
10:43 AM

10:43 AM

10:43 am.


Yes, Happy Birthday to me….

Not very Happy..yet.

Since I am still torn literally physically between two realityies

this one here where I do not exist until My Name is Called..

and the E Ga La Xy 1011 C I…

-A Matrix with my body literaly experincing the Glitch’ – believe me it has to be experienced to be believed…

Not pleasant… caught in between two Frequencies.

A Tug of War…

Apparently, ,more expression is required from me to move the last of this forward.

We are now at New York City.. the venue of the Awakening.

And at Joseph H Carey… Who is the perfect example and symbol of the New Yorker.

From his heritage in New York Parents who were part of that world of the Arts Poetry Literature in the 70’S and 80’s in the East Village.

To the heritage paternal to L..A and the California Film Royalty to his Mothers Line British to Jamaican to OINri link Atlantis, Super Natural, E.T… and now E.O…

Aligned and in synch with the 33 Year old Prince Harry,

( Yes, 33) to the 36 year old Meghan Markle… M M…

1313… 26…Z.

Linked to Royal and Reign.. RR… 18 18… 36…

So yes, this is the end of…

*2010E… That is the housing process in New York, the form…

They are speakig about this in the room as I Post…

Its is the criteria for getting Mental Health Support Housing…

Can you believe that, I means that in this reality to be of the evolved consciousness or mine… that you must me mentally unfit and thus become elligible for Housing aid..!

Hows that for the insult to top insult of this Alterd Universe.

To get admit that you are evolving carries the catch 22 of being being labelled mentally unfit and thus, eliigible to be housed.

– a Reason given a to why Perfect Strangers in New York welcomed me into their homes ( it could not be for any other reason such as recognizing my energy, connecting…etc..)

That New Yorkers housed me 55 times because I was mentally unfit to find a home of my own..?

And yet why has my passpart appilcation for years been refused with excuses.. lame excuses.

And this shelter has not gone out of its way to do the most obvious thing no matter what I do or say ( considering my mental state) which is to apply for my passport and contact the British or Canadian Embassy to alert them to the fact that one of thier citizens is in distress…

My last work in this reality was as a Creative Director who he the British Consul in Istanbul knew me, I lost my passport in Istanbul and He helped me retrieve it.

As I did in Paris…and London… I have had my passpost taken from me 4 times…London Paris Istanbul and New York…

three times it was stolen.

The first was really for a name change from Okolo, to Kolo.

Yeah right, good luck with getting New Yorkers, hard assed New Yorkers to open up their doors to a ‘Homeless Mentally impaired tall black man..

One of the hardest things on earth is to be invited to live for over a month in a New Yorkers home… no one has the time in such a city and space, so competitive with some one staying there rent free if he or she was not contributing something vital and essential which sustains thier living in New York City…

There must be something they gain, is being given by the guest or they would not give you the time of day…

11;22 p.m.

Just got a message from Joe… its a gif .. gift… of 4 Super Stars… Luther Van Dross, Whitney Houston Dionne Warwick and Stevie Wonder…

L.V. W.H. D.W…S.W… WWW.. S D H…L V…( E.V.O.L…U.T.I. O.N… E… Yes Ti is 7th Note

with the words Keep smiling, Keep Shinning

See the Code K S… K.S… Recall 9:19.. I.S… I.S…

K.I.S.S… K.I.S.S..

Two of these stars are living and the other two are dead. 22.

( if I smile any more, I will get muscle pull, and if I shine any more Clarity you might go blind.. when you get it..

11:28 time right now…

But his message did touch me enough to break through the force of will keeping my Exhaustion from overwelming my being…

2010 I was at Pelham Bay Park and then moved to Williamsbug Bedford and where I met Coco and Julienne through Marina…

7 years ago.

They called me mentally unstable until I not simply proved these my equations to you but to your accepted comprehension to the point of Ground 0 zero intelligence…

Yes.. so as I was saying this is the End, once more so long delayed in the manifestation of an equation I had been working on in, since I came to New York in 2001 and finished my equation in 2004, Then my translation of it in this language and mentality which took me 6 years…

So yes, the completion of the equation with Joe who represents the landing and the awakening in New York City and then it spread through out the World.

– something which I had descirbed over and over again how it take place…

The taking over of all the waves, the frequencies, the FM Bands on all levels from Body to the 1-5 to the 6th to the Vision and to finally the 8… The Music…

My leaving New York in the incorrect manner, actually literally means the End of U.S.A… Its literal total destruction.

Which is why Tom Truman ascended at one point to his hgher self to relay the message that he The Awakening Takes place in New York.

After 2006, and what I had experiences and endured, I really wanted to simply leave, all effort to recover my passport or some way to leave have proved abortive.


So Yes…

This is the last of that long long delayed script of the manifestation of what should have taken place 12 years ago…

And the delay implemented in 2001, 9-11.. the same day or time period that I came down from Staten Island back to 14 street between 3 and 2nd avenue, to find my pasport and luggage stolen from a basement storage ( Entrepo in french.. yes the nighclub in France the the Casbar rue du St Antoine.. Anthony.. Igbo Anthony is here…) surrounded by MAC Cosmetics.. A Jamaican place family business…owned by the Mahoneys who mother was a former vice president of Chase Manhattan Bank..

I was stuck in a person called Donalds Apartment in Staten Island a Double Amnesiac…Total… Twice…

I had to eventualy escape he, he did not want me to leave him.. at all costs… it was a living Hell…

Donald Trumpets…Blows his Own Horn..

The Universal Ruler is Truth.. Harmony Eternal… Proven True.

just got the code from Joseph Carey…


K E.. M A C… J… MAC Cosmetics…

9 14 648 9010…. 91 464 89 010…

9 14 64 89 O1O….

Joes Apt… the Movie?

In reality it is number 91… 9 14… I…N…F.D…H.I….O A O

No Joe’s apartment is a work of Art….

Based on a popular short film, this comedy focuses on Joe (Jerry O’Connell), a young man who has moved from Iowa to downtown New York City. After settling into his grimy apartment, Joe discovers that it is home to a legion of talking and singing cockroaches. Although having so many bugs for roommates has its drawbacks, Joe finds the roaches to be friendly and good-natured, and they aid him in wooing the lovely Lily (Megan Ward), as well as in contending with his mean landlord (Don Ho).

but there was that too…but not cockroahes,,

Dragons Fly…

Mother of Dragons.. E.

M O D E… Fashion.. to fashion is to Create.

look up the meaning…

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