
10:52 p.m.

10:52 p.m.

Hiding in Plain Sight?

… I do not think so..

More like watching people treat that which is obviously right in front of them as Invisible…

That is quite alright, I am not Invisible, that is the point.:

I had asked to get some Mary Jane from D.Samuel which resulted in a play, which I could as a play in which I am going to express the meaning, because it gives me pleasure.

I found myself entering my former room 5A, to take through a will that which should have been rightfully mine.

I had been polite, and realized that Cloak meant to enhance Visibility- had become an excuse for people to not realize that their original perception of me… the one which made them wary of me, cautious, was the truth face of me in this moment.

I observed the miserilness of which and selfishness of being which has reflected in every point and place of Expression in this World and Script of the World shrunk down to a minature verion of its self and placed on a chess board

Ï used me will and just took what I needed.

And noted the meaning for the energy of how it was given then Ï smiled truly, my lips curling.. not al all surprised.

It feels good being more myself- what I realy feel and am at the moment. A thrown back, I see now to how I morphed into the Black Panther in the Eternal begining when I dscovered that something.. someone had distorted the Beautiful View of Creation and its meaning.

Recall, older face book friends? That went on for years, that scripted play of destermining if was True… my expression.

Orien Laplante will recall, he was a cast as one of the man characters as the Jah Man Child….

.. Yes, I realize that it is the same process, the same feeling but slowed down to a pace which made it such a hell that that feeling, that Energy of rage .. such quiet rage to destroy him and at its Source.

But I promised to come back and I guess they were expecting me… and this was the Welcome Reserved me..

I saw that.

…I weighed the balance of what he had been given, the expression the energy, the blessing. He looked like living death when I first met him, a skeleton, but now he glowed with health he was getting a new apartment, he would be out in a few days.. now inexplicably delayed.

I weighed all the times I had solved his riddles, noted his name here which gives immediate blessing based on the context you are mentioned. I weighed what he was aware of knew of the value of the exchanges- the work put in- his gratitude before and then… Ah…That spirit of jealousy and the reaching always for the power tool when asked to give… actually pay.

And that response… that moment to express that quiet hidden descision not based on like or dislike.. actually it usually come from like, attraction.. admiration.. respect… Then comparing yourself with the other…

And suddenly your Truth rises.

E O M… is his bed numbers equation…/ M.O.E.

Moe who works here and I.. are of like mind.

He sees me.. I see him… He tells his friends on the phone when I am around Ï am talking to my Boy- ( My man) Emeka right now.

He works with Anthony.. and Eli… A,M.E… And Dee.

M.O.E.. Meaning of Existence.

E.O M.. Is Emeka Okolo Manifested…. E OM.. Power.

Dee, I recounted has the Energy, confirmed as That of my Paternal Grandfather…a Well respected and educated and well born man, but nowhere near the Wealth and Golden legend of my Maternal Grandfather- but at least in his quiet infulence and academic credentials in those days, his accomplishments were not something to sneeze at..- He is linked to the same Energy as President Barak H. Obama ( B.H.O..2 8 O) And his Mother to Michelle Obama.. M.O..

Hmm yes M O E…

*i am fully aware of the play here, of Amawbia- the Visitors- The Kling Ons- Planet of the Ape Ceesar… But how much did I have to explain to the public…

I have experienced the Public opinion as a child, how the judge.

I observed it as a Youth as my parents and Father and Grandfathers- and familes fought a battle which went too far…

Until my grandfather seeing me one day home from that Jungle School, ( J.S… Jamel S…JOS… where my bothers were kidnapped and sent to… Jos as Luck- no… JOS.H.UA.. As in Yeshua… Nnamdi.. Oboom… yes, he suspected)…

saw my body and enrgy and shocked by the level of abuse he finally saw I had endured at being used as a pawn in that war.. a Chess piece, came to his senses, and railed at my mother at she having gone too far in using me in the war with my father. They had all expected it, encouraged it…but when he saw my physical state, when he heard what I had stated I was seeing and expriencing in that place, which caused my young uncles and aunts to laugh, at what they thought was an exagerration..

But which made the adults uneasy, where I caught glimpses of gult.

From that moment my grandfather voluntarily took over my school tuition.. I was the only one he did so.

Not my sister, which created untold resentment because she was the Elder and because they used the excuse that she was a girl.

But I feel it was because of my Spirit… Mu grandfather gave me 19,000 niara, then about 5,000.00 pounds to come move to New York. That was the same amount my mothers boyfriend had given my sister… And she got more from uncles…

No, it was a code… I see that now, made even more indented into my consciousness when i was told to sign it in the company Ledger and then sign. Something he had never asked me to do.

