
10:35 p.m – J.C.E. – I am laughi

10:35 p.m


I am laughing right now, roaring with a wry quiet humor.

So I will just relay what took place.

With my 7 USD, I required little since I have the basics.

I have at last completed the Mission and found at last the Person who the First Liht Fantastic and it reflection shade. Shadow ( Dark Matter…recall Manu?
He was with Stephen Gascougbe in Paris before I left…. see the meaning of the name ” Manu” and Manuscript-Manifestation.

Strphan means “Crown… Crowned”
I found him, then and have been directed to me all these

D.M =4 +13 =17.
Easter Spring.

I had always known it was Manu, because he has wept in my arms and kept saying “the world needs you…”
Which was strange…a strange thing to say.

And it was Stephen and Manu who inspired my recycling objects to use as Art and Science of the E.M.F.

I saw the code 57 before I went out.

I just required sparkling water.
I am so good now, nothing really mattered any more, I had found the Person and Beings I had spent more that 29 years seeking while holding on to the Integrity of the vastly required editing work required, but as Laurent Lafont had cautioned that I had changed on entering the reality of this world after being made aware for the truly first time in Paris that I literally existed in a different reality even in this realm.

See the meaning of the word Lafont.
The Fountain.
The Background and letter type.
Baptistimal Dish.
Oil for a Lamp

George Andreo G A had advised me to take some distance and time when I had called him and spoken over the Telephone

7 years I waited and was remembered which surprised me.and invited to New York which was the grounded reason I was urged by so many including Jon Lee who had other reasons too.

I knew it was to be Random House but I could not tell anyone clearly how I knew.
But I got an Agent who had heard of me, whi worked for Radio City hall New York which he had been so excited he told me when he got the gig.
Which eventually lead us to amicably part ways.

So yes, quiet but content and irritated by the intel coming from my body ( I had made plans to lie in all day and work on solving the riddle of my body.while knowing that there was nothing to solve and aware fully confirmed at what had the power to do this to me…
Only one force in Existence Creation could.

So I walked in the drizzling rain to the C V.S.
Spent 2:51 usd…Again!
And was served by a Young but stronger looking Rahul.
His name was Chrs!
R C.

R ..Lala who I like
R L.C.

I headed back grumbling at my body only to discover that someone had left a bunch of Free Food Stuff.

I took a few, just in case then sent Kim Arthur Hinds Jr a message…
It had nothing to do with him
But I asked him why is telephone addresses were suddenly appearing on my phone. He explained he had to hack into my G mail account.
755 or something G mail.
I asked him if it gave him access to my phone use he said no just contacts

But it gave me a chance to check the last date of access which was.is 4-26-2022.
I smiled, good more than enough time.

I also saw that I have 3 more Facebook Friends requests.

Bernice Annett.
Laura Gema.

As well as Carrol Levi.C L.
C L R.N B.A. L.G

First Letters

C R B G.

Last Name First letter

L.N. A.G.

I smiled

Then I took a moment to investigate the boxes.

11:28 pm

I roared with laughter

I had chosen one with name Karma!

Another one called Chocolate Honey Combs had the word DIE on it and a specific code I will keep to myself..
Another had the code Black Bear…

Which reminded me of the Black Bear ho had appeared on a Tree on the Holo Deck at 900 South Road
My Black Bear boots I am currently wearing
From Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira and rug and cloth from Benjamin C.Krajewski as well as the Wolf he had donated gifted when I we had first moved in here on the 3rd Floor.

I read the numbers recollecting the intel written on the Carton Arden had carried Jeron in on that very same Holodeck where the Black Bear had rested for more than a full day +..
It had been raining too,

Atlanta Georgia


11:40 pm


5 5 times.
1 25.

A Y.

Evidence AY

11:41 pm

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