


* Holy of Holies.

H O H. HH 88.

H F H. 868.

Margaret Barker

Beyond the Veil of the Temple. The High Priestly Origin of the Apocalypses[1].

The veil of the temple was woven from blue, purple, crimson and white thread, and embroidered with cherubim (2 Chron.3.14); the veil in the tabernacle had been similar, (Exod.26.31; 36.35)[2], It was a valuable piece of fabric, and both Antiochus and Titus took a veil when they looted the temple (1 Mac.1.21-2; Josephus War 7.162). In the second temple it was some two hundred square metres of fabric and when it contracted uncleanness and had to be washed, three hundred priests were needed for the job (m.Shekalim 8.4-5). Josephus says it was a Babylonian tapestry (War 5.212), a curtain embroidered with a panorama of the heavens (War 5.213). The veil separated the holy place from the most holy (Exod.26.33), screening from view the ark and the cherubim or, in the temple, the ark and the chariot throne[3]. We are told that only the high priest entered the holy of holies, once a year on the Day of Atonement.

Josephus, who was himself a priest (Life 1), says that the tabernacle was a microcosm of the creation, divided into three parts: the outer parts represented the sea and the land but ‘…the third part thereof… to which the priests were not admitted, is, as it were, a heaven peculiar to God’ (Ant.3.181). Thus the veil which screened the holy of holies was also the boundary between earth and heaven. Josephus was writing at the very end of the second temple period, but texts such as Psalm 11 ‘The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD’s throne is in heaven’, suggest that the holy of holies was thought to be heaven at a much earlier period, and the LXX of Isaiah 6, which differs from the Hebrew, implies that the hekhal was the earth[4]. The Glory of the LORD filled the house in v.1, and the seraphim sang that the Glory filled the earth , v.3.

The biblical description of the holy of holies in the first temple is that it was overlaid with fine gold (2 Chron.3.8) and that it housed ‘the golden chariot of the cherubim that spread their wings and covered the ark of the covenant’ (1 Chron.28.18). Later texts say that Aaron’s rod and a pot of manna were kept in the ark, and that the anointing oil was also kept in the holy of holies (Tosefta Kippurim 2.15). That is what the writers of the second temple period chose to remember as there were none of these things in the temple of their own time; they had all been hidden away in the time of Josiah (b.Horayoth 12ab; b.Keritoth 5b).

* And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep (KJV).

The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was (NIV).

And before the lamp of God went out in the tabernacle of the Lord where the ark of God was, and while Samuel was lying down (NKJV).

* The Name of God is a Man.E and so they were One, the source of God-Hod ( yes my telphone number arranged by Liberty C liscomb Big Vast and his Harmonious Guide Father.

recall emanual Nnamdi… my brother e-spirit and mothers O C announcing on being born, and seeing me as his elder brother announced through E-Spirit My Father is Here Present

11:05 pm.

*The Sanctuary at Shiloh, and Samuel’s Sleeping Therein – JStorwww.jstor.org › stable

the holy of holies is meant take the qualifying clause where the ark of God was as further defining the place where Samuel slept.

See Sacred Portal 57 Father- I.Son and Holy E-Spirit.

F I S H E S.

Yes, by the Silver Golden Meadow Stream.

Expression Cee AG… Silver Surfers… Golden in Hindsight AU and yes in the Garden of Eden Paradise- Delights the See.

See the codes above.

11:09 pm.

So you see who is the actually source of God, is a man and he was The source of the Harmony God,- and men, now through this play evolved to I and I.O.D… I O E.

I O I. E K P. S. / S P K E I O I.E K.

My Sum and all the Individuals as I O I.

I I… all connected by full circle of 6th sense. to I. as I I I. E 555.

O.K.AY… Father Lover E Brother Sum and Lady loveliness luminosity Immortality.

It’s enough.

11:15 pm

A A E A.

K O. Knock Out.

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