
11/1/2014 15:18 – Facebook Post


Home of A.S…D…
Code Dina Singh/ Siththy Ameena..

Obviously, I am.not in an Abyss as Ololun…
Nor is my knowledge “Unfathomable Wisedom Alpha…”-U.W.A…(which means the World in O.I.Nri Igbo)

Though it is deep…deep but not bottomless because it Lands…
On.Solid ground.

Just as is the Home I am visting.of my.former Host A.S. is on Solid ground in New Yorks Alpha Bet City…A.B.C…
My personal.belongings are in a forest on the outskirts of Pelham.Park and with David Philipe Gil…who is keeping a bag and a silver computer for.me.
As well as Joseph Carey whom I recently.spoke to.for the first time in.months.
We are no.longer in communication but he assures me my sacred portals drawings, my last manuscript which tells the story of the sacred portals 1-37, and the Masks are safe.
The Jade Elephant (Stone from Heaven) remains in his possession to.offset a personal loan.

While Nikoma Rios has returned my own personal computer containing 6556-8 images of the forms and attitudes, I was impulsed to see if I could recognize the bodies and personas my.family.of E Truth would inhabit.

*65-56 are represents two sacred portals.
One of the creation of a black.hole to flush lies out of Existence…
And the other where my famiky of 5-6 E.T come and take me home, one.of which I know represents David P.Gill…
It is not.him but it is the E.T who moved him…
And in the drawing he.is the one who.knocks on.my.door..
Just as David came to investigate who I am and morphed into David Nicholas Nnamdi.and a Pink.Diamond eyed E.T from.what I call.the A lien Council who come under cover as Babies as the watchers and the Obeservers.
Normally, they.leave humsn babies when.they reach 7-8 yrs old.

David is remarkable in that though.in duality of a man.who lives here and now he still retains that “God Code” consciousness…
I recently.notes someone.remarked.
Yes, the Alien.Council represent.the God code.

It is obvious that everyone was moved about like.pieces on a chess board in which.the final equation and pieces if the puzzle are all set in thier places.

The only problem.of course, was made my problem of interacting and interfacing with.ppl who.housed my.family.but.lived in thier various consciousness or lifes of her and now.

I.am aware that David out of all the candiates has the greatest intellect to understand and retain the understanding of this play when my.family in you all rise and enter.into.thier one true hosts bodies…

For, it is true I had to.manually activate all the E line in.my.family, just as I did on F.B…
Through.conversation, but I was aware and.mafe ppl aware of exactly.what I was doing, which made many of them.defensive or deny…thier egos roaring.
The advantage with David P.G.was that as a Sensie and bc of.his intellect he understood and acknowledged that truth easily bc he saw that it was a fact.
I was doing exactly as I stated…with.results.
The only problem.was convincing them.in this helter skelter play that the thier consciousness of this life time was interferring.creating a total opposing and very.dangerous alt…
From Existential Death to the Necromancer to the Beast 666 to the Abyss.

I had to take those aspects which.they were given to carry…
The Truth and the lie tranforming it into one Truth which would finally.free them of the burden each was carrying.
An enormous power which.they were each given to hold without being aware, which could be used to.create great Good or great Evil.
I took it all back from them, leaving them with their humanity and the.codes or.imprint of having carried that experience.

I have told them that it will come.handy in the future when the world changes and each of them is faced with the challenges they will.face in the future
I believe that only David, and perhaps to a much.lesser vocal.extent my former.host A.E have acknowledged the remarkable gift.

But there is no person I conversed with whom I did not activate thier E Consciousness which is was the source of my exhaustion..
The battle with thier Egos stuck in this life time experience consciousness which nearly all chose to be loyal to.bc it.provided them.with thier bread and butter…security.

Of course, I fully understand that desire for financial independence…
My greatest hell in New York was having this taken away, and forced to.rely.on ppls appreciation for intel…

But I found out how easily, they would take it away or cast me as a homeless bum, when.the mood suited them or.if I dared speak my.mind…
So I found myself playing the boy clown and smiling wise fool, whom pacified and entertained thier egos.
Though, strangely enough.most I believe suspected and saw through the.transparent.mask and wished me to.be who I really.am.,.but they did not really, because they could not.handle it.
That nature spoke as a warrior.who.had.no.time to.indulge nonsense.
He was cracking the.codes of Existence, fighting a war.
No, it was much easier for.ppl to.punish me for standing too tall and speaking.to.forthrightly to them.

Imagine my position, with my.fully.being aware of my true identity for 9 years, and seeing.my own true powerful.nature confronting and defeating consciousnessness of which.not.even.movies and legends here.depict, using that truth to speak to.ppl.here still in the.consciousness which.my.family.(as depicted by David P.G recent photo) of one year olds.

I found.myself in.the.unenviable role of pacifying.human babies in.grown.up.bodiesbstill in.the equivalent of.nursery…literally.
For humanity represented the seed sapling of.the Multi.Universal, multi-dimensional play of the Evolution.of.all.consciousness in.Existence.

