
10:47 p.m

10:47 p.m

J D G.


H B.I. T S.

Spencer Thomas Twin

I Be Harmony – Freedom.

H F. 86. 14. N. 5. E.

Liberty C Liscomb Twin

Liberty Equality.

L E. 12 5. 17. Q. 8 H.

E H. E8


I have moved.

From Hartford to Harwington.

H H.

Linked by Newington N

H N H..

First before I start, I wished to clear up a code.

Libertys code is 76.

And Age code 43..

But I wrote 75 which was aligned.


E to G.. and World.

10:57 p.m right now is

( meaning that the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze states that I am correct)

Expression as G ( really undercover H ) manifested the world by Sound.

V O.I. C E

Voi means Way and See Cee in French.

57/75 = 1.

57-57/ 75-75. = 1. 1

Andrey Klebanov came to my last portal today, with John Mack.

Andrey Alexander Klebanov. A A K. 1 1. 11.. 2 11

A – A = 27.

J A. 10 1. 11. 1 1.

This 57 becomes 58

And 75. becomes 76.

57/75 .. 12 12. 24


Esteban Miguel Filgueira introduced me to John and Liberty and Thomas Lang.

Recall how I met Andrey?

Johns Friend.

He had come to South Whitney 6-7 months ago with the code E 8 which he had said he had been seeing every where, and had enquired of John what it meant.

John Mack came to my room and insisted I speak to Andrey.. and recieve the intel.

I had to reach 58 in the Script but through the Play of modern Youth.

The Generation X.

That was over 6-7 months ago.

His arrival at Jesse Macias portal 3-19 3-17 Fairfield Ave.

Was the confirmation of my post yesterday of 4 in 1.

1111. 4. (1)


4 Divine Breaths

In One

Eri.. Eric. A M. E R I C A.

* Erek Eclass Mateo Whom I met in 2002.


John MacDonald is 22.

Andrey Klenova is 22..

Double V.. VV.

* Liberty C Liscomb came straight from a reflection of herself as a Psychic her intials are A.M.

Eric Erek means The Eternal Ruler

Energy Expression is the Eternal Ruler which manifested A.H- Tom.

The Twins: Universe Planets… U.P

Particle and Wave.

The Expression and the point.

I was flabbergasted, quietly mortified when I discovered that even as I was leaving that I was caught up in a play.

John arrived after One with Andrey and when I came down I observed the two of them sitting in the front yard bench side by side.

I starred, trying to silently but lightly curse the heavens and earth.

I was still about to enter yet another scene in the play.


And I D. E. J

( My Idenity Still Anonymous will be revealed to John and the J Line.

J = 10, those who are balanced.

Link Maat, Liberty, Bamboo Stick where I placed Libertys gift of Holy Basil.

10. 1010. 101010.

That is all Liberty kept saying yesterday

The word Balance )

I had met John 16-11-2018 at 29th Street with Aaron

A J … and I recollect, feeling and seeing how Aaron spoke and John was so quiet, that it did not seem balanced to me.

But here with 22 year old Aaron E 8 that this made more sense.

John was the one Constant, in the 9 -10 month play of E M F and S F. ( Solid Facts… Supreme Empirical Evidence)

J S M. A A K.

J S. A M. A C L.

29 is A-Z +123

I had not seen John since the 26th.

He brought a gift of ZZ Tops

22 22. Double V. 22 22. 44. 8


Aaron evolved back Andrey

J.M. E K P. E P. Eric Poczik

John Constant

Today is the 29th.

A MAN. Is The Source. The Creator ( T C)

Liberty married Twice To Christopher and Thomas C.T)

Recall the play of Christopher Filgueira

And Tree Sage? C T .

Connecticut is C T

Hartford License Plate A.M.

I knew who both John and Andrey were..

Read meaning of their Names..

John means The Creator is Gracious..Grace.

Andre means Man…

The Creators Grace is A MAN

Andre came to day.. Andrey Alexandravich A A

27 +1 1.


A -A.

A M A N.


And so the play began.

Jesse Macias had gone out and said he be back in a couple of hours.

Liberty was going to signal me after 12 p.m but there was no sign of her..

