
10:17 pm. – You can probably se

10:17 pm.

You can probably see why I call this Script- Evil and Evil being defined as Selfishness to such an extreme that it creates Negation of the existence of others, as well as of The Truth

I have spent years decades being moved by it, correcting it and untangling its knots.
And the more I moved through it, forced by its Echo on this world E.M Feild, the more irritated on finding not was knots causing these hold up and Traffic jams really nothing at all, and so simple to resolve, the more I became irritated, the angry and the Black, Dark with intent.

Yes, it is a copy of my original expression of how I turned into a Black Panther and then Terrible death, my intent. But I did not act of my intent, I paused and peered over the Hedges into a clearing in a forest a Circle where I saw the First Man child.
Yes, you can link it to Meet Joe Black and to that story called Benjamin Button. The Manchild ages Backwards which one can interpret and translate as the physical representation of Hindsight.
Perfection was already Attained as Stephen Johnson attested, while I was with Arden and Jeron Aurelia, Ferrel, and Leander at 900 South Road.

The Child did not belong to Nature, it belonged to E-A and represented Balance.

And nature’s Future Possibility.
See Sacred Portal 41. and code 1-4, 4 in 1.

The One was already manifest and then become 22 33 =1=1-44 -1 =10and back to 5 and with Embodiment 55 became 1 1.
He was always one.
as He and now as S.HE

Jeron J= 10, was born, 2-5-2019.

*The Light in the Kitchen went off again and I know what it means, in the play of Electricity-Current as in Sacred Portal Terrible Death T D 4-20= 4-20 Sacred Portal 104.
14 N.- E Beauty and Power.
1O4 164. 16 4. 1,64.

I already knew, when I reached Albert and Isaac, A .I. Edwin and Isaac, E.I, in 2006 with Sag, Issac Albert. SIA “RU S S I A” Meaning Red Russel. and Sia, meaning Black in Turkish. Red and Black. B A R,- R B/ B R- Kekeyi Cimol Anasstha Anastasia in Russia.
And had demanded which one was writing and expressing Noise, and altered version of the True Story.
The First Lie- transforming the Extastatic Beautiful Truth, into Static, Stasis, Comma- Negation by intentionally falsifying the Eternal and Infinite Truth.

I encountered it again in many books and while at his home, I was given to me, including Cornelia Funke’s book. Ink Death really stood out for the literal experience I was in.

It starts with two parallel universes, one where.

Look, I can not explain so will post this summary from Wikepedia
* ( whose help and intel, I would willingly donate to and can only acknowledge them yet again, as I have done through the last 9.9 years on my page)

Anything to end this nonsense and, so you can see the play of the K 11 as Parallel Universe with non of them being the truth, this mirror and reflection,
this world of Pencil and the world crayon- Inspiration and of Imagination

11:00 pm on the dot.

Physical and Spiritual worlds.
The only way to revert them to Truth is by merging both P and S
in Perfect Symmetry P S= 35 C.E= 8 H.
and then as PP 16 16= 1 32=5. 33.-1
The Body as The Book. Binder.
19 19 S S Two Stories T S= SS= One 1 Author. =
1 Writer A W.
E-A. And 1 Narrator.

*Inkheart trilogy
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Inkheart trilogy
Inkheart original book covers.jpg
Covers for the three volumes of the original editions of the Inkheart trilogy, designed by Martina Petersen and author Cornelia Funke.
Inkheart (2003)
Inkspell (2005)
Inkdeath (2007)
Author Cornelia Funke
Original title Tintenwelt
Translator Anthea Bell
Illustrator Cornelia Funke
Country Germany
Language German
Genre Fantasy, Bildungsroman, Mystery
Publisher Germany Cecilie Dressler Verlag
United Kingdom Chicken House Publishing
United States Scholastic Corporation
Published 23 Sep. 2003 – 28 Sep. 2008
Published in English 6 October 2003 – October 2008
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback) and audiobook
The Inkheart series is a succession of four fantasy novels written by German author Cornelia Funke, comprising so far Inkheart (2003), Inkspell (2005), and Inkdeath (2007). A fourth volume, The Colour of Revenge (expected 2021), is in progress. The books chronicle the adventures of teen Meggie Folchart whose life changes dramatically when she realizes that she and her father, a bookbinder named Mo, have the unusual ability to bring characters from books into the real world when reading aloud. Mostly set in Northern Italy and the parallel world of the fictional Inkheart book, the central story arc concerns the magic of books, their characters and creatures, and the art of reading.

