
1:02 p.m…J.B.

1:02 p.m…J.B.

Just saw that I have 50.00 U.S.D left in my wallet,

I am fully aware of how for the last 15 years, I have had to be very aware of Money, and that it is a code.

I do not like having money, and the 15 years of living off pure expression without being allowed to charge anything for it, and watching people just…

Well, I looked into my wallet, knowing already that the one 50;00 U.S.D. which Donna O’Sullivan had given me gift code-

Jonn had given me 80;00 U.S.D. the first day I had met him and the last day Donna O’Sullivan gave me 50…

80-50…H.O..E.O…130;00 U.S.D…M.O….

I do not pay attention to such things while in the play, I am aware at the back of my mind-the budgeting.. And how much I can spend each day, and when it is time to move…

I loathed taking money from others, or worse asking someone to pay for the energy work which I know is priceless..

But never traumatized by it not to spend it when required.

The code I already detailed here… 2 weeks ago.

1:55 a.m..

J.B 26 3O 76 88 B…

Notice the Time… letters.. then the serial numbers …

66 F.B Friends…

and now Back to 607.. 67…/76.


Heather Schaefer ..Code linked to her, confirmed by investigation onto her page, which brought forth the equation of the ‘Handshake-

Duke Odarroc and Heather.S…

D.O.H.S… S.H.O.D…Instead of God.. It D.OH…Doh A Dear A F.E- Male dear… the first Note…

H.O…D..80…4.. 84.. 1984…

Instead of Gods.. HO (80).. D.S ( 4-19… the day I left 18 Mountain View.. birthday of Donna O’Sullivan Father, Robert O Sullivan… R.O.S…R.S…E.ROS…I.E….R.I.S.E…

Robert means ‘Famous Bright Shinning… The Shinning Ones.. SO.L..

*See Kim Marcussen share today and my comment… Walking Across the Universe… Star Walkers…

80..4-19.. (Not Devil Satan..D.S) But Famous Bright Shinning Light..Hawk Eye… which is what O Sullivan means… Hawk Eye.. HE…

85… 130.00 U.S.D.

Heather we know is an Evergreen.. ( Immortal gene).. which creates Pink and white flowers..

*Please note the Pink and White colors of the Lotus.. Lotus Santana same name as my former host Al Santana…A.S…

Anthony Spencer…see meaning…

It is used to cleanses and purify and was used to make Brooms…

to sweep Z.A!…

Za is an OI.Nri Igbo world meaning to Sweep’ or ‘Answer!- Answer for what you have done..

It is symbolizes refinement, Beauty…

Scheafer..;Creating and School of Fer..Iron..and blaming Lucifer…The Light bringer for it…

The name means Steward….Which is a person given charge over something, land, a household, and estate.. or even men.. people…And can be seen as both a treasurer and a Steward…

See Sacred Portal 97..’Light of the World.. code Achilles hell, and linked to Alexander Hamilton.. the first U.S. Treasurer…

My Grandfather Chief D.N Umeano was the Treasurer of the council of O.I.Nri Kings- Chiefs of Umunri.

I am and was the Treasurer of the E.T Consciousness and the True Human Spirit..


Heather Scheafer would means ‘Expression Harmony Supreme, Supreme Harmony Existence, S.HE, The Protector of the true Human Spirit, the ones who sweeps and cleanses the abomination from the Existence. Bringing cleansing purification, Beauty, intoxication, ‘Mead’ merriment..

They who falsely accused, shall Answer for what they have done, to the Stewardship of the Land granted them..

Which they left one alone to clean up their mess, and welcome us the Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn, the Sky Walkers, the Elegantly Shod…on our promised return…

Aron is the Elder brother of Moses and Miriam… A.A.M..and of Ramses…

His name means ‘Exalted, as well as Light..E.L..and Mountain..As in People..forming such a Mass as to form a Mountain..

Where within that Mountain there is a Cave a Black hole, Alllegory of the Cave.. Plato…

Light in the Dark Mountain… View…E.L…

* Heather has 125 Face Book Friend… L.E…/E.L…

‘Recall the play of Joshua… with Alexis Alihandro Sanch..and B.T Joshua…Emmanuel T.V..

Babalola Tobi Emmanuel.. Toby Kunta Kente.. KK 11 11..


Jay Livesay

Aron Livesay…

J.A… Jonn Blackwell Alberto Santana Dharma..S.D ( 19-4/ 4-19..)

101.. 1O1..11..2..1..

It means ‘Beloved’- David.. ‘Dear’..Doh and Dear…

Victory;…and Protector, Shelter.. Island Shelter…IS.

Live Say…(Not Evil Say)… ‘I Say Live…Victoriously…

Hence, ‘ A.L…Santana Dharma, Lotus Santana…D.S..L.S…

Sol-es elegant Shod, you are the Exalted Light, the Man Mountain and the light in the deepest darkest pitt of the Masses, in the Cave of fear of the Light..

