
10:39 PM

10:39 pm


I rushed back and on the way, on Archer Street I saw the young D’Artagnan who had given me the coded dollar

( un marked )

He was speaking with some one, but I paused to remind me of his name…

Frankie he smiled that his Irish Italian smile at me.

I went to the Take Out to order some Chinese Food, I felt lighter less agitated by the non stop impulses of the play.

I ordered Barbeque Tips and for the first time changed the other wise half chicken and shrimp fried rice

It was not intentional, I had taken to ordering that because it was easy to share- to offer a piece of chicken to another..

And I just got in the habit of ordering the same thing, but it had grown monotonous..

I was had been thinking of what else to order for a while..

I ordered B Q Tips because the guys eat that too, and I just said the first thing which came to my mind.

Then it happened.

I had forgotten my phone.

Yeah right, I said to myself,

It was a set up, the Chinese Food

C F was 7 00 usd

Not the usual 7, 50 usd

I looked at the Riddle,

I had a 10 pm curfew to make,

I would not have time to come back

And as Jose Roque had noted that by refusing to give up my Privileged

way of Being and Dressing

They put you in the Dog House

Not stop testing, trying me to see if I thought I was better than them.

I could leave the phone, I was not bothered.

But I knew it was a riddle.

I made a decision and went back to the Shelter to tell them I would go back to get my phone

I saw Frankie again

He asked for a Cigarette

Not now later

The Woman Supervisor said I only had 15 mins

Let me inform Alexis I said.

Thrice nodded his approval smiling fully aware of what had and was doing to a man he had reverted back to addressing as Mr Kolo..

An French west African young but jealous security guard stopped me to search me despite it being unnecessary.

Thrice stared at him Alexis was right there..

She was more concerned about my phone.

I went to the Chinese place

To hold my food for me

No take it now ready

I was not surprised, recall the Tall Good-looking Chinese youth who had given me his seat?

I had walked back seeing Paul Franklin on the way, on a different route back..

I thought of Brenda…I had finished at 9:29 pm and noticed that she was packing up too in perfect Harmony.

She spoke of downloading Cake recipes

to start a business..

My mother and sister are champion bakers

(My sister does not cook but Oboom told me But she always Bakes…

I Cook and Bake as does my mother

I understood the code

C.A.. K.E

E.K. A. C.

Emeka Kolo Alpha Consciousness

Paul Franklin room 3A ( C A. 31)

Bed 35 C E

Do it I urged like the Nike Slogan

She and I walked out

She then spoke of our harmony

Leaving at the same time…and noted the time.

9:29 pm

She 6-29

She smiled coyly.

I laughed and had Hi Fived her.

She had crossed over.

She had made sure the whole day by being conscious of my feelings before the play of Dunkin Doughnuts with Francis

Francis Frankie Paul Franklin

Free Free The Little People are Free

F F. P F

6 6. 16 6

S P 66. 76

12 3

3. 13. Include Raheem Bed 5-013 E O M


Meaning Of Existence

M O E. Promoted.

As I walked back I thought of Mea Culpa

And the Equation I left

Maryam… Joseph Carey’s Mom

Mariam Moses…

Mariam seat one

Then Saint Carlos.. M S C

Not M C Mea Culpa



No Universe is not U nor is it Infinite

Woman Playing Goddess Nut Nuit

It is a Story it Ends it is a Square

It ends that is why it Echo’s

11:28 pm

My Birthday

My Birth

It Echoes And Responds

I. E A R

To Me

Its Creator


Its Source

I S.

I got back to the Star bucks but not before saying to my testers still daring to go this far

Saint Carlos was sitting unaware that I had left my phone- he was wearing light blue

L B. Day Sky

A Caucasian young girl who had sat down just before I left, looked up when I picked up my Phone and after I commented to Saint Carlos ..

Carlos Mauricio Quintero

She quipped

isn’t it fortunate for you that we are here and trust worthy?

I responded

I was not concerned

As I walked out, a curl of contempt smeared my Face

She took credit for something she was not even aware of, only Carlos was present when I plugged in my phone and he had not noticed at that point that I had left it- I had come back that swiftly..

She did not know it was there or who it belonged to and that Carlos knew who the phone belonged to..

I had asked him his name today.

She was wearing Dark Green

Which I associate with Fritz Venneiq

Not Vanessa his sister

*See that play.

Sky is the 7th Aspect of the family of 10


8 Harmony had not landed on Earth yet

I spoke about this to Lisa Natalie Johnson

Yesterday why their life.s of my Mother line was not filled here they could not land 11:47 pm

Until the first Harmony Big Brother

Established it here.

Dark Green

Not Kristen Green she is Ever Green



Elizabeth Clarizio Light Green

L G.


So who was playing DOG


11:52 pm


Link Catherine Acholonu line

C A. 3 1

And see the play 2013…

I came back and saw M B bed 5-005

505 EOE 55 Brenda

He is small he was standing on the landing at the Top of the Stairs of the Terrace I was just below on the ground bottom of the Stairs

And A Big Guy Caucasian at the other end

I called out the rooting out these Woman Wo Man from their roots and at the moment everyone is rising all of them begin to die, fading out of Existence while watching the greatest most beautiful manifesting Awakening

12:00 a.m.

That is True Pain

My justice

2/3rds of Humanity..

With relish and Pleasure.

And that is not Evil

It is Righteous Justice served


10 18. 19 S 28 B H

10 Jay

1 O

Alpha On

P S I made it back at 10:03 pm



13 4


JOCK Key. I am a Jock not a Nerd-Geek

And a Jockey not small tall

Race Horses


Joseph Carey got you home

And my things you are holding

13 4

M D.

17. 8

Q. H I O E

See Kristen, though I understood clearly what you meant, even the seemingly Mundane has Drama


And Excitement

Welcome to my World

12:11 pm

The True Infinite Limitless Eternal

TT. I L. E

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