
10:54 pm. – I just went out to

10:54 pm.

I just went out to pick a few things up at the local bodega…

It is really irritating having to report to you every detail of my daily transactions because it is part of the Play of Perfect Transparency.
Today is the 4-3 ) after all.

But yes, I am aware of the 4 4 code and Godess Bliss. Ocean.
Salt – Agelina Jolie/ William Brad Pitt play of David Dawn- David Darling.

After leaving Marina and Tom Truman I was sent down- to L- Lisa Levines Portal- L L.
M to L- But then I met Lisa Levine before I came to stay there.
I met her on my way to Marina;s Place.
Metal Jewelry- Marina had placed an order.

Her Portal I met her friends Olympia and Naki both independent of her, as well as J Colon, whom I connected to instantly.
Then Samantha, Marsha, Esmeralda, Dawn, etc…
And of course, Luke Simon who wrote the article on me published on the internet, “Professor Beauty- Doctor Love”

L D/ D L
Larikin Liscomb.

I was aware Ref the Shelter- Delta Manor Alexa – Theo assigned me and reserved for me bed 5-019 meaning Eos “Dawn” and a woman called Marina, exchanged my bed and brought me down to a 15 man room.
See the Reese Chocolates on my Table now- there are 15 – 4 yellow, 4 Earth Brown, and 7 in Orange Flame. 69 is 15.

Liberty sent me 150 USD last time. 6+9= 15.Letter O.

Alicia 54. E D – E N= S

11:05 pm.

I spent 6:50 USD.

And I grumbled to myself- I have no age code… I jump but I had no problem occupying that age code which would make me 55.
E E.

F R … E E.

But it also makes me an Alien rep Sacred Portal 65 and 30- “The play of The Alien and Serpent digging the hypnotic Pit and Transformation via the Woods- Red E.T. ( Wooden Love – Heart with the Black Bird from Kamora Herrington)

That is the dress that Lisa wore the day I moved in and she invited me to her friend Naki ( Anu-Naki’s) weeding on a rooftop overlooking Brooklyn; Green Point.

Jordan Colon. J C.
Had created a restaurant from all naturally grown foods from a farm.

So, I found myself with 39 usd left and change.
C.I E GALAXY 10 11 C I “Door Of True Life”

I rolled my eyes.

11:09 pm.

I came back and decided to make some dinner rather than comment on this money code play.
88 usd from Marina, ( EMEKA KOLO= 88.
I kept 60 USD Kim only asked for 20. and used 8-20 Class of 1982. 28 M A N.
Me, 11-28.
My Mother Cecilia and David 11-22-47-68.

He gets paid from the Army every month and Food Stamps on the 4-2 came so he stocked up on foodstuffs we eat but mainly myself nowadays.
I cook and he brought Beef and chicken.

Red Meat- Stake.
So I decided to make a meal Read- Red Meat- also because I am ready to rip apart and tear the flesh out of that which is this play and really the flesh as a book, from what I have experienced and read “Book of Blood”
Blood Ties?
B T?
Family Ties- Bonds?

Smoke began to fill the poorly ventilated Kitchen because all the windows have plastic coverings over them in the Kitchen and Living room.
( Yes, Hint)

Anyway, to let the smoke out ( SM OK.E) I have to open the Back door leading to the inner terrace which the Guest Room, I occupy overlooks.

It was blocked with Jae Shermans Trash- no she empties it regularly but today there was so much, I needed to access the back to let the smoke out, sure I didn’t have to throw it all out- but “what the heck” I said to myself, all the while reflecting and contemplating the One Reese Dark Chocolate of hers, I had left on my wallet in the final equation I posted.

11:17 pm.

I was already sensing a setup…
I went downstairs and as I tried to manipulate the trash into, the Plastic and Cardboard trash to fit.

Light Blue Mug from The Gemio’s instigated by Liberty.
Light Blue Car parked in the back.
Sky Blue. S B/ B S.

* And yes, please reference the Carton which I had shared from Facebook Memories containing the date of my moving to 900 South Road, which Arden found months later and had placed Jeron inside and played with him. * Cardboard is recyclable but not Plastic- not naturally so, that is.

I heard a voice call out to me to my right- there were people sitting in a Truck.

11:22 pm.

The voice called out to me, and I asked him to identify itself.

It was John Mack.

He asked if we might chat, I said no, but I was sincerely glad to see him.
.. Despite my being fully aware it was a setup.

