
1064 Facebook friends have been attained.

1064 Facebook friends have been attained.

7-8 Today… 7 as the number of Human Perfection according to ancient texts.

11:43-44 p.m.


Coffee given to me first at the Arab Bodega from Ali and Dai’b..

another number 4… 4 4 4… 12… 4 3.

Then 7 from Jace Horsford….

which Kyle exchanged it for me for number 6 42.. yes the date…2-4…

64 2… I am at 1064 Facebook Friends… We close the play at 64… 88888888…8(8)… 64/46…

Zarathustra Mohammadi was the first I saw arrive of what was first 4 then 5 then 6 then 7…8

*The association of the name with stars was promoted by a Kircher (as quoted by Sapere Aude in a preface to William Westcott’s The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster) furnishes another absurd derivation when he seeks to show that it comes from TzURA = a figure, and TzIUR = to fashion, ASh = fire, and STR = hidden; from these he gets the words Zairaster = fashioning images of hidden fire; — or Tzuraster = the image of secret things. Aude goes on to state that, Others derive it from Chaldee and Greek words meaning ‘a contemplator of the Stars’.

Ahura Mazada…

Ahura Mazda is not the only god in the universe of Zoroastrianism, and he is not the sole creator of the world. Ahura Mazda is the father of two twin spirits, Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu. The former is the holy spirit, the latter, the destructive one, and is also known as Ahriman.

Ahura Mazda (/?’h?r? ‘mæzd?/;[1] also known as Ohrmazd, Auramazda, Hourmazd, Hormazd, Harzoo and Hurmuz) is the Avestan name for the creator and sole God of Zoroastrianism, the old Iranian religion that spread across the Middle East predating Judaism, before ultimately being relegated to small minorities after the Muslim conquest of Iran.

12:00 a.m.

Mohammed means Arabic Meaning: The name Muhammad is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Muhammad is: Variant used for Mohammad – founder of Islamic religion. praiseworthy; glorified.

Victoria Sydaphasvnh

Tiziana means Honored


It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells. Cocci is an English loanword of a modern or neo-Latin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (??????) meaning berry.

It derives from the Roman (Latin) Dominicus, meaning belonging to the lord god, from dominus, lord or master. The name was given considerable impetus by the fame of the Spanish saint Dominicus, who founded the Dominican order of monks, although it was already well established.

Michaël Trahé… The Water as the True meaning of Micheal… that which is like God… is the Fabric of Existence.. the Tissue and the Cloth…

Of the Winners Castle… Victor…..

The Landing in the Clearing on the Woods of the Heads of the Egytian A-Lien Gods Animal Heads-Symbol of the Supenatural represented in the Animal World

Delacruz… meaning

De la Cruz is a Spanish surname meaning Of the Cross.

*Of the Cross.. as in Crossing over… to Cross over… See Sacred Portal 41… Eleggua. Elu Ah… The Crossing Guard…

See the Super Bowl final score 33 versus 41….

41-33= 8… South Carolina…8th State….

Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya…

Meaning of Biswajit?

One who Won One whole World

Meaning of name Biswajyoti is

The name Biswajyoti mostly used for the gender Boy / Girl ,as per the Astrology biswajyoti zodiac sign is Taurus

The Bull….

Poseidon Neptune…


From Bengali, bhaTTa (master teacher or learned teacher), from Sanskrit bhartR (master, used for those who sang praises) and AcArya(coming near).

Bhattacharya Name Meaning. India (Bengal and Assam): Hindu (Brahman) name, from Sanskrit bha?t?tacarya, from bha?t?ta ‘learned one’ (see Bhatt) and acarya ‘teacher’, ‘preceptor’ (see Acharya). Originally, it was a title given to a learned man or a celebrated teacher.

The last Meaning after Stanley Delacruz.. S.D… Which links to the Crystal Dark Crystal portal of the Matrix- Portal opening by the V.I KINGS… A liens.. sacred portal 114… LANDING OF THE Death Star.. D.S/ S.D… Satan.. meanING Truth in Sanskrit…

*Sa means infinity; Ta means life; Na means death; and Ma means rebirth. All variations of the name SATAN mean TRUTH in Sanskrit, which is one of the world’s oldest and most ancient of languages. All of this has to do with the kundalini life force (the serpent) within us. Jacob’s coat of colors in the bible is the aura

Satan translates as TRUTH in Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit words have Satan in them, and they all pertain to something important and Spiritual like above said truth, and others to Enlightenment and so on. Here are a few examples: -Sanatan= Eternal -Satanama= the cycle of life, death and rebirth

Devil is Bahphomet which means Sum of Understanding

*Jump to History – Baphomet rendered in Hebrew is ?????; interpreted using Atbash, it becomes ?????, which can be interpreted as the Greek word Sophia, meaning wisdom.

Question: Who/what is Baphomet?

Answer: Baphomet is the name of a false god associated in times past with the Knights Templar and today with Satanism and the occult. Modern representations of Baphomet picture it with a goat’s head on a human body (with both male and female traits); between the goat’s horns is a torch, and the image often includes a pentagram. The origin of Baphomet-worship is subject to much debate. Even the origins of the word Baphomet are unknown. Some believe it is a French corruption of Mahomet (“Muhammad”). Others believe it to be a code from Kabbalah meaning “the father of the temple of peace of all men.” Or the Arabic word for “the father of understanding.” Or, finally, the Jewish Atbash cipher as applied to Sophia—the Greek goddess of wisdom.

See sacred Portal 37.. Sophia Oscar Laurel…Stephan Oscar Lawrence… S O L…

And then Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya..

Which is the E Universe talking to me through you and your name means reflected back at me through my expression and your arrival as Facebook Friends…

One who Won the Whole World..The Bull and the Matador in one (Sacred Portal 50.. 25+25.. Y Y) is the Master Teacher the learned one Who sang praises of the Comming Near… of Eternity and the Eternal Ones

That is my reporting for the day….

12:40 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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