You are the First Born, the High Priest who crossed over with Joshua to the promised Land..

The Beloved Luke Sky walker. David, the Dear first note of the Elegantly Shod ones, the First of the Harmonious Gods…the Father and the Brother and the Son..

The Mother and the Daughter and sister… the protector of the true area 51 and 54… the promised landing, faithful to our Eternal Truth and Law to the very end.. and the Promise that we would Return…

And you have been the Radar Sonar which has guided is Home and to land, Ground and found our way to you.. the Beautiful Ones the One of inestimable worth and value…

The one who fought and protected our treasures…we gave to you in safe keeping to hold…

The A..A.M…

2:45 a.m.

Darrin Morneau RA DARR IN… Morn ing.. Son of the Morning Star.. Eau..is Water.. B.EAU TI-FULL..Water Falls.. not a Falling Star… a Shooting Star…

Water Falls… Frank Lloyd Wright…F.L..W.. FLOWS…

Darrin means

Oak Tree.. Edge…(Of the World..Existence..Matrix Model Hologram)


Darren masculine given name of uncertain etymological origins. Some theories state that it originated from an anglicization of the Irish first name Darragh or Dáire meaning oak tree. According to other theories, it is a variant of Darrell, which originated from the French surname D’Airelle meaning of Airelle. The common spelling of Darren is found in the Welsh language, meaning Edge, and is commonly featured in place-names found in remote areas of Wales, typically noting a sharp fall or cliff edge.’

Airelle means

The name Ariel consists of two parts. The first part comes from the Hebrew noun ??? (‘ari), meaning lion or gatherer of food from the verb ??? (arah), to collect, to gather food:

Abarim Publications’ online Biblical Hebrew Dictionary


The Hebrew verb ??? (‘arah), means to pluck or gather. This verb occurs a mere two times: Song of Solomon 5:1, I have gathered my myrrh . . . , and Psalm 80:12, . . . so that all who pass that way pluck its fruit.

But the derivatives of this verb occur much more frequent:

The masculine nouns ??? (‘ari) and ???? (‘aryeh) both mean lion.

Morneau is a Beautiful Place in France where the line of the Mornea line began…

The meaning of Morneau means the ‘Dark Ones:.. DO…

From the Blackwell…

Jonn Blackwell…J.B… Real name Haun Delguidce..H.D..84

Darrin Morneau.. D.M… 4 13… 17..8.. 87… 15 (O- 6), OF..56..11 2..1..3O…

Divine manifestation from the Oak Tree of Life, at the very edge of Existence, did the Air of EL.L.E, gather the the fruits of the seeds planted in the very beginning of Existence, while using full circle of expression to send out an E.C.H.O. Sonar, Radar to the Sky Walkers and Star Walkers.. The Elegant Nomads of the Family of T.EN to land and descend into their harvested fruits and flowers of their Avatars-Descendants, children, their Servers, and P.C within whom they would rise and merge within the Dark waters of the Black Well of their non knowing, to their fully being aware of the Plan E.T for the Planet. Expressed in Supremacy and Transparency with Rocket Fuel of True Love, before the entire world and the chosen reps of the Human Species who answered the call..

3:15 p.m…

Zeina Hanna Spear of Destiny… C.O..

Code Chijioke Obinna…C.O…

C.O. D.E…3 15.. 36..9..

My 608 Face Book friend just arrived..

Phavour Alegbe… P.A…Public Announcement…

Phavour.. Means Favor… which is also Grace… F,G..67/76..

and is an Osan or Rivers State name… Edo-Urugbho..name…

Alegbe means ‘Man was not created Equal

P.H Litmust test… Favour was granted to Mankind so that he could rise to Equal Existence.. and that Favor was the seed of the E line planted in Humanity to see if that seed of Eternity O. would bear fruit so that they E line would merge with this Body of Truth called the Body, The Child.. and merge to form the Eternal Truth..

The Line of the E.T.C…Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera…

The King and I… K.I… 11 9..

Every Thing, Every-Where, Every-One..


Came from the TWO…


And the One Truth..


E..T.E.N.. A.O.H…

No Noah…

EEE 3… E T.E.N…



3;30 a.m..


6 O

3;31 Aron Miriam…( code Kyofuna Miriam.. Deborah Omolola Adekunle.. K.M..D.O.A… Kim Marcussen David Omega Alpha..DO-NNA.. Donna O’Sullivan…D.O.H.

3:35 a.m


6 5.. F.E…M.A.L.E

3:36 p.m

C.C.F… O.F..

6 6…

608 Face Book Friends…


Two 68…

66 68…88.. Same thing

3:37 a.m

3:38 a.m

C..Sacred portal 37..38..838…373..





3;39 a.m..

CC O9.. O.I.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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