
10:54 pm. – The 6th Child of Li

10:54 pm.

The 6th Child of Liberty is born today.
A B O Y.

Healthy Robust little boy 9 in weight.
5:35 am arrival.
E C E.
Message received from Liberty 1:47 pm.

5-27-2021 @ 1:47 pm.

I was here when Thomas Lang sent me the intel of the birth of Jeron Lang.

Sent to me at 2-25-2019 @ 7:32 am.

* And yes I arrived here in New York 3-20-2001.
* Jon Jason Lee. = J J L = 32.
Jon Lee. J L.

Haris sent me his tel number 929 575 at 10:12 pm. J L.
The last time I saw Jeron Lang was with Liberty, on that date 10-12-2020.

10+12= 22.


Victor Victorious.

Victoria Jackson is about to give birth too.

11 22. My mother, Cecilia’ss and Davids’s birthday.
= 33.
He arrived at 15 69 Facebook Friends.

I had 7 recently then 2 more and now 3 more all in a span of the last 2 days.

7 2 3. 7 2 3 G-W Double U
Double V V Gemino

9 3. I C

12. A B- L.

And at 12 L. Liberty has given birth on this day 5-27.

When I left 219 South Whitney.

The last 3 to arrive brought the number of Facebook friends to 15 69.

15 is letter O and Aurelia Gemino’s age.

Nnamdi as you may recall was born on Easter and left on Easter not on the exact same date but the exact same Festival.
The date was a Full Circle plus One- Two Days.
6 9= 15.
15 69 is
15 15.
15 15=
1 is A.

11:04 pm.

So if we were repeating the past I would have been moving today two years later.

But Jesse Macias and Zion came to me through the vision of my dream.
I was led by them to the past at Hells Kitchen in April May 2005.

I am present right here just got nack from 527 Bodega.
Amigo Supermarket.

11:22 pm right now.

Rô? Ssø R S.
James Slauson J S.
Jacob Edeh J.E,

R S J S J E./

E J S J S R. South Road- Rainbow Spectrum.

Rou *
Verb. rou (present rou, present participle rouende, past participle gerou) to mourn, grieve

Rou as a name *”Rou is a Chinese Girl’s name and the meaning of this name is “gentle; mild”.

Roue. *”One devoted to a life of sensual pleasure; a debauchee; a rake. Etymology: F., properly p. p. of rouer to break upon the wheel, fr. roue a wheel, L. rota.”

Roux means “Red”

*”Roux is the name of the dashing Johnny Depp character in Chocolat. Roux is French from a Latin word meaning russet or brownish red; it’s also a cooking term for a mixture of flour and butter that forms the foundation of many gravies or sauces. Most of today’s children with this name, pronounced roo, will actually spell it Rue, for the female character in The Hunger Games.”

*In fact, the meme Haris sent me was from Hunger Games. HG 87 the same actress.

Sso means *”It is derived from the Old Norse name Leifr (nominative case), meaning “heir”, “descendant”.

S.R- South Road came a 5th son.
Arden is the second son of 5 brothers.
2 5.
2nd to the 4th.
2 4.

One Girl and 4 boys.

6 children at 900 South Road.

E S P.
6th Sense to Fact.

535 Time of Arrival Date 5-27-2021.

And 2-25-2019 @ 7:32 AM.

E C E- E: A-A.


I was on the 3rd Floor when Jeron arrived.

I am at the same place aligned to even the same room, working in the Kitchen as I did upstairs.

I am on the 2nd Floor.

3-2. South Whitney. Arden and his three childhood friends graduated from Wilderness School.

Ferrel and Arden according to Liberty are at RIOS. V T.
14th State.

In the movie Perfume- the last and most beautiful and crowning glory of this perfume was a red-headed girl.

Red aligns to what Arden and Jeron were wearing in the last photo before the most recent one sent.

Adam means “Red”

“Reddish Brown Terracotta Earth”

I am sure you can put this all together yourselves.

Including the 9 Facebook Friends names meaning and initials, yourselves if you are curious to investigate the message in a Bottle.

Adam was given the authority of Naming things.

Identifying them.
Stamping them with I D.


11:55 pm

1569.= 1 5 6 9= 21

O O 7.

*829 88 007 on Ten USD Bill.
From Qusharia Allah.

Emeka is Q.
Arden Q.
5 17.
1 17.

11:58 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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