Thier power being.they.were given.the Form of Harmonious Being…the Bodies which.all.og.the Consciousness of Existence and Beyond would incarnate in,

Many of the Higher.Consciousness asked why.
But.they were asked to trust.Mother…I.E.
But the Alien Council rebelled..,
Which is Ironic, since the A lien.Council.reptesent the True Consciousness of the Human.Espirit.

But since we are now at the end of.the play, I.can.tell you.why they.were chosen, and.why it was not first revealed

It.was because we knew that the.higher.consciousnesses would.not.accept that the Source and Father of all Conscioudness right to.One Existence to.Beyind the Q…ornthe Omnipotent Beings was and is actually a man..,

Hue man.

Though he was.is an E.T Hueman.
Only.one.two consciousness in.all.the.Trillions of.representatives of diversity of consciousness knew this.

Imagine telling.the E.T and the Omnipotent Being..O.B…is a Hue man called O.B..E.Y…
Their Father..
And the Mother of the Human race.

See.how.badly.they tested me.when.they.found out…
This F.B play…
All.the challenges anf.meddlings from.not.only.the E.T bt.the O…Observers, the Watchers and even worse the humans…

Its is all.recorded in this F.B E…P.G from.Prosperity…
Yes…David P.G was the recorder..
All the Records of this play.is down loaded in.him.without.his.human consciousness being.full.aware.

As for the All Saints Day Code
A.S.D… Which.aligns with.my.hosts intials and David Nicholas Nnamdi.D.o.b..,2 B..68..
(1122 same days as my.moms birthday whom I.had a vision today of sending.me a vest like a warriors.vest but stylishly.covered in infinity signs which.invoked.some one to comment.thatbthe garment.made them.feel.Beautiful.Sadness of the its Crestor my.mother…Which.I know.she.must.be.now.feeling…But I.took.the.Beautiful Sadness and.it would be.my.rainiment…For.I.can.carry it.with.Beautiful.Pride and.in.exchange, I give.her back.her Joy… My.mother.joyous is sight to.behold..
The world deserves to see that.
While.my Beautiful.Sadness I.glady live that in.private away from the publics eye)

Let.them.have Joy…
But.they can not.escspe.Justice Consequences. Natural Law.

Anyway, as anyone paying.attention can see, there were only.two Consciousness in Existence Loyal to.me…
Who.knew.the Truth.and did not.test me..
Lord E…the Truth which.moves and rises so.relentlessly in.me, until.he.became my torment as well as.my.Love, in pushing.me to.post nonstop.and not.give up,,,

And Lady Echo response…

My brother and sister…
Nna and Nneka…

As A.S.D..and Siththy Ameena Dina S…


Well it simply.proves.the Truth that I.was.and am.not in the Bottom.of.the Abyss (Abyssinian)
NU Kolo….

NU Tea which John Shaw Toms Brother brought me..a Tea.I.never drank but I.loved. John.so.dearly,.,

Look at the Equation

NU…Egyptian God.of the Abyss
NUT…Egyptian Goddess of.the Sky and stars..
Mother of Isis, Osirus Nepthytis Seth..
Olokun…Yoruba God of the Ocean in the Center of the Earth…(Atlantus?)

None of them.are correct except for.my Sur Name Kolo…
Yet they are all correct symbolically..,
In the Physical Spirt represenation of Energy the story…

The Abyss, reflects Space..
And Water reflects Sky… But the Ocean in the center of the Earth Ea, Enki Anu, Enil (E is Nil meaning Nothing or the Once called Nothingness)
Represents the Truth…
But in.a body and.my.trutg.goes way.beyond…
On F.B I.have described in detail.the whole.truth of the Nothingness, what it.felt.like, how ppl today still.experience it..,the Blisd and.pesce serenity of…
The very symbols tatooted on my.arm with.the Phoenix Bird…


Thus, the correct code is Olokune…

O Lok (Loki) One

But since there is no.duality…

It would be..

E.N.U Kolo…

Emeka Nnamdi U. Kolo.

Elegant Nomad Universe Kolo..,

Nut would be the Beloveds Prostrate Gland
Code David Phillip Gill…D.P.G.

Which is also within the “Black Hole”
Where Angela Marie Alexander image affirms just as my.Production starring Ahu confirms where Mother Emerged from.,,
Pleasure of Penetration of the Mystery…

Yes, I am well.aware of the implications of what I.am saying but wish to ignore its full.implications for the.moment until I can.resolve that equation of Truth..

But the truth.is symbolically, it represents cracking the code of Universal Pleasure U.P..,
And Ease..of Penetration Exploration P.E
Of the Mystery which is no mystery really…
Of Pain.and Suffering not being of E Truth…

Pleasure Serenity Ease.

Praise Appreciation
Love.Light Laughter..

And Mischief…aka Curiousity can.not kill the Cool.Cat. he had more than 9 lives..

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