*A few moments ago, I noted the number on the microwave..was 119… 1 19…A.S… The One Supreme. Sacred portal 119 – release from the great spider witch.. Web of The Enchantress.

119..20.. 11… 1..

– A Contest to determine the One Awakened, Awareness Supreme… With my sister and I…?

With my Bio Father…

(I came to to find the guys watching a noxing match between Victor Ortiz and Alexander Devon… I did the code V.A/ A.V…

1 22 was the code on my facebook page when I opened my computer.

And I wondered who would win since I realized the both were reps of two sides of myself…

V.O..A.D…D A V..E O…

I sat besides Francis and Alan who was wearing a Crowns all over, on his jacket, his track Suit..

My body was transforming…

I had seen Jaqui down stairs, I realized that he looked like a panther, a young one all dressed in black, diamond in his nose, hoodie coverng his eyes which sparkled in the darkness as Jewels…Ï am going to see the Black Panther to read the codes Ïntel but first I am going to enjoy it.

stared at him, that is exactly how I Fish then read the codes- i had never heard anyone express it that way.. a man called Curtis came and stood between us.. He had surprised me and offered me some smoke.. *Only cannabis eases the ache and pain of the slow down process of my body morphng… Morpheu! Blair had called me…

He asked for some of my coffee afterwwards iin exchange… The Cover with the Number 50…Hours later, early in the morning I climbed up the stairs, I looked down and there was the lid only on the steps. I picked it up- it was the one I had given him.. the cap.. returned to me.. I had grinned.)

No, in the end the real test had been with myself…. Nothing and No One Else…

But They had voted me as the Awareness Supreme .. and set up all these scenarios of my fighting through portals people illusion ghosts of my past which I had surmonted… Over and over again.

E J C… was the code as Jacqui and Chris stood…

5 10 3…

Not 105 Wiltshire Bay- the house I had grown up in Canada..

3105…. 31 O 5…

5 1 O 3…

5 1 O 3…

Bed 5 O 13… Dewayne Smith… E O M….

No… 5 1 O 3… Area 51. O..3…Full Circle the 3rd Planet from the Sun and the 6th from outside… Earth Saturn… 3 6…

513… E.M….. E M.. E.K.A…..H.

F E A-A…Is where I sat… Francis Emeka C.. F E, F C… Alan Anthony..

And now, Tyrone and Cleveland T.C… E T C.. I am sitting besides Tyrone…

I am fully aware…

I noticed as I entered the room that Filipe ( Alexa Felipe Filipe Arkadiusz slept in the bed once occupied by Ceasar Rivera…

C.F…Bed 5-012… E O L… / L O E.. S,P 86…Victor Light Of Existence…)

I knew the play of the full circle had ended there…

So who was sitting in the bed of E O M..

S.D… Tiffany SD.. Manifestation of God Backwards…

E O M.. Is M O E… Meaning Of Existence…

My Paternal grandfathers Energy, bullied by his wife, beaten and locked in a closet by her when in rage…

She was a strong looking woman.. A Handsome, Black… A woman but never beautiful, while he was slender fair…

Barack and Michelle Obama Energy and Dymanics…

*I looked at the portraits of the two of them.. he amongst flowers.. She in Grey colored Skin and Black and White Dress… Fifty Shades of Grey Y Y…. – An interesting notion living in the awareness of 50 shades of grey.. that grey area…

Flowers.. Yasemin… She has that Energy of my Paternal Grandmother….

Flowers ..Scent of the… James the Usurper…. the Supplanter…


Fritz Venneiq a True Visionary said recognized by the very Script, the person who led me to Pelham stated that I should have been President… That I am the real president..

He was not telling me something I did not already know…

That was back in 2008-2009 when we first met…

… But it is nice when people finally recognize the Truth not hiding but right before you in Plain Sight…

1:01 a.m…

That is the number on my second coffee, 101 from starbucks…

101 Is the number of people at Delta Manor…

Cleveland interrupted me, and I spoke quietly.. I do not think he detected the danger in my voice… or perhaps he ignored it because to quote him, Ï must so enjoy sharing my gifts… with others it is assumed that I would not mind… being fed upon by Vampires, ungrateful, selfish, miserly stingy, evil.. whom are ungrateful brats, who creator gave them Everything, Everythng all the gifts to discern for them selves.. all the tools.

