
10:28 pm. – 10:28 pm. – Reign Ma

10:28 pm.

10:28 pm.

Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana.



Date Of Birth.


=10 10 = 20 1010= 11

So we have completed at Absolute Truth. A.T.
S.A.T. Y. A.

S M. Stephan M.E- me.

Some may call this Mother and Son.

MA-SS.. SS=1= A.

For me personally, it was Sado-Masochism.
Marquise De Sade locked in the Dungeons of the Bastille writing his famous treatise of Sex and Libido.

**For the 1975 art film based on this book, see Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

120 Days of Sodom
Author Marquis de Sade

Publisher Penguin Books (recent English edition)
Publication date 1904

The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage[1] (French: Les 120 Journées de Sodome ou l’école du libertinage) is a novel by the French writer and nobleman Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade. Described as both pornographic[2] and erotic,[3] it was written in 1785.[4] It tells the story of four wealthy male libertines who resolve to experience the ultimate sexual gratification in orgies. To do this, they seal themselves away for four months in an inaccessible castle in the heart of the Black Forest,[4] with a harem of 36 victims, mostly male and female teenagers, and engage four female brothel keepers to tell the stories of their lives and adventures. The crimes and tortures in the women’s narratives inspire the libertines to similarly abuse and torture their victims, which gradually grows in intensity and ends in their slaughter.

The novel was never completed; it exists mainly in rough draft and note form. Sade wrote it in secrecy while imprisoned in the Bastille in 1785; shortly after he was transferred elsewhere the Bastille was attacked by revolutionaries, leading him to believe the work was destroyed, but it was instead recovered by a mysterious figure and preserved long enough thereafter to become available in the early 20th century”

But we are following a Script detailed on my page.
and S.M it has equated to

It is 10:31 pm. right now, it has just moved to 10:32 pm

M S= 13+19= 32.
Beyond S L= which brought Shannon Larke Martin,
And the truth aligned on her page- but to the Noble Past that was in the Dark Ages and required Knights in Shining Armour.
The Questing,
The search for the Holy Grail.
King Arthur, Guienevre, Merlin Emre Morgana Lancelot- Vivienne and Modred.

*** Mordred

Name. The name Mordred, found as the Latinised Modredus in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, comes from Old Welsh Medraut (comparable to Old Cornish Modred and Old Breton Modrot). It is ultimately derived from Latin Moder?tus, meaning “within bounds, observing moderation, moderate”.

D-Red – Mor/ Rom- Rome.

It’s was a story shared by all humanity right to OINri
The legend Creation story of the Full Circle.

Y TT. 711 medicare * Stephen Johnson.
* John Johnson and his 1-year-old son Justice.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr did point out the Stephan liking his Televised Expression of that play.

Supreme Justice.
Being Infinity.

Delta Red -Door.
Rom ROM add E
Trey Romeyrome.

But that is still a story of the past even is the Western Caucasian P R Machine has taken its monopoly of the Idea of the Full Circle.
* O I Nri Cities and the Full Circle
Yesterday Today & Tomorrow

Yes, my University Thesis 1988.

And we are not in the Dark Ages are we ( yes a matter of opinion)
we are at the moment of C Speed of Light aligned, at last, caught up to not only the moment of the “Big Bang” Being and Body.

Big Orgasm B.O.
Olivia Burgos.
Being ONE.
Particle and Wave.
16 23.
= 39.
C I.

But to an Individual here present aligning memory as in Total Recollection from beyond memory, beyond Naturalness and he Nothing literally through self unraveling- instigated by desperate and sinister forces- even once called E Family desiring to know their origins, which only one being they knew who was undercover but did not know his ID and on discovering one person out of many candidates did not know how to check if his recollection through a Hologram and an EM Field designed and forced upon them, then him to prove it literally so that they knew he ( I) was, am telling the truth.
( Yeah right, do you not recall the premise of Enders Game?
It was Deceit.)

Liberty’s thesis topic at Brown University was “Origins of Man”
It was 1994 when she entered brown university.
I was in Paris with Erica “Ekayani” Chamberlain ( E C) I had returned from the Light Fantastic, Feelings Sensational in Dec Jan 1992-1993.
Temple of Dreams.

