
10:53 p.m

10:53 p.m

J ( A.F) E C ..


E X T S. Add I, X I. ( 11)

E X I T. S..


E Exists the Body as Time: 1-7 Chakra now at 8 out Side the Body.

Crown Chakra 33 confirmed by Arinze Umeano

I had a Scene in the Script with Sarah KaizerS

Earlier it was with John Mack before they McKayla RaysRays.


Today it was Tree SageTree.

Kim Arthur Hines.

It’s repeated the code play 40 USD sacred Portal 40

First Note Do

Last F irsr note Red .. Longest wave length

M J S T.


M.J S K… Sarah Kaizer Serenity/Sosa/ Kim

The play and scene which took place with Kim is just too much to recount and it’s meaning simoly the conclusion of the ones who rose to Harmony as their True Nature, as well as Nature’s Time -Body.. of water which Flow like Music/ Wolf C I. Sum

Kim is working at Cosmos International

C.I. S U M.

The reo of the Sum Total of Everything..

Full Circle at vmcimpletion

Kim Emeka


Sacred Portal 115 Sam-Son tearing down the illusion of the Wall

There is no Well l.

11:05 p.m

11 5

11 O 5

11 6 5.

( Money Code confirmed had 65 USD in my wallet)

11 11..

4 (1)

Umeano Hines

Universal Harmony

Sacred Portal 54.

He sent me the Intel of Congress vetoing Donald Trump wall.

Thus, the creation of that idea of a Wall in a Voodoo Chess play of representation, has failed to manifest from the Spirit realm as the lie, of the 4th Dimension onto the 3rd.

The correct equation E= C M 4/3

And sacred portal 43 The Door of Life

Has been realigned back to its original truth there was never a Wall.

And that it was always open

And that the Key

Turning The Key was also I ntel Tree Chiefy Kin, delivered to me today

Evolution Daughter of the Keeper of The Keys,

Mac Kayla Mack Ayla..

To Turning The Keys.. Full Circle

11:11-12 p.m

T T T K..O.. 71…. 15. 86..

GA/ A G.

Hindsight Foresight

Harmony Is Sixth Sense

Second Nature

First Nature us to Express

E H.

* I have a Becks beer cap on my Altar on the Shaman Shaker rod, rocket ship phallus – where captain America rides the rocket ship Morning Wood it’s a whole line which now looks like a mouth at the End where my Keys and Workd key holder is kept.

The one Esteban Miguel Filgueira offered me, at the End is the Becks Bottle cap, on a Dom cafe Coffee Mug shaped card.

The Key is in silver background red.

It is not placed upright but horizontally

Exactly like a picture photo Kim showed me today of his holding onto a lamp post and his feet as if planted in the air .

Like a Flag on a Flag pole..

Which is the last picture Tree sent me at

9:58 p.m.

I.E H.

Man landing in the Moon.

The True Earth..

The Key was to be able to complete the Full Circle.

The Script was about the Full Circle back to First Contact

Full Circle as Summyety

Perfection Attained.

To complete the Script which took me 29 years to complete and 18 years in a Universal Simulation Awareness called the U.S A.

E U be 2

Is the name of the Body wash Mikki recently bought and I noticed it in brown.

Brown 2

The Completion of the Script is the Key

And the Door Opens!

Open See same..

It was always Open


It’s view was blocked by the Illusion of yourself

While the True Nature of Being yourself had laid out the plan in your our D NA linked to the E.T..

D NE .

Aria Dne!

An Aria is a Solo Song sung in Operatic Tones Solfegio

Tone Completion of the Doppelganger Twins play.

Black On White


Cosmic Chess


Art Magic



Energy Science


C. C. A M E.


Rocket Fuel

It’s all about how you come


Orgasm when you Semen

True Men

Show and Tell.

4 7

11 28



Consciousness Infinity

Cosmos International

Order/ Organization Origins .

Logos/Law /Light …

DE Light Devine Divine

Consciousness Cee Cosmos Chess

Not people Black versus White

But the Chess Board we are on.

Holo Deck.

Playing as pawns in the play of the Two Highest Awareness

Paricle and Wave


And the merging then into one by the pawns rising through the play where they are beung moved.. from pawn to rookie, to knight to bishop Queen King and K. =11

11 1. And now you are out of the playing field but at 11. Where you defeat the Two ultimate awareness 69 ying yang…

By pointing something out they could not do merge the two back into one..

69 96

87. 78

2 4. Times and merge.them into fill Circle 4

4 O

And 2 O

40 from M.R B

20 from J S M.



J S M. 42

E M F 24

Yes today is 24

Esteban Kim.

Esteban Kim Emeka..

E K E. Full Circke.

11:42 p.m

The bottle cap on Dom card looks like it’s a tongue and where the Shaman Stick phallus ends looks like a mouth formed by a hand bracket which looks like a bow and arrow


My grandfather had 3 wives and 24 children when I met him

5 of them.had dies

Each wife had 8 children 16 girls 8 boys


But this is not his play nor that of Africa Pangea.

It’s was the play of Perfection Harmony

The Play of Everything

The play of Existence Eternity Infinity

Not limited to Time and Space

Kim.Tree Chiefy is aligned to Eternal play and not limited to the Story of the Illusion called Time and Space.


I.just wished to honor the line Kim.represents the Story the Script aligned from here to Eternity to the True Story of how Everything rose


Eros e

And how Everything came to be.







P R. K B. Q K ..

K.Q. B.K. Ready Player One P R O

Full Circle completed

11:51 p.m

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