
10:56 a.m.

10:56 a.m.


Coffee number 600….

10:58 a.m.

See sacred portal 56.. 58… 6.. Sixth Senses O O.

E.F… E H… F… T R .. U E..

11 38 Face book Friends…

Two Supremes lines.. Silence Sound… S S… 19 19.. 38…

K 2… Kirtan Kartana… e…

11= 2.. B… Body represented by Billy Hung Billy Fred…. B B H F..

11= 1.A… Awareness.. Jace Horsford J= 10.. 1O.. A O…

(* Chief A. Olufemi… God Father… Guide Father.. Nnamdi)

Body Being Aware Omega… in Perfect Symmetry.

11:01 p.m. Galaxy 11 01/ 1O 11… I C/ C I…

…of Perfect Timing… P.T….Consciousness C the Bowl.. Bowels Colon of Infinity…

Which is 6th Sense… Hong FA H F…

The restaurant which I led Billy to yesterday…

Hindsight Foresight… Leading to see the Universe in Real Time and this in actuality ( and not through the lens of light reaching us afterwards. But rather aligned in perfect timing with its expression. Hence allowing you to see in accuracy and in perfect alignment of Its Expression.

C speed of Light, racing through the Universe as Space of Mass really composed of Nothingness , but Intent, Will .. and purpose.

That is what holds it all together, the definition, and form already defined.

Q represented by Quanma’e Lewis Jacqui…

Jace Jacqui.. J J… brought the Quantum equation to fruition as 1010 is 2 in Decimal 2.

And so we have the understanding of the Parallel Universe – altered and which thrived based on the concept of Zero, inti the understanding of the Full Circle had been expressed and understood. The Tunnel of Love… Access yes Billy Hung for the Disadvantaged but only in this Altered Reality now programmed to go Self Destruct.. S.D..

Accessed for the School Children who went wild, crazy in their desire to get out of this Web of Lies, the Matrix Woven by an Alternative reality of Non Existence Zero…

Zero does not exist.

But it was invented to fill a Void, a Void of understanding the Full Circle. that there was nothing Missing. And that Humanity was created Complete.

But not in this realm where they thought they were Incomplete until They, Understood the Universal Play.. ( U P) of the University School ( U.S.) Universal Simulation Awareness Manifest Expression.. U S A M E…

School for each to understand how they were created complete and thus, becoming Completed…

Outside and well as Inside, Above as well as Below…

These four Points Delta, this created a Cee which becomes a Full Circle of understanding Body and Being… B B.. 2 2.. are One…Unified by the Expression.. E..Beautiful Expression Beautiful Truth.

For symmetry is Beauty… it bring Meaning and Awareness…

And thus Truth, Existence, Expression can only be a celebration of Beauty and the Beautiful.. Belle Beau Beaute… Beautiful.

B B B B .. 2 2 2 2 .. 4 4 … 8….

8 8… 16. P…7.. G.. Golden…

Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn..

Zarathustra Mohammadi


Dawn Piercy

Golden Dawn…

Dawn Piercy…

Pierces through Perception to reveal the Point of the C…

G D… 7 4… 11 28… 39.. C.I… E…Consciousness Exemplifies Love.

By exemplifying how to C…

95/ 59…

Jace Bill… J B. OO 7…

11:38 p.m.

Meaning of the name Helmet…

* Link the meaning of William…

Desire Helmet Protector… Of the Beautiful Mind… Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind.

Helmut is a common given name in the German language. Variants include Hellmut, Helmuth, and Hellmuth. It derives from the Germanic elements helm (meaning helmet, protection) and muot (spirit, mind)

A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from injuries. More specifically, a helmet aids the skull in protecting the human brain. Ceremonial or symbolic helmets (e.g. UK policeman’s helmet) without protective function are sometimes used. The oldest known use of helmets was by Assyrian soldiers in 900 …

This most interesting surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a variant of Helms, itself a topographical name for someone who lived or worked at a rough temporary shelter for animals, or an occupational name for a herdsman, from the Olde English pre 7th Century word helm, a covering, but later meaning a roofed shelter for cattle. The plural form represents a survival of the Olde English genitive case, denoting of such a place. Other variants of the surname from this source are Helme (found in Lancashire) and Helms. Helm itself may also be of German origin, either a metonymic occupational name for a maker of hats, helmets, from the Germanic, Olde English helm, helmet

It also means the Crown, the Head of the Penis, ‘The Purple

and it comes from the word ‘Helm

To Helm, means to Lead….

The Penis Crown, leads the Piercing and the penetration of the Mystery.

Klenkler comes from the Germanic Czech name Klenke

which means..

‘This surname of KLENKE is of German origin, a locational name meaning the dweller near a rushing stream or ravine, or one who resided near a low hill

We know that it means Dweller near a rushing stream ( of Consciousness) Crack opening Ravine… Birth but not through a Womb but emergence by the landing of the convergence of Facts from Page 20 of the New York Times Sunday on the5-4-2018, and all other fact converging over a period of 5 years of posting while Billy was absent and investigating and experiencing that truth as being True… The Beautiful Truth and the Beautiful story being that which kept him sane when battling through the Abyss as Insanity Madness created by Human Expression of Cruelty through the ages which had not been cleaned up and thus came a force of Its own which became Intelligent and sought to Exist.. But only understood Evil Cruelty and Violence.. embodying all those ‘qualities which I had refused in the Eternal Beginning when exploring the Potentials of all that could possibly and potentially be.

Donny .. DON..NY… DON New York.. is Young…

D O N N… Y….

DO N E… New York City.. the 11th State to join the union rep by Jace Horsford Billy Hung.. Quanma’e Lewis… the 11th State…

11 11…. Kirtan Kritana… Jacqui Lewis Kirtan Locket.. K 2…

Two Rms… Randall Michael Witlz Robert K Murphy…

*My bed number is 18.. my Locker, some one wrote the number 360 degree’s… and drew Stars..

In my Locker there is Beautiful ( Good ) Magic.. I leave my Locker Open … It is Audible because it speaks to everyone.. any one can read it .. it is that simple… It is Transpatent…

Donny comes from the word Donald… Donald means Universal Ruler… World Ruler…

That which Rules the World now as well as the Eternal realm now finally interfacing and taking over this realm is Eternal Harmony.. A Wave of Music.. A Music Score, a Beautiful Symphony of Nature but as True Nature… ( T N… 2014… 34… 7)

A Choir, Chorus of Voices Raised to accompany One Soloist, now Two, and Three .. O T T.. Raised in Song…

123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening…

The Eternal Ruler is Young….

I am Eternally Young…

Eternal Youth…

And so are my Family called HUE MAN BEINGS…

The Truly Beautiful Ones….


Who exemplify from beginning to end.. A.B and the beyond to C… then to 180 180… 360 Degree’s the Full Circle of Being…

They can not stop until they stop, because there is nothing of Existence – Love anylonger…

That is how one knows that one is no longer of or in Existence True because there is no feeling sensational.. no Love…

and Love Cees all Points of view including yours.. who went all the way to fid the facts the truth..

And only then can you be released from that Lie when you understanding that all there is, all you wish, all you desire, and all you hold onto is the Beautiful Story…

Realizing that is the one and only Fact.. The Beautiful Truth and that everything else is a Lie.

12:37 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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