
10;20 p.m.

10;20 p.m.


John Thomas…

Stephen Filgueira came back for a moment, carrying an order from a place called Black Bamboo

*Something which I had noted to Stephen Filgueira who is not fully aware of the true role he is playing- an Historical Role as the Witness of the Beautiful Truth OF E.

– I brought with me a Bamboo Stick wrapped with Black Tape from the Shelter and even before that.

I knew when I have found it, that Natures Line of the Lords of Destruction Twins of Creation had accorded me the Title of Universal Sensie- despite my methods being so alien and astonishing to them in its simplicity and complexity.

10:24 p.m.

I knew his six sense had brought him back, that I was to impart the news that it had and has been confirmed that I had used my codes to pass the Natural Humans rising as the E with Bodies vibration as E.. EE… 55…

J A Y… 10…1O…As One merged but yet seen in this reality because the actors are still completing the acting out of the Script which writes itself ( guided by the parameters of Cause and Effect and the author of this Script_

I told him the great News … because despite my ennui, it is great news) the codes have been acknowledge through this set up move effectively move the Exodus of Jah People through the Simulation and into the True Earth.

A great deal took place in conversation between myself and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater and in the presence of Harmony ( Liana) Harmony Nature rising through the play and completed with what took place between Victoria Jackson and then Harris…

Especially with the conversation with Harris linked to his brother M…

H M.. 8 13…/ 13.8 is the age of the Universe.. M.W 69… 13.8 Billions years ago, the numerical significance of this number is irrelevant except for it symbol linked to its meaning.

13 8.. Harmonious Manifestation… Question E.. Nnamdi.. U N.. Eternity.. U N E.. ( Now Feminine Un.. Une) ‘

8.13 Which is the literal time I noted a couple of hours ago on the stove clock…

H.M… Harmony Manifested…. at D.. 4… April Open .. Mars-Bars…

I could not recount all that went on today- beauty supreme, but too much to ask after 7 years of posting everything single day to prove the Supremacy of Man over all creatures..

Stephen listened but I realized he had yet another question on his mind- he and Kelsie Bissell ( Link K S… Kim Arthus Hines.. K B .. K H.. 8 11… Yes Stephen Filgueira you noted that time in the car.. and I let out a cry of recognition…)

They.. S K… F B… K S B K…. wished to know why and how I knew the first being was a male principle… with a J.T..

John Thomas… J T.. 10 20… 1O 2 O… 3.. 30…

I looked at him almost incredulously, that he wished to give a response to Kelsie Bissell and now he was Asking me…

10:41 p.m..


Sacred Portal 41 Shows a Man penetrating a man with a knife and his Penis, opening his Third Eye..Eleggua Elu.. E E

Cross Roads.

The Battle I went through, the depth of rage wrath and virulence I endured from men and women here and more especially in the Spirit realm and or silent unspoken words uttered in peoples minds – for me publicly stating this truth…

The Visciousness and duration of my having to prove that truth on facebook as the World of Time punished me in ways which my mother called ‘Unspeakable

and after writing and proving it, for so many years, defeating the challenge of Nature and the Grandmothers and Seers..

He was me to explain that now….

His brother Josh had spoken earlier about the truth if intimacy and in a play linked to Spain Portugal.. S P..

Stephen Popiotek.. Sacred Portal…

Josh and Kelsie live in the same building…

J K.. 10 11… E Galaxy 1O 11 C I… ( 1O 11 = 111 3… 1 6 11 .. A F A-A… Alien Father.. Both sexes…

Jeff Sullivan painting..Human Nature .. H N… Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Harmony.. ( Nathaniel is Harmony.. the Gift of Creation rep)

Josh spoke literally without realizing it the equation in logic reason and rational.. how Light as Information Semen C-Men penetrated the Full Circle…

Cosmic Egg.. which when I had mentioned Cosmic Egg in the car with Christopher and Stephen, I had said Cosmic Egg whicg suddenly woke Christopher Filgueira from his reverie to announce I am the Cosmic Egg as in he is…

To which i had laughed to disguise me wonder.. Andrew Filgueria Alexander Filgueria…. Alien Father.. See sacred portal 149… N I…

IN.. Was the last word Kyle Murphy had text me at 8;58 p.m.

149.. S.P 149… 19.. Alien Father carrying with him the Cosmic Egg… his reflection self son.. Humpty Dumpty H D.. 8 4….

19 84.. Sat on the wall…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie…/ H D T.. 8 4 20…. 8 42 O=6.. 15=6…

The play of the Dentist..

The Twins are the Balls .. their One is the Penis.. 1 who is three in One… its Expression.. John Grace of the Creator… A Magic Wand… Outside…

Female Clitoris inside…

See men go to a strange universe and encounter the Inside of themselves outside as the themselves as Woman.. Two conversations .. Balls produce one White.. truth in all… Semen..

He plants a seed inside himself in an Alternative… no Doppelganger Twin Universe…

Andromeda Milky Way….

24 X Chromosome..

25th Christmas Day… X Mas Day….

25 Y is male Chromosome… X is two lines 4 triangles forming of center or peak… 2 4… 5… 4 2… 1…

Y is three pronged one standing arms raised in victory .. The One is Two.. Penis… X marks the spot…

Penetrate the Mystery of yourself…

not opposite of you.. the Inside of you first manifested through the space created which filled all space with Conversation- the Nothingness Filled with Somethingness from the conversation between the Two First Beings Himself and His Self…, just as it had filled all the space of the One who expressed full circle in one and penetrated … Self penetrated himself, his sum of reflection.. C I SUM../ M U S I C….. Harmonies…

Hummm… I See me clearly…

… And he wanted me to explain that now…

So I complied as much as I could within the parameters of his shifting attention… and his limitation set for time…

But tomorrow is Y… 25… 24 25.. 49…

And today I did the work with people and with codes for the last time…

I prefer what I have so missed .. A Natural Conversation…

C N O A…

3.14 15 1…

Yes Stephen Filgueira you noted 1:51 p.m today.. or was it last night… a.m..

And see, the liitle Devil – got me posting…

This reply… 24 25.. 49.. / 94…

I D…

Mann… what a play… Do you know what Woman.. and Man pissed off in the unseen realms did to me… before they even waited for me to proof it all true…?

This seems light and fun for people, and nor do I seek to take that away from you and so I play jolly and light because I did surmount that hellish punishment…

But it was not a joke.. or light in the infliction of it, and yes I know you will realize this after you awaken but I did endure it and then was forced to act as though it was not what it really was so as not to jeopardize the Children Awakening… so I play the Smiling Charming Clown..

But I will never forgive nor forget… and this script in the end which adds insult to injury…

Making me make light of my own crucifixion by a rage and a fury of this said in rage and heat by many of you who, then were given clarity to see better but who did not go back and clean up the mess of those heated and furious expressions…

11;15 p.m..


11:16 p.m.

K P…

Kim Peter…. T P..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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