
1090 Facebook Friends

1090 Facebook Friends

10:35 p.m.


1090… T.I.O….

Noun. tio-uncle (brother of someone’s father or mother, or an aunt’s husband) (slang) uncle (colloquial term of address for an older man) (slang, by extension) colloquial term of adress for any person.

10 35… J C E….. A O..C E…

C.K….T R… U E…


I would like to invite you all to read a comment by Ria Casey H Rankin on my recent post…

She spoke about the A.B Code of 147 – and then used what I can only describe as Witchcraft, the Dark Arts and Voodoo in its corrupted form, to then change my expression made so clear, over and over again into the Expression of SHE.

There were two Storms in New York while I was in enacting the Script and Scene with Flip J Hendrixs linked by Peter Nyarkô.

I gave evidence daily, by reporting faifully what the Script had dictated and challenged me to enact out without my knowing what it was setting me up to prove,

It ended with the equation of Man gives birth, how the Creator as the Male Chromosome Y gives birth to Life..

All this was made perfectly clear, right to Edmund Kent Friedman post which I shared, and Teo Miguel Bouça post ICE VII…

Yet despite all this Evidence, all that I posted, she still was able to come on my page and speak of SHE…and that they were right to Fear She…And ended her comments with MOTHERARC…

A clear reference to the code I just posted.

She alluded that I am the spokes person for She….

With all the non stop evidence of my expression and the challenge by Woman answered…

Despite being forced, betrayed by my E-Spirit forcing me to come to New York to enter into a ridiculous challenge helmed by the Illusion of Woman- who refused to acknowledge that she she was brought into Existence, created through a conversation between Two Men…

And then proving this through 17 Years of Physical, Material, Spiritual Emotional and Mental torture right to the Two Storms which took place during my scene with Flip J Hendrixs.

And even the challenge of the Sixth sense play at the Arab Bodega with the code 20…

To the the last awful test of Flip giving me a total of 54 usd..

April 5th 69…. 5-4-69…

*Edmund Kent Friedman that video of Father wearing Violet in that video with the Bike he is riding on G J R 69 69…

Which is the exact amount I posted and noted and still have the reciept which Erik Ebright made a point of sending me 69.69 usd.

Flip J Hendrixs is going to Miami of the 14th… Works at 33 3rd Avenue…on the 14th floor.. 14..N… Nnamdi.. Nature…

To Jamel being the only one to giveme a monetary gift when I asked for a loan of 3 usd he gave me a gift of 7 usd…

Seer… See Teo Miguel Bouça ICE VII…

And Jamel just gave me a gift and insisted that I get him some gel, and then asked to borrow my lighter blue forcing me to find my other lighter which is Violet…

The Color of that outrageous expression of Fathers Hindu Arab inventor of the number Zero…

And Jamel just called me, the moment I wrote his name…

And returned my blue lighter…

Kemi Sara Dawn Piercy Axel Love Anthony Bienke.. all of who are witnessing this insanity… this Script…

I ask you to go and see Ria Casey H Rankin ( R.C.H.R….Royal Child Human Race?… R.. CH R… IS T…But there is no I.S.. T.. as I manifested…

Black Panther… 26 Days realease… A-Z… ( Zero) 1 Billion Dollars…

22 Million first day of Release in China… Yes Yeun Chen in my room.. No more Smell…

11:07 p.m.. The Time Jamel contacted me last night..

Everything is going to be alright.. he said.

How.. please tell me, after all this and all that, she could say

That I am a spoke person for SHE… MotherARC..

Unless she is calling me Mother..ARC… SHE..

But I very much doubt it because she totally negated my expression and my name and the Reason and Logic of the Script which I did not create but which confirmed my truth in the most obscence script which I will never forgive my now Equal Twin for agreeing to submit me to, to prove it to the Seen and te Unseen… The Eze Nri- As Nnamdi…

I invite you all to see what she posted…

And tell me, is that not the Total Knock Out of Reason… and Woman as the book Witchlanders..

Witchanders is a story of Deception and in the end a story of how far a High Priestess Witch goes to lie so the Truth of the Origins of the two sides of magic do not come to light…

*The world in Witchlanders is deeply torn after a long war between the Baen, whose magic lies in their voices, and the Witchlanders, whose magic rests with the prophecy of witches. Though the universe is relatively simplistic (two different cultures separated by obvious Mendelian physical traits and magical/ideological divides), in this contained, smaller scale novel, it works beautifully and effectively. There are lies and secrets on both sides of the divide, and though ultimately the truth is a little easy to figure out, the mystery of who is conjuring the black magic (and for what purpose) is a big twist that is handled deftly by Ms. Coakley.

From a character point of view, Witchlanders has two main protagonists and both are male – which is kind of a nice change of pace, especially in the YA fantasy front – and their combined voices are really what drive the novel. Ryder, our primary protagonist, struggles with his exasperation with his mother and his fervent desire to keep his family together and fill in his father’s shoes. Falpian also struggles with the legacy of his father and his lost twin, desperate to live up to his brother’s memory and become a true magic singer that his family can be proud of. Though they are from different walks of life – a farmer and a scholar – Ryder and Falpian are excellent foils, and I love the way their relationship blossoms over the course of this book, and how they also grow as individuals and learn to embrace some of the harsher facts of life.

*High in their mountain covens, red witches pray to the Goddess, protecting the Witchlands by throwing the bones and foretelling the future.

It’s all a fake.

At least, that’s what Ryder thinks. He doubts the witches really deserve their tithes—one quarter of all the crops his village can produce. And even if they can predict the future, what danger is there to foretell, now that his people’s old enemy, the Baen, has been defeated?

But when a terrifying new magic threatens both his village and the coven, Ryder must confront the beautiful and silent witch who holds all the secrets. Everything he’s ever believed about witches, the Baen, magic and about himself will change, when he discovers that the prophecies he’s always scorned—

Are about him.

The Truth is even in this story…

Two men…

Two Women…

Recall this was the book given to me by Harold the Indian who found two books first he gave me the Enders Game… E G…

And then Witchanders… He said he was guided to give each book to me…

He was my bed Neighbor I was in 007… he was on 008

11:23 a,m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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