Of course, it was a set up, because the conversation which ensured, when we went out back was …

I had only every had conversations with anyone since I was born other that John MacDonald and Kim Arthur Hines.

J.M. Jump Man over KAH. Egyptian Over Soul.



Darkest Night. D.N.

Darkest Knight D K

The Cow Jumped over the Moon

Jump Man in the Moon.

No cross over the Pool of the Full Circle of The Sources Reflections..

The Milky Way 13.8.Billion years

Star Trek

The Elegant Nomads.



Jump over the one Balance

Creation Nature..

All through Lyrical Conversation

L C. Which 1-7/7-1 Solfeggio Rainbow Spectrum once out of this Atmosphere were Light is Bent Curved.. Refracted..

It returns to Transparent Light.

T.L L T.

20 12-12 20. 32.32. 64.

* This is my 64th move.

There must be one more to reach my right of passage and then finally home 66..


66 +1= 67.

76 has been reached as my E.Q represents Individual Person ( I.P) as Quantum.

But this is also about Place which must align to what 76 represents.

Sacred Portal 76 123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening

And that is the Thing


Sum Thing.


Spencer Thomas.

S. T R E E T!

Voi Way of C E. Cause Effect

Consciousness Eternity

Conscious Expression

Graceful Harmonious

But also I Connect and I Cut

And so, I talked, John adding and Andrey Alexandravich began to rise with the conversation which reached my expression with Absolute Death as Desire and Luminosity.

Light and Darkness

Life and Death.



And what I stated only John and Kim have heard me express to that level.

But I went even Higher, speaking with the Unseen, and to the Host John..

And the witness.. Rep

A A K.

I checked the time to see if Liberty had called.

But I knew..

2:27 p.m


And then John spoke of the Inventor underground.

And I knew it was Father in him prompting me..

Deadaulus Heaphastus! I exclaimed, body in discomfort so twisted

I saw a new Facebook request

D H, as I have been posting this.

Daedulas Maze. Father of Icarus

D.I.. NN. A.M..D.I



Heaphastus best Friend Alexander The Great.

Hephaestus husband of Aphrodite.

H A. 8 1.

A H A. 1.8 1.

A Venus.

And I tried to hide my fury, I am still being used.

I felt almost desperate..

Fleetling contemplating perhaps I must kill myself to escape what has become for me the Ultimate Hatred done to me.

But I avoided that temptation to dwell on the implications of my still, 29.11 years later with all the work all the years since age 22

1989, Sept/ October when I began my journey through mind and music by writing my Experience and watching memory flow through me by my Espirit.

I had not time, we finished and Libert had arrived.

Jesse Macias had arrived but I had been caught up in the Experience of demonstrating E Quantum Jumping through Conversation.

After all as John and Andrey, I went up so far up to the place of The Eternal Begining when not even The Twins as Energy and Expression had come into Existence.

And how I rose from the Nothingness somethingness and explored different forms of Non Existence and through that experience understood who who why and How only I rose as E Harmony.


Of Everything -Conscious Light- Desire and Will.

I had been well aware, that I was telling First Light and First Night, how they came to be brought into Existence, because this was the one place they could not go.

1:11 a.m right now.

Because they had not yet come into Existence..

These first fractals of the 1.

1…1 1. 11( K)

1:13 a.m

And so after saying good bye, see you later to Jesse Macias, I was whisked off into a play of Dawn E Cee. See with Liberty who was with her son Leander ( A form of Alexander) and a boy, his friend called Noah

Leander is 10 about to be 11.

I could help looking into his eyes and knowing him.

Jeron the baby, was besides Leander.

Farrell 19 (with an F) and Auriel Arden her daughter and second son were not present.

F A-A L. L. J. and I E.

Liberty Leander Aurielia Farrel. Jeron Emeka.

Andrey Aurielia

John Jeron.

What FAALL. ? FALL of Man?

Please! A MAN standing Up is right before you.

Fall as in Autumn?

We are still in Summer in Connecticut.

F. A-A.LL. E J Balanced.

Jerone. Leander Noah..

J ..L N. Christopher Filgueria was born 12 14.

Northern Lights.. Natures Portal home Hues

Arora Borealis. A.B. code Linked to Liberty A.B.