Originally released in German-speaking Europe, the English translation of the third book, entitled Inkdeath, by Anthea Bell was released in October 2008. In 2004, Funke sold the film rights to all three books to New Line Cinema; thus far, the first book has been made into a motion picture, which was released in December 2008.[1]

Initially conceived as a trilogy, Funke surprisingly announced in spring 2020, that a sequel called Die Farbe der Rache (The Color of Revenge) will be published by October 2021 in Germany.[2]”

*”Plot summary
Main article: Inkheart
In Inkheart, the twelve-year-old, Meggie, discovers that her father Mo, a professional bookbinder, has the unusual ability to transfer characters from books into the real world when he reads aloud—they call those with this ability “Silvertongue”. Mo once brought four characters of a book entitled Inkheart to life while reading from the novel, including Dustfinger, his pet marten Gwin; Capricorn, the book’s villain; and Basta, Capricorn’s right-hand man—in bitter exchange for his wife Teresa (later known as Resa), who disappeared without a trace into the so-called Inkworld of the book. After many years Dustfinger returns to pay Meggie and her father a visit, advising them to flee the country to escape Capricorn and his followers who are in search of Mo and his Inkheart copy. The three of them eventually leave to hide at Meggie’s great-aunt Elinor’s house in Northern Italy but end up being dragged off by Basta and his companions to the near village of Capricorn, because Dustfinger betrayed them as Capricorn promised him he would help him go back home. He then forces Mo to read treasures out of books, since his useless reader, Darius, could not do it. Meggie soon discovers she has the same talent as her father when she summons the monster known as “The Shadow” out of the book. She helps to kill Capricorn and his entourage with the power of her reading talent.
* A Santana is a Capricorn as well as E-Class Erik Mateo.

Main article: Inkspell
A year has passed, but not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of Inkheart. Resa is back, but she has become mute. Dustfinger wants to go back to his wife, Roxanne, and his daughters who are in the story. When he finds a self-absorbed psycho storyteller, Orpheus, who can read him back into the book, he goes into the pages, but Orpheus doesn’t read Farid back into the book like he was supposed to, because he leaves the word “boy” out. Soon Farid convinces Meggie to read him into the book so he can warn Dustfinger of Basta, and then becomes his apprentice once more. But this time, Meggie has figured out how to read herself and Farid into the book Inkheart.

Suddenly, Mortola, Basta, Orpheus, and a “man built like a wardrobe” barge into Elinor’s house, and take Mo, Resa, Elinor, and Darius prisoner, while Meggie and Farid have no idea what is happening in the other world. Orpheus reads Basta, Mortola, Mo, and Resa into Inkheart. Mortola gets a modern rifle, and shoots Mo, thinking that she has killed him and leaves. However, Mo survived the shot. Resa discovers that her voice has come back to her. Resa and Mo are hiding with the strolling players, but now they have discovered that the injured Mo is the mysterious gentleman-robber, the “Bluejay”, created by Fenoglio, the Inkweaver’s words. Fenoglio is now living within his own story and he makes Meggie read Cosimo the Fair back into the story since he died, Meggie being kissed by Farid shortly after. Now the Adderhead is out to get him, waiting to hang him or kill his family in front of him. Mo and Resa are captured and Mo is unable to escape because of his fatal wound. Meggie, Resa, and Mo all end up in the Adderhead’s castle (the Castle of Night), while Meggie has made a bargain with the Adderhead that she will bind him a book of immortality if he lets her, Resa, Mo, and the other strolling players he has captured go. What she doesn’t tell the prince is that if three words are written in the book—heart, spell, death—the Adderhead will die instantly. In the meanwhile, Farid and Dustfinger have snuck into the castle using soot that causes invisibility, created by a combination of fire and water. Meggie and Farid fall in love. Farid is later killed by Basta, one of Capricorn’s old followers, who is then killed by Mo. Later, Dustfinger summons the White Women to bring Farid back to life, sacrificing himself. Roxane, Dustfinger’s wife, realizes this and is furious at Farid for taking away her love, but is powerless to do anything. Meggie reads Orpheus into the story using Fenoglio’s words, although Orpheus refuses to believe that she read him into the book. Farid agrees to work for Orpheus as a servant if he writes something to bring Dustfinger back to life. But Farid wonders, will he live up to the agreement and will Dustfinger ever come back?

Main article: Inkdeath
Farid, now the servant of Orpheus, and has been trying to convince the man to bring Dustfinger back from the dead. Orpheus agrees to read him back, but under one condition: Mo takes his place in death. Mo summons the White Women using words that Orpheus copied from Inkheart, and they bring him to the world of the dead, causing a lot of commotion amongst those around him. In the world of the dead, Mo meets Death herself, and Death bargains with Mo. Mo must bring the Adderhead to Death before Spring comes or Meggie and Mo will die.

