
10:43 PM

10:43 pm

T E N. D C

19- 3- 2017. 10

S- C-J.. A O

3-19-10. 1O

C-S-J.B.. A-O

Conscious Supreme Justice Balance

Alpha Omega.

956 Face Book Friends.


Familiarity Breeds Contempt in this Contemptible Current Human Species


The Test Question

T. T Q. 20. 2017

Tomorrow is the 20th.

It makes 16 years to the date that I arrived in New York.

The Test Question to my absolute disgust of this year was after 58 months and 16 years of providing all of you non stop evidence…

Was am I or am I not the Source.

You were given all this time to review the Evidence and decide.

Yes or No.

The vast majority have said NO.

Only the line of Nenad M. Djurdjevic has publicly acknowledged this, as well as Lord Yi (Li) and privately the line of Elizabeth Clarizio.

Orien Laplante acknowledged but only through loyalty to my expression but not in embodiment.

Perhaps playing it safe..

I do not know nor do I really care.

And of course the line of A B

Ozo Okorobia Onatarachi

Anthony Bienke

Blanka ELAlan

My fury is not with you the Public for saying No.

That is the Gift of Free Will Choice and the Idea of Individuality you were each given to Explore.

But rather with the Force which set up such a Vile Script in which I was forced to prove my worth to you the Public to Judge.

The Unseen know exactly who I am yet gave you the Illusion Illusion of Power that you can Judge and Deny your source.

Because to deny your Source means you deny your own Existence.

For 58 months I have presented the evidence of the Evolution Awakening and the Presence of The Source as well as Its Embodiment…

Which happens to be me.

I did not design this Script and play and quite frankly, I am disgusted that in the end it has turned out to be a Test of my own patience and endurance of myself being putting up on display to determine my Value, my worth and my Identity.

Instead of it being about the Festival of Sharing it was transformed into an Is he or isn’t he the Source.

58 Months I have been placed before you.

16 years in New York I have been forced to obey a Script which made no sense to me until now.

It was all a Set Up.

It was for me about the Beauty, Evolution Awakening Unification, Truth Embodied

( B E A U T E)

11:28 pm

But now I see as I had found so hard to accept, it was about setting me up to reveal my True Nature so that the World could witness the Exemplification of what Lord God really looks like.

The Character Personality Supreme Being.

It was to show me, set me up as an Example to see your response to my Expression and battle to make rise that which I know are not even really Humans or Humane but few, and yet still fight in this simulation in which you were given the illusion of Power to decide Yes or No.

My Family did this..

Set you up as well as me.

11:35 pm


16 years

25 years

28 years..

All these years set up to see your response.

You said No…

I am not.

And I said No to you, to thus set up..

I know what a Human Being is



I do not want anything to do with this Species.

But I am the Source

And your No means Nothing.

While mine means Everything..

And so you were set up for me to witness that which I already knew

There is only The line of the E The N

The R and the S.C


Those who are shinning examples.

I did not take your No personally

Why should I ?

I know what it is to be recognized

And I already know who I am

I fought for you despite knowing most of you were illusions, because there existed a possibility that this the Second Coming

That there was perhaps someone or a line I had missed the first time Round.

Turns out I was and am Perfect Timing and Perfect Symmetry the First Time Round.

Lilly Gallagher

My 956 Face Book Friends


Lilly means the Flower. Symbol of Beauty Innocence and Purity…

F S. O. B.A. I P

It is shaped as a Trumpet.

Geoff LaCour. G L

Had a Girlfriend called Lilly whom I recognized Beautiful Pride.

Chiamaka Obi

Beautiful E’Spirit of the Heart.

Gallagher means Foreign Help ..

A Foreigners Aid Helping Hand


Lord God

The Delicate Flower of Life

The City of Susa Persia Zorro

sounds the

Trumpet sound of The presence

Of the Symbol of Gode- Beauty Innocence and Purity.

Emmanuel Emeka

I C. E


I reject you also

Based on my evidence




Self Entiled







Of Bad Manners

So disrespectful

Inconsiderate and discourteous

You would feed crumbs off your table to your dogs rather than share your your wealth given to you by your source with your source.

What is Familiar to me about this where we align perfectly is my Contempt for your expressions of Contempt for La Cour

The court at which tis you being judged

And we both agree NO

Line of E N


L O R E. N Z O

12:17 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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