Who they, who refused to do their home work, choosing distractions rather than Focus on that which is truly relevant and which evolves themselves and consequently others and the World Environments around them…

And who now create such a philisophy which allows them to take advantage, not recognize, not show respect and appreciation but to use philosophies and illogical thought patterns to do the unthinkable… Make the other their Eternal Slave…

He had stopped when I had explained my contempt…

Do your own home work…

He had been stunned that he is reading a book called The Universe Has your back ( Really, I wonder if they aske the Embodiment of the Universe that before assuming that…)

He was in astonishment yet again…

Ï am reading a book, chapter 5, Page 65…

About Brain Waves which is saying exactly what your sayng.. You doing it…

Änd he went to get the book despite my reminding him that he had interrupted my work and focus…

But he ignored me, too excited by the fact that he was astonished.. He went to ge the book..

He stood above me.. he was quiet… Chapter 5… You stated what I had not yet read in chapter 5…

1:13 a.m.

You just said this! and I had not read it yet…

And what does that mean to you… your brains waves are facts my voice its sounds, it sequence of words are interfacing with the Brain waves of your bran creating activation stimulation…

A.S… 1 19…

Two Facts aligning anf interfacing…

Ït is you who are recognizing this and your mind is meddling with is because you refuse to accept and link the facts of how could this be possible and what it really means..

You make Harmony God your Slave when you have the tools and are even reading the book which mirrors and reflects reality in the present be here now..

It is you who can not accept the fact of what your body your knowledge.. our current experience is obvious seeing…

I walked out of room 5A- And summoned everything I had given back… Everything…

Business… Capitalists.. Capiltalize on every situation to exploit and use take.. and not give back fair exchange.. outwitting the other… Mind Games….?

Now, I take Everything back given on loan by me, until you can make it on your own… But now…

Cleveland began addressing me by saying that he only wished to say one thing to me…If you can not swim with the Big Sharks do not go into the Big Shark Tank…

Ï smiled…Yes, and if you do, and you suffer the consequences, you have no one to blame but yourself

His eyes widened and agreed his brain lighting up by the light in his eyes.

And with enthusiam he broke his promise, imposed, and despite my hoarse voice….

1:22 a.m.

123 a.m…

I entered the Scene with it completing and he seeing a rage he had never seen before as he understood my point of view.

But do you not love seeing the joy in people faces from the knowledge you bring them…?”

I did not tell him that I did use to, but not before being incredulous that they did not know, but then I understood that they are just lazy.. selfish cruel..

Ï turned to him…No… I only feel contempt and disgust at how they turn that whichh is the Truth he beautiful truth outside of them into the lowest lowest lowest slave…. to feed on.. when they chose and do not have to pay, or even show appreciation and whom they can insult, flay, torture, torment if he dares say no.. And trap in in circumstances between a Rock and a Hard Place where he has no choice but to do so or they will never let him leave…

Ï asked him what chapter he was reading.. Chapter 4.

Delta means 4 in Greek –

Igbo Antony who brings movies here and has been here amongst the longest told me that he has watched the journey of this place- the powers in this world and the Shaman world….

That this place is hopeless it will always be Evil…

Ï entered room 5A Again… a moment after I had left, a security guard told me that ‘Clientsare no longer allowed to enter into other rooms…

Ä New Rule, I purred… yes my voice is so low now.. more like a growl… pure…

Too late.. I had entered the 5th…A… Full Circle…

4 to 5… Stupid Script…

200 million over the Weekend, The Black Panther is the biggest grossing Marvel Comics movie of all Time…

Ä portal has opened in this World and realm 3 4… of the 5th Dimension.

Today It was not the Script of the Wave of the People Desires.. I rose by my own free will.. I rose at 6:16 p.m from my bed…

F.P…And walked quietly and with determination mastering Will as I felt my imtention of what I would encode today…

With satisfaction…

Alpha Bet…

Its is Fred Delshad Birthday today…

2-18-18…. B R R… B I… B R T R… Ha I saw Tonne and Robert sitting together on the Woods side.. R T..

RT… Really…?

Then Rahul sat in front of me waitng to talk.. I did not utter a word until he left…

I stood undera porch while at Taylor Avenu.. I usually stand under an awning 1824… But there was a much more spacious one under besides it… I went there today to discover the number 18 22… R V… R I V E R… Red Violet…?

Who cares.. I was able to sit.. and so I sat and took in the beautiful view…

Let them now Pay…

Happy Birthday Fred Delshad

Fith Dimension F D… 6 4… The Beautiful Past now Present and perfectly aligned.

1:41 am… 41 Year Old C Boss Man… ?



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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