
10:29 a.m

10:29 a.m

And there, behind the Knight. (Templar)

who stands behind the Tiger Druid/Sorcerer/Magician is the F Block which shifted to reveal the hole in the wall

A cruel play is it not,

43 years later since I wrote the Truth of my Understanding and Memory..

That for the next 43 yrs of my life,

That without realizing it, that by penning that Truth, I would spend the rest of my life first aware then unaware of why I was in a terrible war. Challenged by everything in Existence and Creation to battle, of Spirit, will, mind, might to prove and manifest that truth in creation existence as proof of the Origins of All.

No one could have ever imagined the cruelty in giving a Being undercover as an Human person, such a role… alone to play.

And the savagery of resistance to the Truth,

The level of forgetting in ppl and in their forgetting the cruelty and phenomenal depths of malice and wickedness, seriousness and cunning they were willing to descend too.

Why would you let yourself go so far?

10:40 a.m.

Even now, I am still fighting, posting, solving because I feel the binds and spells on my muscles.

Pressure points really, Martial Arts..

10:42 pm

For power…

The will and drive for power in this contest set up in a most cowardly way, at the end of a life time of use of disappointment and shocks to get me to recant and deny the Truth, The Beautiful Truth of Existence..

My Existence and the family of E.

That they do not exist only this reality..

This present way of Being called the World.

43 yrs…

They have tortured me using Human Avatars as their instruments and mediums to strike and cast spells.

Using the Humans as Shields so that I will not hurt the ignorant inattentive human child who did not, does not pay attention in the Class Room called The World

T.W.. is the real world not this..


T.W.O..E.’ A S E.

And this force of malice envy, jealousy manifested created by Human children. ( adults) careless expression has generated a power of malice fed by Human no longer being Human but Haters vessels of poison .

Thoughts hidden intentions, agenda,s and consequently because of this, used as portals and generators of generation after generation as tools for the Great Abomination that combined expression of Hare given a life of its own by the intensity of the Hate…

To Gate me in such a Script to save the E Line who never required saving and fight a war for 42 43 years to prove a truth already written..

And if it was written and was a memory does that not mean it has already manifested?

That it was already done and the book I wrote at 7,8 years old was a memory of a war and battle already won victorious which is why I kept protesting that I came to party boogy, enjoy !

Because all had been done before People came to earth.

Everything was set, Harmony as well as the plan and that if the Ancients had not neddeled, entered into Fear and Doubt.

Learned and continued to Read the Signs the Book, the real Book, and Daily News paper which is the World …

The actual world and every day, as the World turns…

They would never have any doubt or question that all is well and Harmony is here which guarantees a Happy Ending.


Yes ..



11:01 a.m.

Galaxy 1101 I C.

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