritrea)

Sri Lanka


O P.E.N..S.E.E. S.A.M.E. M.E.

I am linking like crazy cause I.just.have to get out of here and go home…

The Code of the Orien as the Full Circle is Complete
But not.88 which is Phoenicians Phoenix link
The Phoencians were a seafaring nation of explores..seamen who enjoyed a freindship.woth the Egyprians for 3000yrs…

And Phoencia is also Canann.the Promised land.
It was known.for its dyes Purple used for royalty.
Also.the color purple is the 7th and Heghest Visible color in Spectrum…
Saw my.hosts kids Royal.and Reign Age 4 and three wearing Halloween costumes Power Rangers..
Blue.and Red….Purple.

Phoencians Egyptians…P.E…
Planet Ea rth…
Phoennix Bird the Royal Bird
Nubia (Nu Egyptian God of Abyss Bia..Means “Came” in O.Inri Igbo)
Ethiopia means Listen
Seble Woubishet Yonathan Yohannes original come from Ethiopia Eritrea..E.E..

*See Back posts for play and affirmation.code at Star Bucks Cafe Spring Street with.Peggy…
Gallant Gratitude codes…

I am linking.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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