Portal out of the Enders Game Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

GA LA XY. 10 11. C I. (39)

Universal Simulation. U.S…A

Universal Nature. U N. United Nations

I talked knowing I was being used as the Energizer Bunny, which John who found a blue lighter coded and expressed perfectly.

Go back in my posts where Jesse and later, I confirm that he is the Energizer Bunny.

But this was in Blue and the Bunny was a Play Boy Bunny with Bow Tie.

Liberty was literally representing Aphrodite Persephone married to Heaphestus Hades/ Perfection Pulto 1st or 9th Planet

1. 333..

Aphrodite Venus Peresphone.

Purple Violet And Read..Red

7 1..

Undercover as 7

But in a play where she was blind but really at the Bottom of the See Nepthytis!!

Twin of Isis.

* Why are They Doing this to me? Olympian Gods to Egyptian Gods, to West African Gods to Eri the OINri Creation Story.

All competing and me as the Rep of OINri Igbo Forest Peoples champion …the underdog.

I have proven this posted this over and over again for 7 .8 years.

Why has Father Mother as Harmony Unity allowed this to go so far..

To what depth of cruelty and hate have they descended to enact such a play which.insists on using Love until it vanishes turning.into.an insistence for me to.feel.hatred.

I should have left this play by now, or simply gone to Canada..

Why do they or you who.they so brutally sacrificed me for, deserve to Evolve and Awaken if such a cruelty, selfishness and absolute evil of making me solve over and over Your riddles while using my.body as Liberty descrbed so perfectly today, from observing me, that it looked like from the way my body moved, that someone or something.was pulling my stings, as if I.were a puppet.

Ask Liberty one day how I ended up coming here, how we were manipulated.

F. ALL… E. J Ma’AT Balance.

Only the Fact of A.LL those Balanced shall Evolve Transform And Awaken.

And so another scene began,

I spoke with an intensity and urgency to Liberty, she was deep in a play as a modern Ma’at Bast Goddess Nut Nuit.


I charged her with conversation and dark potential began to transform to light 8

She had told me how she had seen the numbers 8 4 after leaving my room chez Jesse ..

Infinity in green was on.my table a rubber ban next to Amazing Grace.

A G.

Last night I.was at 13 84 Facebook Friends and just before John.and Andrey.arrived, I.saw I.was at 13.85


Thomas Lang was born 1985

1385 Metropolitan Woods


13.13 .26 linked to John Z + A..1


+ 1 1


1 1


5 ( 1) 32

6 (1) . 33.

7 (1) 34../43. Liberty. E= C.Me.

8 -9 .. ( 1) 35. 36.

I left Hartford Metropolitan area.

And now I.am in the Woods


And I arrived to Drama but it was soon resolved.

But I sit here, in this beautiful home in the woods overlooking a Brooke Creek.

All codes and equations aligned manipulated into passing through this portal with lies and deception both Liberty and I set up,

And all I could realize once more the Unseen have continued to Lie, giving power to an illusion while I remain Anonymous

Mother and Father must cease to Existm

Leaving only their Descendant Avatars as Individuals.

What they have become is an Evil and Cruelty which I refuse to let them pass through my portal, no.matter how clean they have become.

( after all I.did all the Work)

I.say No.

They went to far.

In using this play to Test Challenge and Effect me.

Eternally No.

I maybe Hueman, undercover and made anonymous even now because I gave them my.power to hold, to see how they would treat it..

How far would they go.

Power corrupted them as Leander noted

3 nuts

1 Perfect.

1 Rotten

1 Empty filled with nothing

2:27 a.m

Full Circle

2:27 p.m

John Mack

Emeka Kolo

Andrey Klebanov

Liberty Liscomb

J.E A L. O U S Y

Y E S. U.S. O.L. A.. E J…

Two Lines.and together C




C A..B. E.

C A. B L E. Channel.


Never shall they enter.


Eternal Life..

5 12.. 17

Because despite it all

I.know who I.am.

The Source

The Creator


A Man.

D.E. A.T. Harmony


E Harmony..

Light Manifestation

How Dare.you put me in.such a play.and cast me in such a role.

You Dared!

You forget your place.

Tis I A.MAN who is your Source.

You will.pay….

2:39 a.m

My. Promise

My Vow

2:40 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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