
11/1/2014 12:37 – Facebook Post

All Saints Day.

E.T Go Home.


I am not sure if my newest F.B friends truly realize what has been going on.

My older F.B friends are more aware that I was not sure why I was brought to F.B….
Only to .find myself responding.to a force which is.moving in me, and has been moving to respond to its stimuli, and weave a.picture and story into Existence in the spur of a moment.
In which the entire universe (except for humans asleep, set.me up with no.means of.escape to.prove.

*And believe.me.I.am.Houdini but the only.escape.route was leaving.my.body..
And the only.time I.really tried, I burst out.laughing.. Despair.Depression is alien to.me.. But I.do.recal hearing Yoruba voices… And my mothers.. Speaking my.mothers voice sad while the Yoruba kept ssking her if I would leave my.body…
I knew it was they.who were doing.this to.me testing me.., the Yourba.aligned to the Egyptians-Nubians (Abyssinians) on one side and the Igbo and Oinri…on the other.


A.N.E Y.I.O…

Hyenas Jackals…see Annubis and Movie The Story of Pi.

I have.been figuring.everything.out as it streamed through in.non stops.posts stimulated and.impulsed by The Everything.

Only to realize that I was brought here, to defend my personal, perception of humanity, and to.my.astonishment my memories and truth that I remember the birth of Existence in predeisignated script.

All of you…All.of this…
Was, is set up.
In fact, my.whole.life as far as I can discern has been a script.designed for set up for this.play.on.Face Book.
Which is.obviously why my.life and Existence had to be.publicly exposed.

And you are the Witnessses and the actors.

As far as I.can discern this was.more than just proving.the Evolution of the.species, but the Evolution.of all Existence.

I have had to piece together the sum.total of.my.life aligning all.the.pieces which.revealrd a Truth already revealed and.discerned by.me years ago.

I was also compelled to take responsibility for the Truths of Existence and seemingly prove my loyalty to the very truths I knew and had been revealed to.me.

It was a Test.

And yet as the Movies Enders Game it was real.

I realize that all you were are hosts of Energies of Existence called to witness my testing and solving of these Riddles.

I was Blind sided… And thus, did not know what the set up.was really about.
I knew the Script from I had pieced together myself through.memories and investigation of what the Devil is going on with my live.
But.this Script was so much.different than the script I.remembered and was not the way of the Beautiful Ones.

It to me is beyond Evil
Yet the weave which is manifesting from it is of a Beauty which I recall but became expanded to an even greater Beauty to Beautiful.

This is why, in each.post,.I waited fo for the affirmation response.
I thought this was obvious by now.

I.have asked people to.go,back.and investigate what this is all about before making comments, judgments…
But for some reason, they would not.
Thus, adding to.my.torment.

I also realize that this was about the revealtions of my Identies in all the past plays…
Almost as if to exist in I had to piece together all.elememts of myself but first by identifying all aspects of you undercover as.my the line of E.

It was a challenge and a set up of cruelty, selfishness in.which.another vibration was interfering with the True Frequency, transmission, code play and message….

It did all.it could to.distract me with miserliness or all the illusions of the worst traits of humanity.and human Existence.

This frequency which interferred with the true exquisitely beautuful.play was both of the Modern world and of the Ancient world who were afraid of the consequences of my.reaching my.Family.

But I.had no.idea it would go.so.far.

There are human beings I.have met
and experienced who would have understood this play, what is going on.
Who would have sent donations, sent support cheered me on…
I.know such ppl exists in humanity.

I.have met.such ppl.
I.have seen them on the streets
On T.V
Read thier books…

I knew the ppl of this play were chosen by the lie the Ancestors and the Modern world because they would either be too far away, not understand or distract me with challenges or being in the wrong story or consciousness.

As David Enke once noted, over a year ago… Everyone is dissaponting you in this play.

No, It was set up to look that way.
To torture and torment and distract me from reaching the frequency of my.family.
Yet, every single person.rose to.the line of E.

People who.normally.would not be moved were moved by the E in them.to.give me shelter.and just enough to live.
Somehow, I managed to Exist for 13.8 years with nothing….

It was set up.this way by the Modern and Ancient Secret Socities.
I gave enough evidence of this.
But I knew distraction was being used to.distract you…I knew that if the E line had moved you to.bc my F.B friends in perfect Harmony.then.your humanity or consciousness was being intereferre with…
As well.as what was going on with your lifes…

But what saddened me was how easily it was to.give yourselves those reasons and excuses nit to.do.fight those situations, as I did…
And do the right thing.

This is why I fought for the Truth of you but really wish to.have nothing to.do with most of you…
Its is not a judgment nor did affect my doing my job or being fair to you.

I.just would have been nice if someone had fought for me, just a little as I.fought for you.

And it was not conditional of your gaining something…

No, I know that there are ppl who represent the Beauty in humanity I knew exists.

This was a set up to make me give up on the species.

You.have to.follow each Link.each post to.see the extraordinary story, weave, evidence of my family communicating to me through so.much interference…while I fought to give evidence of thier duplucity…

But I have long.given up seeking to get ppls attention.to what I am linking…
And that E.T do exist and they are making First Contact with me.

That I am OLOKUN….
Nu (John and the Nu Tea)

Sent to the Abyss which I already presented evidene of since 2004 Creation when.Mother sacrifices herself.by.placing.herself in the center of the Earth to.present the destruction of the planet by the Alien.Council.
Mother was me as Mba Afor.Cha…
She I, turned the flames in the.center of the Rock.Ages into.life giving fresh.water Asteroid Meteorite…

I was there…

I did not.have to.prove this to.anyone.
I.was.weaving.the truth into.Existence and trying to.reach.my.family.

So Angela Marie Alexander… No contradiction.

It was E.T…
E.True Going.Home
Never to return.to U or this University Universe which sought to turn the greatest story ever told into a Joke.

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