
11/1/2014 0:02 – Facebook Post

So S.A.D..

The Name CCalifornia comes from the.Babylonian.names Gods Ea and Enki…

Kali Ea forms Land…

Ea who was one.of the three most powerful Gods in.Mesopotamia (Anu Enil…E.E.A…yes itsva code and Anu.meabs Meat in O.I.Nri Igbo. En meand Lord…E.E.A thus would.be the three aspects that.make the Human.Body and add Ekni it.becomes Four…just.as the four Elements..but.they are all.one..4 en 1..41..D.A)

And and.whose.influence spread amongst the Hittites Canannites Hurians..
The Bible.Story.is influenced by these trinity of God…the Four.three…

Enki.is said to.be.an E.T.space.man.,who.is also Ea (area 51…Transformers Deceptacons…bottom.of the Ocean Atlantis…my.memories today…of the True version…
Its is as if.in.this illusion Nature Usurped its.Creator and His experiences and expressions…
As I.stated…a War…)

Thus Ea is Enki the E.T who came to.help in the Evolution of man. He.knew thier Destiny.of the plan.E.T…and.was.the Defender and protector of man.giving.the.through.his seamen, fresh.water :Life…not Sea Salty.water to.Drink.

Meaning that the Life giving water was.within not.outside as Sea.which.of course would.be water becoming filled with Salt as it.travelled outward..
Flushing.out.in.the toilet.bowl.and then.being re absorbed by the Earth at.the Bottom.of the.ocean floor…
And filtered, recycled back to.the.Fresh water within the Ea…RT..H…okay.

Meaning the life giving water (fresh knowledge) is within.,.
Which.comes out with.warmth.creating.mousture Rain..etc…
And so this E.T Space man.Enki…is Ea..
But also.Anu.and.Enil…

Enil is Line…
Anu.is U.Na.
E.A En (Elegant Nomad…”In..EN means Lord.in.Summarian”) I.L.U Na Line…
Na means And or.Et…

E.A In I Lu (I read…F.B.page E… Your.talking.to.the Silence.Lord E)..
I.Love U (was seeing.that.everywhere today..L is.12…Johnny.L.Ark in…”Love.you” he said…)
U Et Line….

He.was often depicted in very intense sexual.guises so much.so that.these images.were suppressed.

Sacred Portals

My Sacred
He.is said to.live beneath the Earth where his semen.contributes to the.life giving.fresh.water which burst from the Rock.of Ageis..
Which.is not a physical.Rock..,

He is also said to be the protector of humanity and controller of thier destiny

California is Actually Kali and Ea form.the.land..
That is what California name.originsted from..

La is in.New York..

I only.mention this because taking walk today kept on.seeing.the code Kali For nia..and Ea….

And so here were are still.fixing up the.past…to.meet me here in the present…Sacred portal 56…

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