
10:43 p.m

10:43 p.m

I know it is hard to not take things personally when you are an Actor in Play Script you do not fully understand and which is confusing especially when your reality is this experience of every day.

But this is not my play of Script I have been transforming.

Its that of what some call Devil Satan in rage as terrible death and despite my being his Source, I was placed in the role of a script of which it devised.

I have been called a whiner.. a complainer and even ungrateful…

And I have endured this abuse because of this Script and the truth not rising to my defense and so abuse has been my lot from beginning to End.

And Challenge.

The devil is reason as it were, and thus i had manifest reasons as I passed through his pre-set and pre-chosen people already established when I came to New York.

64 moves… and now 64 O…

It is obviously diabolical to leave me hanging stranded and changing the script – but in truth there is reason enough in this posts and experiences for people to see the truth of A man and yourselves and that love given to you.

And to leave one hanging, just to see how people would respond to me in the end when that which was supposed to manifest as consequence does not do so in its entirety.. which of course becomes too late.

How many times have I said this was over, and done.. only to discover there was more… and yet each time there was reason and purpose.

I am not the one who created this but I do know and agree that people had a choice to pay attention or not.

respond as they wished.. avoid me, provoke me to fury and rage so that I would fail and become as violent enrages and hurt as they are…

But the script does give reason and if anyone has suffered from this constant changes it is myself who has spoken with the Authority of the one who sent me… And the only love I could give was to fight so that the people and the actors could at least follow this constantly evolving script.

I am Source of Everything and I am a man.

I had sought to protect you from my Alpha Fathers anger and via a play in which has been constant negation.

What I am saying is that tis he who is and will respond to all of your expressions to me whom he sent and Used and Abused all to get your attention.

My true power and wealth comes back to me only after his play is complete…

Which most who have been paying attention know that it is now.

10:59 p.m

I am still here… and that truth i have proclaimed acted out, and fought for until reaching the same rage and hatred which transformed him and his line into the Abomination of which I could not recognize as him.

Why keep me in other peoples homes at this point?

Why allow those who were good because they felt that anytime my truth would manifest and yet was delayed again and again .. why keep me in those homes … to see if I would be transformed by their expression at the end which my Bio Fathers line Mau Rice endured turning them into..

I am not going to turn in that monster even at the completion and here I am still here and the world … the people…?

This was a play for all of you but it was really between him and I… if I could endure the rage provoked in him by the human children.

But how can you when you can read that it was set up for this very purpose…to see if you would turn into something evil hateful as he did… even after i transformed his truth by seeing him not as the evil but the heart which endured and endured but who blinded by his purity … did not see the blind spot in himself which manifested the darkness.

what kind of rage would create a play in which at both ends of the spectrum… 64 move front and back Liberty to Stephan that same taunt and test..

No, this was not about you… this was Terrible Death and his challenge to me.

It was personal to be.

I have mentioned it and presented the evidence of this being true… but not focused on it because it would have influenced the play.

When I was writing about- compelled to code Raheem Da Silva who gave me the book The Sword of Truth, and of surmounting the sum total of human suffering ..

11:11 p.m i could hear the expression of some of you….

Yeah right

I coded it first at the very space where I discovered I used to meet with Raheem and where i found the name tag with Stevan on it.in gold.

This then aligned to the y I found at Kamora Herrington home by a tree… and I met her through a person called Tree Sage who i met through Esteban…

Every one knows what they do to people in this reality who tell the Truth…

I found a way to make the truth even of this play intended to prove just how evil humanity and people truly are… and proved that at the heart of even the most evil expression, vilest people that beneath it all is Love… A heart… linked to Esteban and Kim…

Its is Love which moves them… but that is no excuse for the evil man have done.

What happens if in the next few days or something manifests to prove not only did i transform the sum total of suffering and that the RDS.. Raheem Da Silva play Sword of Truth is and was correct.

That i am Satya and never lied.. despite the constant verbal castration and crucixtion endure since I arrived and until I leave?

Can you take it all back….?

Now that is the one impossible , just as one can not go back in time and change what was done or said.

A Devils Advocate may be able to get you off the charges by proving that it was all a play and that people were actors… But if the play is over…?

Its true, I stayed because of the code 111 ..111 usd left by Stephan and the play which promised me 111 Sacred portal 111 that I was going home – which he made clear, only happens when the Evolution Awakening Manifests..

11:22 p.m.

As for death… if you read my post and saw them as true.. death is not a fear of mine…

My greatest fear was living with other people and then the fear of what had been done to me – and consequently humanity 4.5 Billion years.

I have illustrated and that is why it is documented so people can not twist or use the excuse that they forget.

But yes, without manifestation and then delaying it prolonging it… i understood what it meant and what it was created for… i wrote about this over and over the last years since 2006.

