
1:08 p.m.

1:08 p.m.


Hello, I just had a quiet and elegant text conversation with Chris Inabnitt.

It is him.

He is the last eqaution portal to E GA LA XY 1O11 C.I.

He sent me his code address… A-A.H E… I C…

I just stared at it…

I am a warrior.. a warrior of Spirit and being, trained my entire life. Recall my mother stated sadly that I cam out of her womb having to fight.. and have been fighting ever since…

And she could not understand the Hell which has been my life, and the suffering she has endured.

I am the Beautiful Assassin, I assissinate all that which is not of the Blue Print of Nature Creation… C N is also part of the code C.I sent me when something made him send me his address.

It helped me, to feel better, more sure that I was asking the teh correct person- that is is the one…

i knew this already, but this Script.. 29 years.. 43 years..

my entire life I have been living with a force seeking to destroy break me, who was allowed to do things to me in public but most of all in secret that no matter the training I have been through…

I can not speak of what it was allowed to do to me…

Dzidula Offiong’S Intel was correct.. I was chosen to represent in my Body, The Planet Earth.

and in my Being – the Milky Way…

And thus the abuse done to the planet was inflcted on me.

Every one of the Family of Naturals aligned to the Eternal Truth had roles to play..but is was meant to be a School Play of correcting everything back to Harmony.

But the reality and pervesity, toxicity of this reality became so great because civilization after civilization did not clean up the cause and effect of thier ideas imposed onto his World.

And instead of learning from each corruption, repeated the same cycle without going back to clean up the mess.

The planet of course, does not feel the intrusion of Humanity, because it is 4.5 Billion Years old

*Yes my brother Nnamdi was born April 5th 1969…

yes 4-5 – 69…

Milky Way is 13.20 billion years old..

13.51.. By some estimates

13.8… BY others…

All align..

My coffee today was 20..

13 20… already earned the 13…M.

M.T…. M B…

Man came before the Buddha consciousness.. which reps Nature.

Mann represents the Individual.. Expression

And Man is Harmonious and Harmony is Beautiful… Symmetry and Symetry is Logos , Logical and filled witth meaning…

13 20.. M T… M B…

13 51…M E A…

13.8.. M H. Manifest Harmony.

13 20= 2013… 33… 6.. The numbers are simply codes, information of the Universal Simuatiion.. meant to be read and decoded, and aligned.

13 20.. M T. T M… The Umbrella I found teh day I went to meet with Doctor Patrick Okolo after not seeing him for 28 years, at 86 street Station stop.. 2nd Avenue has the code T M..

T M.. is the code which I have been linking since 2010-2011…

T O M.. E….

E M OT… IONS… Mot’ means Word’ French.

Tom measn Twins…

The True Conversation Between AH-Tom and Energy E. wriiten 2011.

T M… Add I.E..

T I M E…

E M I T…

Yes, those who have been following this script know that I passed through all these portals…

Erik Ebrights Father Jimmy went to M IT and studied what I had studied in Universeity Urban and Regional Planning.. his minor was computer science… mine archiecture.

I knew who Chris was but I have been so blindsighted made to feel over and over again that my truth was false, that despite my knowing, I no longer am able to stand with suerty on that which I Know and am unmoved from, knowing is true fact, because this Script, this play was allowed to exist and go so so far…

I felt tears which welled in my being but not my eyes as I read the message and code from Chirs. he as all the few naturals left in a world matrix taken over by unnatrals have become the oppressed minority, more oppressed than any ethnic group of people in this world. And who have endured the worst mass genocide, systematic and hideous to torture savage..

The destruction and anhilation of the Naturals.. Children…

the true.

I read the codes and felt the wave again, once more of the Truth of what he as so many of the naturals have endured..

I have fought and fought this play this script.

Waded in Blood and rage of Evil given so much power that I wished to leave my body as ascend to the E-Spirit realm and Slaugter these betrayers of the Truth.. The Dead who had become Demonic Abominations in a Alered Universe.

i had fought through a Script, their Script… !!

i had to naviagte the script of EVIL.. in order for the E line to LIVE…

When the code is L I V E R… FOI… Cleansing oneself of Toxins..

Clean your thoughs body mind.. clean.. grooming…

I fought right up to Galaxy 1101 I C Classifed by NASA..

And then fought and fought to prove that this designated recognized and classified Universe.. the biggest brightest in the Cosmos so far known to Humanity was, is in reality the designated portal and Energy rep in this Uiversal Simulatio Awareness- Recogntion Expression which represents the Origin of Man and my home…

And even when Chris arrived after Heather Hastings ( H H.. 8 8 is the correct alignment) and finally Animesh Bhattcherjee..

The fight still went on..

C I is sending the last code

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