1:03 p.m.
A:O C…
I too got the presidents tweet-and I did notice the presidents tweet coincided with all this strange activity.
I just watched Jimmy Kimmel’s skit on the Presidential Buzz
and though I laughed, there was a deep uneasiness and recognition with a code i was aware of and a truth to that skit which disturbed me.
There is a tension, I feel it in me, like a coiled spring.
I had a minor altercation with Roberto Munoz a moment ago.
It was nothing but it was something he said, which I knew was unfair, but which at the same time, looking at this play, this whole set up..
It was set up to create resenment, like a non stop ticking time bomb.
How can you place a being undercover in a shelter, make him publcily state he is solving the riddles of Existence, deal with people who are being used as Avatars who are all used like chess pieces in a play, and burst thier bubbles of ideas of themselves which they had.
How can you make a persons body be filled with rage of existence, and its power rising but contain it in a man, in a play, in a script which others can not see, unless they are fillowing the script.
How can you fill a man with such violence and rage, and contain a person for 17.6 years in a script, in this day and age where every one is distracted- to prove that this is the Awakening.
And that this world is not real- and then force him, bind him from within like an Egyprian Mummy and publicly manipulate him into script which is as a Maze, a Labyrinith of Human experinces and suffering and misery as well as beauty- but you force him to focus on only the ugliest truth.
You set him up in a game in an alternative dimension which people in this reality can only relate and even recognize as something from an Episode of the T.V Show Fringe.
Make him speak publicly, revealing himself naked, even to reveal his memories which corner him in revealing to the world that he not only remebers Creation but that he is the Being Avatar- embodiment, example of the Source and that he is a man and that his children are omnipotent beings…
And that this is the Evolution play…
And you end his journey in a Shelter.. Mens Homeless Shelter undercover with codes and truth- even facts, which support all this but all the codes are now, scattered in Human beings who carry the memory Chip of the entire plan and the confirmation of the Truth which he was forced to reveal on Face Book before an entire world view –
And add the caveat to get the truth to manifest not only does he have to solve these riddles publicly and with no support abandoned by all he once knew, for maintaining a truth which the responsibility was put on his shoulders to bear alone with full awareness while having to pass through human portals and solve thier riddles and speak to them in a language they understand to reach the intel they have and the E in them.
And place the last game of Thrones in a Shelter…
Where the people are used by the Light the dark and the lie, who is so powerful in this play… so powerful..
And the worse, place money codes with various people whom he has to get them to donate money, to be moved by thier hearts to send the corect money code, because the love frequency in them will unlock and link to the code, script intel equation he has already proven over and over again as a man.
And yes,yes, he does not know any of this, and has to figure out the horrendous vision of he has as a young man are real and that he has to riddle evil out of extistence and figure all this out as he goes along because he is kept in the dark of the whole thing .. which is Suprise! Suprise.. in the end.. a script of Betrayal… constant daily betrayal and shocks to his system.
In a play game which everything is allowed. no one is encouraged to belief him and he who is strength and force has his hands tied his power siphoned and used to power a play script which manifests – but which strives to make him anonymous…
And thus, allow people to insut him, challenge him, mock hom ridicule him over and over again and he has to fight them, each one who challenges them but at the same time fight to make them understand that what they only imagine in sci fi, throug movies is actually reall but translated in a much more logical way..
And oh yeah, and you have to call them out, so that they have a chance to listen, clean up but are aloowed to shit on you in the process because the script is designed to create chaos…
I can go on….
Who would believe such a thing…
Such a thing possible… I am living it and my incredulity is translated each moment into a reality which I am not allowed to every forget for one moment is real…
So real that my head heart being can not concieve how a mind, a heart a soul can stand such hurt and pain .. and suffering intentionally put on a being who is not even allowed to die, not allowed any respit…
Because he trust the eternal truth, he is awakened one but can not speak in his own voice- talk to the world in his own way style because Body and Being have taken over … thier source??
Insane… Insane.. it make existence redundant silly, like a cheap human Fantasy novel or American Block buster and ultimate horror flick…
I read the script, I know more about what is happening that you can imagine, but the script has undermined my truth my voice even my movement to such a servitude and slavery to a the direction of the script… That I can not even say what I know as surely as the sun rise and sun sets any more.
Because such an effort was taken to make this confusing and chaotic when it is simple and straight forward.
I can not concieve of this being real true, not because of the fact that it is the Awakening and Evolution Extinction play…
How on earth…?
I live it every day and i can conceive of what is happening to me because of the Way It is Happening.
Something is manifesting yes, but I am no longer the one who will speak up.
No Siree…
i will do only what I have to do to such as updates on facts…
But there is an evil here.. a cruelty which has nothing to do with Creation destruction Evolution…
It is just revenge malice… not anything I recognize not even Evil any longer… Just MEAN
Original Facebook Post: Click Here