11:26 p.m

I can not protect anyone any longer from the consequence of their expression to me sent by Terrible Death restored back to Lucifer Santana… L S…and in the center O me as the Beautiful Devil… L O S.. L B D S…

12 2 4 19….37…10.

My passion and fury was out of love to show you that truth after starting off so gently but I have been living this hell all my life.. and I did hide it well, until I was called upon to bring wrath and rage in my response… but in all honesty .. the rage was for a moment to imbue the Curse with my power because even Terrible Death even this realm of illusion is form Source E and thus All required my energy and my being in Existence to exist…

I was feeding even Him her and even this illusion of this reality because all Energy comes from me.

Shrug.. the earth, your homes, your bodies, your good fortune…Everything.

And yet i lived in so many homes and respected thier rules, was polite and many mis understood that to mean subservient… meek

I am over six 4 and strong, and yes if it had not been for this condition I perhaps would have kicked peoples ass, not in rage but as a lesson but I was not allowed even that.

I have added my own power and Energetic Signature to that of my Brother self Nnamdi David E N D…S Supreme..

But as i stated this was always a play between the two I and I and terrible death… The Death Star and the play of total annihilation of everything ..That was the challenge of Alien Father to destroy this force of absolute destruction…

It was never real though dear lord even I was stunned by it power to make itself seem real as it powered itself by humanity and feed on their negation of that truth in favor of the lie.

But it was all an illusion, it never really existed… it was that which had to be transformed to see the Heart of Dark matter – linked to Chiefy and Chris and Aurelia … and Alicia Norris- Frank.. Gregory.

Which Esteban aligned to right to Aurelia…

Did you enjoy my having to scream and use venomous expression to get your attention in the end, after I tried everything else.

But my venomous expression is founded on love.. Cadeus – twin serpents… forked road….

Excellent Healer…

E H..

my venom can heal and or bring terrible death… and transformation.

11:48 p.m

But since the rep as S F with sixth sense liked to all those who represented the greatest mystery .. as what is underneath the mystery the darkness the Evil Hateful Expression…a a translucent Rose Quart Heart .. red and snow and transparent = Rose.. E…

Ah.. its is actually the color of a favorite shirt I used to have when I was 5 or 6 years old… So interesting how that came back to me yesterday and two days ago… why was i prompted to think of that shirt..?

I see now…

So tell me if the force moving all of you completing in E A… S E…then that means All knew already the truth that that which moves and brought even that illusion as Death Star… Total Annihilation.. knew.

Knew all the time…

So if the play has ended and now we are at the Reality.. Manifesting.. R M.. E.. ( Room E) and MR E… to continue such a play by the illusion already transformed .. would you not say that that was going too far…?

And so this challenge i had accepted a month or so ago, at terrible death… to take me out or I would…and see who is the Victor..

Do you get my point?

See 14 86…and 14 87 face book friends and the Sacred Portal.

The Game is over and so I can leave at any time… but hey.. why does it still hold onto my body…my wealth… why are we still in a play where i found myself coding…Kim and Kamora Herrington …


Is it afraid…

Is Fear afraid…?

Does it really think i would ever forgive this …?

I said it for the last 14 years…

My answer is No… i just spent the last 14 years adding up interest and consequences.

As I promised my Selves… E N D..S… E A..F…

Alien Father… and then my S E L F.. in 2006…

I would never forgive and i meant every word i said or why open your mouth and say it if you do not mean it.

As for the human avatars he used… they have no responsibility for that but they do have personal responsibility and this World cleaned up … their own source which was never me …will.. and has judged them.

I am Satya… Ezi-Okwu.. Truths Beautiful Truth.

I have nothing to prove… especially now…

Beautiful Expression even in rage must be beautiful and thus based on Satya.. Empirical Beautiful Truth…

I spoke to Liberty yesterday to access Jeron..

I linked her to a page…

There was no response…

and then Stephen Johnson to Evan Alexander Judson.

As you can see… the evil cruel expression went to far…

And yes… this is Personal but I do not take it personally… after all Victory is Graceful…

Graceful in Victory…even in the ultimate play of deceit.

Each to their own consequences including those N D has decreed will walk in my shoes…

I am loved by perhaps not yet in this world… but in this world… my self love.. S L… Slays.. that is enough.

12:12 a,m,

C.. L L… L/L… 1 24.. A X…

C Y…


Yeshua Christ .. became the Anti Christ…

12:14 p.m

L N… 26 Z.

Chris Filgueira…

Me… my Z not only the End..and Ends.. but S D.N.E… D N E.. resurrection and rebirth..

Anastasia Anastasia

Robert Renee…

A R… Anna Rice…

6:88 usd Carolina Rice… Carol..

Kamora Herrington..

See, Elizabeth Hinds Davis… why you page and paying attention is a choice…

12:17 p.m

12:18 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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