
10:48 p.m.

10:48 p.m.

Now: 11:04 pm.

After a Brief interruption.

You can see that despite the meddling via the internet connection the Time codes are still in Perfect Alignment.

10-48 See Sacred Portal And Virginia as the 10th State.

Arizona is the 48th state.

Sum 58.

and 11 04… 11 4 Kim- Tree Sage.

* 11:05 Aurellia Gemino.

11-03- Benjamin C Krajewski.

K F D. Fred Knox.

K D.

A-A F D. replacing 0 non-existent with that which is Existent the Full Circle which everyone is aware of and see in thier own personal lifes.

Now that I have had a little breather… I will complete the expression.

Gary Mooney.

G M…- 20 T.

Gary means

*In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Gary is Hard or bold spear. A, which is an English-German Gerard. Also a diminutive of Gareth and Garrick Famous bearer: American actor Gary Cooper.

Bold Spear. ( BS)

It also means

Famous Spear ( FS)

And Spear Ruler ( SR)

All three are correct.

Famous SP. E A.R.

Sensational Feelings.

Solid Fact.

And aligns to the weave as

St Theresa of Aviles.

Who was Pierced by the Spear of an Archangel which caused her Desire to rise to Ecstasy as she rose to Cloud 9. C I.

See Hedy Lamar in her break out film age 19 called Extase which scandalized the world.

in Austria Vienna ( A V)

And it then connects to the weave of Adolph Hitler.( AH) and his obsession with the Spear of Destiny which he found.

The Spear of Destiny, S O D.

D O S.. My last Bed Number at Delta Manor Rm 4 B; 4-019/ 18.

And to Donna O Sullivan 18 Mountain View- and my 9 months with her and husband Jonn Delguidce Blackwell. J B… J D B.

And the 9 months to the date I left them on Donna’s Father’s birthday.

4-19-2016. D S Dharma Santana DSTP.

And to the legend of the spear which pierced the side of Yeshua Christ by the Roman Solider Longinus which caused Water and Blood to pour out.

( B W / William Brad Pitt)

*The Holy Lance, also known as the Lance of Longinus (named after Saint Longinus), the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Spear, is legendarily known as the lance.

HL Hedy Lamar.

Harmony -Liberty.

8 12… 20 96 see both sacred portals 8, 12, 20… 96 and 116.

Yes, the one Arden and I chose.

116= 17

And then to Lancelot – Guinevere ( L G) Legends of King Arthur ( KA 111)

and the Holy Grail.

Golden Fleece Ram.


Alined to the ONri Legend of Eri ad lake Aguleri in South-West Nigeria. S W.

900 South Road.

Spectrum Rainbow.

But though all are correct, we know that the most accurate and present in the moment aligned to the Date 2-16.

to 360 B A.N.K ST R.E- E T is

Bold Spear.

Being Supreme.

Beings Supreme.

Mooney means

*The name is derived from maoin a Gaelic word meaning wealth or treasure of treasure, hence when O’Maonaigh was anglicized to Mooney it meant the descendant of the wealthy one. According to Irish lore, the Mooney family comes from one of the largest and most noble Irish lines.

As well as Rich


15 15 Facebook Friend O O

11:28 pm.

My birthday- so why am I still here poor in Money as Fuck ( excuse my language but I am so irritated)

Collin Ferrel is Irish. Celtic.

We add it to the weave of yesterday’s play of the 5 Horrifying SExual things done to the Black Male from Africa and the Boats of Virginia carrying the cargo called White Lion- and the Treasurer.

And to my Grandfather DN Umeano. who was Treasurer of the Eze Nri council of Kings.

And of course, the Treasure in me of the Sum total of all the E family and their Avatar Descendants in Human Form whose Beautiful Truth I carry and of which all these forces are doing everything they could to destroy that trust in that beautiful truth by showing me, their most Awful Truth, and battle to Harvest their Beautiful Truth by through a battle with the illusion of themselves to prove their Harmony Perfection intact through this Facebook Play.


C Men

O V A.

A Victorious One.

Dave D A V.E/ E V A.D.

The name Eva Means Life.

Zoe means Life

Not a Life as a Life Sentence by a Judge in Court. ( what they have done to language and misrepresentation and then used it to undermine the true Word-Meaning WM/ MW 69- 96.

Dave beans Beloved

Wang W. A-NG. W. AN. G

Means *The penis.


*wang (n.) penis, 1933, slang, probably from whangdoodle, an earlier term for gadget, thing for which the correct name is not known. Many such words (thingy, dingus, etc.) have been used in slang for penis, not because the actual name was unknown, but because it was unmentionable


*Wang ? is the Chinese word for king. William Baxter and Laurent Sagart reconstructed the Old Chinese form of Wáng as *???a? and the Middle Chinese as hjwang.[1]

*Wang definition is – a Chinese ruler before the 3d century b.c. or a Chinese prince of high rank after the 3d century b.c..

*It is a variant spelling of the name Vang which is derived from the Old Norse word vangr, meaning field or meadow.


the jaw, jawbone, or cheekbone

All Apply again


King – Prince – Royals.

E M F. E Meadow Field.

And yes Jaw- (Jaws my first date I took a girl to see Jaws I was 8 and my date was Catherine McCormack

Jawbone J B.

Cheek – Sermity Rainbow and Jeron’s Cheek.BO.N.E ( his balls)

But we all know and can see from the Weave what it aligns to at present is Penis- Phallus.

Rocket Ship.

Sacred Portal 46 to 64 to 10.

O PEN IS! See S A M.E ( K- A) M.E.

12:28 a.m.


Spear of Destiny is the Treasure.

Beloved Penis. BP Beautiful Pride who transformed into the Black Panther. King/ Prince. K P.

See yesterday Weave- Penis Envy.

Black Cock at 15 49 Facebook Friends.

This is how you know you are in a Video Game.

12:39 pm

12- C I.

Of Intelligence Quantum Awareness creates Awakening. it is when you fill the A Gap and with no control or infleunce by you- The Universal Simulation Transparently in front of an Audience who all witness the response.

See yesterday’s post.

This is what I have been responding to.

So Bilge Ebiri line is confirmed as that which must go out of EXistence and to Existential Death that frequency called the Big Mouths.

And yes, all through their lives were warned and alerted until brought to my attention and awareness through this script and I code them out of Existence.

B E?

E B.

E Be. S.B.

Supreme Being and a Family of Supreme Beings. Rising now with Bodies via Kim representing All.

And his reo of the Body and his ability to recognize and understand this play via Mind.

EM F which is why my Body and Being B B= 22= 1 A

is Awake and Aware… and driving me Crazy… with Desire.

To leave this play and be the Play Boy… And have loads of beautiful Clean – Naughty SEX. Inter Course.

I C.


12:48 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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