
10:51 AM

10:51 am


It has been a very unpleasant task and day.

But according to this Script, it is Constant Expression using Conscious Reason Aware Expression Creates True Light..

I loathe this Script, as most know

The Hatred is just to unspeakable

I have no words to convey it.

I really desire to be no part of or report on only Horror Nightmare and the Hatred so many had for the Human Species.

It is only because of this force in me that I went this far because Existence is Truth Beautifully Manifested but I have come this far so far and in the last 7 years and 7 months… I can find no Beauty..

Just more hate and no True Loyalty to anything but that which feds that Hate.

I understand Hate and why is was birthed

It came to Destroy Evil Cruelty and all those ways of Being who despite being alerted and shown the Cause and Effect of it they would leave that way of Being

But that is futile as I stated before I was dragged to New York.

There is only one thing respected not Exemplification, Demonstration Reason or any of the 1-7 representations of Sound and Color. Not Reason not even proof of Harmony..

Nothing but An Anger and Hatred- Power which brings Fear…

That is what I always knew.

I walked back to the Shelter see the a person wearing Dead move right in front of me.

I am wearing the T Shirt the Skull with a Nike head band on the Skull with Caucasian Hair, which I realize now is aligned to my Face Book Memory of Death and Helping Hands

Nike Messenger of Death.. The Skull.


4 5. 1 4

Yes Delta 4 15

D E A T H.

D E A T. H

Delta Evan ALexander Judson Akil Davis Timothy Osborn ( for Tim)


Sigh.. I am still being moved to link

Too well trained…

I am not DEAD.

I am Representing Death

Messenger Of Death

M O D. E



See the codes Nenad M. Djurdjevic code


Phallic – Osiris

Dome – Isis

Star – Horus



89 O.

O is the Full Circle Perfection.

9 89 Face Book Friends…

A Full Circle

I did not complete this code when Nenad sent it to me..

I only did the code of Osiris…

But look at the Harmony

Eye Of Horus. E O H

E H. 5 8

– 5 15 8. 5 6. 8.

11:28 pm

And once that was completed today in that unfortunate Set Up today.

I am solving the code which moves to Dom ( M O. D. M O E. M O Power E. D)

And Isis. As 4+5 – 9


Is Is

Isis means Throne

See My Sacred Portal 45

Throne of Existence

The Rock Solid


Highest Point


O 98 9. Face Book Friends

E O I H E.


I am not controlling this play, just compelled by my own Memory Eternal Truth

M E T. To bring It to Manifestation so All may Rise and I (as well as the True You)

Go Home.

E I O H. E M .D

85-13. 4

I have 31 Usd in my wallet

M A C K. D

See the Mack

N.Y.T. Dancers

Brooklyn Mack and M Onuki post

The Dream

(B M. M O )

And Kristen Dunst K D

With Collin Farrell C F

The Beguiling

T B. 20 2. 22 V

11:43 p.m

David Khan bed 5-014

Caesar Rivera C. 5-012

Anthony Malgren A M. 5-009

Bed 5-011. E K

* ( 11:50 pm. K E O

E K. Bed 5-006. 56. 11.

D K C A M. E K D (Delta)

Memorial Day


The Dead Rise

Transformed by Death.

Isis… That Story..

Transformed To Its Truth

To Its Evolved Truth

Isis Osiris

11:53 pm

I feel…

No words

Code Elizabeth Clarizio

11:54 pm

Code Bed 5-004


Code Durek Verrett

Double V

11:55 pm

K E E.

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