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Linette Cartier.. L.C… E.

L.I..N.E T T ..E..

E T T E N… I.L..Infinite Love.. Infinity Limitlessness..

The True Never Ending Story… True Fact..

Nudged into the Spectrum…

All Star-Crossed but Poetically Entwined.

Investor Enriches Philosophy At Hopkins..

A 75 Million donation from Bill Maher goes to Baltimore University..

The quants and theiur algorithms may have taken over Wall Street. But One Investment Legend is making a big bet on a more old fashioned mode of anal-ysis Philosophy.

Philo means Brotherly Love.. B.L.. B L U E..

Asked by scores of people in Paris while writing in my Journals Talking To The Silence ( T TT S.. 20 20 20 19.. 76… Enter Amoza Born on cue.. 1979…)

They would ask me, almost aggressively what I was writing..

I responded bemused… A Philosophy…

John Hopkins.. Professor and Doctor M.D Patrick Okolo whom I had not seen in 28 years is a Associate Professor at John Hop-Kins University, specialist in Gastroenterologist ( Gastro Enter O Logics.. What can be digested…)

Large Intestines.. L.I..

Long Island where he lives…

Long Island where Blair is from…

75.. G.E/ E.G.. 57…See sacred Portal 149..( 19)…

meaning of Linette is idol; linnet, a small songbird. Probably a variant of Lynette. Also form of Eluned.


Pronunciation of Eluned as a girls’ name is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Eluned is idol, shape. From the older Welsh name Luned, or Lunet, derived from eilun. Literary: Lunete is the form used by French writer Chrétien de Troyes for his heroine of one of his Arthurian stories, and from this the name became the form Lynette. The Welsh saint Eiliwedd, known also as Eluned or Eiluned, was a fifth-century princess.


ASSOCIATED WITH heroine, arthurian (mythology), saint, princess

Cartier as a boys’ name is of Old English derivation, and Cartier means one who transports goods. Cartier is a version of Carter (Old English): occupational name and surname.

A Image of the Song Bird, who transports goods..A message…

A Graceful Ode…

See sacred Portal 20… Lady E,C.H.O…

Just bought a coffee… the number on it is 6 37…

my Last one was 6 73..

66 37/ 73…

See sacred portals 73… What lies ahead and what is in store..

Sacred portal 37… Sophia O Laurel.. S.O.L…

5th Note… SHE now of the 5th Dimension Embodied.

9:41 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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