*8:12 pm see that post, it was meant to be 8:13 pm complete- I think it was from Stephen Johnson- but it appeared the moment I posted it as 8:13 pm.

Holly Macdonald. H M “Erebus”
John Macks sister. J M

I knew his appearance was had more significance than its symmetry.

And I was glad to see him, and for a much deeper reason, but I had no desire to talk, I have left this world people behind- I have had enough really.

But I knew that he was safe and would be at ED EN.
But each had played out a role that they chose in response to what I had shared and given, and to him most of all when we had lived here, and he had lived on both floors.

On a deeper level, it was he who had been with Aundrey Klebanov the day I left 8-29-2019.

It was he who had brought the Satya Incense after he had returned road trip across America with his higher self had Checked.

11:28 pm Right now.

And he had aligned to Jeron Satya despite being loyal to Mackayla Burgos- M B- Marina Biruni.

11:29 pm.

He was a big boy and perfectly informed, so his choices are his.

But he had appeared at the Back Door, and the last play I had with Esteban M Filgueria was there.

John was born 1997.
“Stephen- Johns- Son”.

If Liberty required a Team or someone to take over or more qualified to take responsibility for the E-Manual. World- I have absolute trust in John Mack Line linked to Andrey Klebanov-a who I know sustained that purity.
A K.

But I knew what it meant for the World Universe People- Johns Macks appearance in a Truck.

J M A Man 8-29-2019
A MAN= 29 is 8 Infinity Harmony Bridges the I & I = Infinity – H.
Infinity I an Individual A MAN Is T S The Source- EA 51 of Evolution Awakening.
E Q.
E Quantum.

“Kolo@kolo crafts.man”
Emeka 5 22 E V”

-All shared by him here while we lived on the 3rd Floor.
He had no real official room there, as I do not have now, but had then.

Meaning he was not from here- hence no space-place, so I would be the one who was used to make space for him.

* Bed 5-019 sent down to bed 3-002 by a person called Marina.

19 65- is really / 56 91. E F I A.
5 69 1.

How old is Stephen Johnson Age Code? 56?

Jon Jason Lee. 32.
John and Kim both John.
Sean John.
Same thing.
Sean Combs.
S C.

Yes, the two Dots creating and exclamation marks,
one was given to me by Kim Tree and the other by John.
Kim John.K J.
John Kim J K 10 11
Marshall Mathews.
M M.

I am aware of who and what held this play up.
The battle between Black and White…
*See what I am wearing in the photo sent by Marina Biruini with the Dove who flew on my Head, Dove of Peace.
So one has an idea what has always been on my mind and my ardent desire.
Peace Of Mind. P O M M E G RANT.

Black outside and white underneath.
Grey on my Arms.

* You will recall that they filmed Men in Black just across the street from Tom Trumans Loft while I was there.

Alex Grey.
Deep Thought. D.T/ T D
Light Thought. L T/ T L

11:39 pm.

I was emptying Jae Shermans Trash.
Light Blue container.

See the same play at Liberty’s Portal my emptying the trash and coding the numbers.

While the correct code and play were on the Blue Rhino Gas Cylinder at 900 South Road with the code 6:19 to FS Facts Solid – Feelings Sensational= 25 Y Chromosome- also on the Deck, near the Kilm oven with 6 children on the terracotta neck and 8 around the mouth where I threw my rollie Stubs.
Same place as the Carton.

11:42 pm,

11:43 pm.

The hand print on the Mug from Jerone is Terracotta colored.
The Rhino forms the continent of Africa on the World Map if you turn it.
Tom Trumans Family lived in Map Town and have a banner across the Fire Place Mantle saying “Father of Infinity”
My Sacred portal 147 B A with the number 17 on the corner which is Ardens Age right now.

Neil Armstrong.
N A. Nna… Nnamdi-John./ A N Alicia Norris.

* Neil means Cloud Passionate Champion”

Jump Man…
E Leap = Q =H.
H Q.
Head Quarters.

11:44 pm.

There, satisfied?
Line if Sacred Portal 11 and 44.
Ocean Pose-id-on.
O P/ Post Office?
7 11. 24/7 All ways O P E N.

O N. E / N E O

Not POST OFFICE. Hermes Mercury.


O P O N…
The Source E.

I can tell you that I am not.

But then all are aware that I have made sure that I get my Satisfaction.

11:45 pm.

For such cheating and deception of a Script.

6:26 pm Edited 4-5-20 21

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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