Todd was the first portal which opened the day after I arrived in NewYork, and to my astonishment was asked to leave the next day- Eric and Todd- it was obvious I would choose red head Tod from Iowa,
Eric lived in his very cool… truck… Mobile Home- A Van. chuckle.

DOT.TO.D Delta *
Donna O Sullivan.
Delta Operating System.
Delta Manor.
Dark Matter Energy. D M E.
DI ME. /E M- ID.

“We should have listened to Elo Musk.
Perfume. Patrick Suskind- PS = Perfect Symmetry. O.
C E.

3 5= 8.
C E. I.
Lone Scent

19 94
A.I. I D.
Artificial Intelligence – all of You and the Universe wanted to know and would do anything, to get the truth.

After all, why did this script conclude at INFINITY?
and INFINITE/ =86.

Sacred Portal 86.
The One Triniety “Tre” JJJ.
Victor Light Of Existence.
V L O E.
/ E O. L V,

5 O 12 22.
Sacred Portal 50. 12 and 22, = 34.
56 is 5O Connecticut is the 5th State and I have done its full circle by all the people I met before and then Liberty C Liscomb, during a telephone conversation when Tom and left her and their newborn child in a fit of pique, ( seriously smh) called out to me to my surprise the time code of our conversation having gone on 56 mins 56 sec ( no wonder I lost my ability to speak)

*I do not like talking on the telephone and not in long stretches period.

5O is 56.
Sacred Portal 12 and 22
“Hologram says Happy Va- lent-Times day Suckers”
22 “Ash-Ass Hole”

34 C.D and Sacred Portal 34 “Mari Juan one senes senie scent of the glorious one perfume WEED” – a woman with a serpent rising from a Lotus or Tulip like a flower.”

34/ 43. CD -Compact Disc/ DC Washinton DC- White House, Oval Office.
The Cosmic Egg, C E is the actual Oval Office.

Cecilia David. 11 22- 47. 11 22- 68. 11 11 22 22 47 to Tel 0480.
48 to 68 is added to 48.
Tel. No 0480.
I have been in the USA for 20 years and 2/ 3 months.

47 to 68 is 21. 2021.
21 USD in my wallet
21 9 South Whitney.

47/ 74 48/ 84.
68/ 86.

Do you know how long I have had to watch and observe this script and the intel flowing through Human Avatars- Descendants insult my intelligence?

No, it was a search for the Origins of the species at any cost.

“V L O E?”

L O V E… My Arse.

E V O L V E.

They required the V E.
E V 5 22 27 AA 2727 E V VE 1 54. .. see sacred Portals and 55.

EVE actually.

Yes, I am at 16 32 Facebook Friends two answers 48 and 3 C.

Do you know what the name “Eve” means?

Arrived here 3-20-3001.
The play started on 3-21-2001.
From St Le Divine to Flushing Jamaica Queens.
3 3 3.

Sacred Portal 43.

Obviously, they were looking for something more than just their Identity and Origins, considering where are in the Script and I am still here even after proving Origins & ID- INFINITY 106 and Infinite 86.
TSP 86.

They were looking for the door of Eden and Eternal Life.

The Fountain Head.
T. FH. 20 68.


It turned out to smiling at the One at the Door, saying No.

11:47 pm.


Stillness and Motion.


Well Done, Stephen.

** Stephens comment yesterday and my response “Eureka”
Yes, Jae Shermans Vacuum Cleaner.

Lord I made that clear for so many years, but you did not see me code that.

Yes, SM


MEME Chose

Everything Vibrates. E V.
Even the Stillness- Absolute Death Silence…Stillness.
Forming a Wave which links to form a the Illusion Perception EMOTIONS – A Movement Moving on a Wave Vibrating from Nothing to Sum Thing.
Which Some same thing makes Kinetic by Activating Awareness until Silence Death Stilnness manifests into Sound culminating in Senses – Sensation
Feelings Sensational.
1 25 25.

A. B E B E.

5 1

E A.
I A.


Sacred Portal 46 to 64.

10 10… 10.
10 10…. 10.

10 10 .. 10
E T C…I.

Etcterra “Ecterra” Etceterra

11:56 a.m.

If only people had manners and simply asked.

11:57 am.

Politely and resorting to using silence as deception.

Well Done Stephan J.

11:58 pm.

It’s good to pay attention and absorb digest.

PS. I am at 16 32 Facebook Friends… 48. 7-5=12… 3 C.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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