The vicious herald of the Silver Prince and the servant of the Milksop, King of Ombra, where the characters are staying, kidnap all of the children in the town and threatens to work them to death at the silver mines. But Mo is returned to the world of the living along with Dustfinger, and the two hatch a plan. Mo “The Bluejay” turns himself in to the Piper as his prisoner in exchange for the children, who are hidden by the Black Prince and his men in a cave. Violante, the Adderhead’s daughter rescues him and brings him to the castle by the lake, where she used to live, because she wants the Bluejay to kill the Adderhead by writing the three words in the White Book in exchange for the children. The Adderhead goes after her while sending the Milksop after the children. The Black Prince however, learns of the Milksop’s march, and moves the children to a giant tree in the forest said to be a stronghold against giants. They are attacked, but Meggie reads a Giantess out of Fenoglio’s words, and they are able to fend them off, and kill Sootbird, the fire-eater who took Dustfinger’s place. At the castle, the Adderhead’s men follow a secret passage to the inside, and Violante’s child-soldiers get slaughtered, the BlueJay captured, and Dustfinger killed by a Night-Mare conjured up by Orpheus, who is now the Adderhead’s servant. Resa shape-shifts into a swift, using magical seeds that were used by Mortola before she was killed by the Adderhead’s men and searches for the white book along with Dustfinger. Dustfinger pretends to betray Mo, to earn the Piper’s trust, but really was leading the Adderhead on, in an elaborate plan with Bluejay and Violante. Under the Piper’s supervision, Mo works on a new White Book, to replace the Adderhead’s. The Adderhead’s grandson, Jacopo, steals the White Book from the Adderhead and secretly hands it to Mo. Mo writes the three words and the Adderhead dies. A short skirmish takes place, Dustfinger kills the Night-Mare, and Resa and Mo kill the Piper. Meanwhile, the Adderhead’s bodyguard, Thumbling, steals all of the Adderheads possessions and takes off.

The last part of the book explains that Orpheus runs away to the cold mountains, Farid goes traveling as a fire-dancer, and Meggie stays with Doria. Resa gives birth to a child and it is a boy. He wishes he could see the world where his father, mother and sister were born in as he thinks it is much more exciting than his own because of the stories told to him by Elinor. The boy and Resa both turn into birds every few nights as a side-effect of the seeds, but all in all it is assumed that the entire surviving cast lives happily ever after in Ombra, with Violante as their queen.

The first volume, Inkheart, won the Phantastik-Preis der Stadt Wetzlar for children’s fiction in Germany in 2004,[3] and was selected as the best novel of the year in children’s literature by the Jury der jungen Leser in June of the same year.[4] It was also awarded the Kalbacher Klapperschlange[5] and the Silberner Griffel,[5] receiving nominations for the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis and the Rattenfänger-Literaturpreis.[5] In June 2007 Inkheart was voted, in a composite online and phone poll-show named Unsere Besten, organized by the ZDF network, as the eleventh best book of all time by the general public.[6]

Follow-up Inkspell won the Book Sense Book of the Year Award in the category “Children’s Literature”.

In October 2004, a series of various theatrical version of the first two books started with the world premiere of Inkheart at the Schauspielhaus Hannover. It has since been staged in several cities in Germany, notably at the Staatstheater Stuttgart, and the Wuppertaler Kinder- und Jugendtheater. In September 2006 a musical version premiered at the Junges Theater Bonn, involving over twenty actors and actresses and a live band.[7]

In 2004, New Line Cinema bought the film rights to all three books for a cinema adaptation, beginning with the production of the first novel, Inkheart. Funke moved to Los Angeles, California in May 2005 after she had accepted the offer to participate as the film’s producer alongside Barry Mendel.[1] Principal photography on Inkheart began on location in Liguria, Italy on 8 November 2006, before moving to Shepperton Studios in Surrey, England.[8] Directed by Iain Softley, the film is based on a screenplay by David Lindsay-Abaire and involving an ensemble cast, that includes Brendan Fraser, Helen Mirren, Paul Bettany, Jim Broadbent, Rafi Gavron, Andy Serkis and newcomer Eliza Bennett, among others.[8]

In April 2020, Cornelia Funke announced on her website, that a fourth installment of the Inkworld adventures will be published by October 2021, which came as a surprise. The title of the novel will be Die Farbe der Rache (The Color of Revenge), and it’s supposed to be the final part of the story. Also the first 15 chapters will be serialized as audiobooks starting in April 2020 in Germany, even though the book isn’t finished writing yet and the content might change as it’s a work in progress. Funke called this uncommon action a service to her fans under lockdown measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. The plot will take place five years after the events of Inkdeath and include all major characters like Meggie, Farid, Dustfinger, and Orpheus. According to the author, the term “revenge” refers to Orpheus longing for retribution by seeking help from an evil witch.[9]”

Just like the Matrix Trilogy which came out in 1999

* the series consists of three movies, beginning with The Matrix (1999) and continuing with two sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions (both …

As well as Lord of the Rings.

*”The Lord of the Rings is a timeless classic consisting of the three books; The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers & The Return of the King.

11:28 pm

11:29 pm

The End Game was which to identify which ones were actuality.

Blue Jay. B J/ Jaymes Bond.-Age.
Sky Fall

Daniel.Craig as J B, and Javier Barden, J B as Rahoul Da Silva..

Blue Jay is MO.
Meaning Of… Existence.

See Sacred Portal 42, OM.
Mortimer is Silver Tongue. ( T.S. S T.- 2019 Emeka Jeron. “5-25-2019)
Mortier means ‘Death”
Mortimer Resa
Maggie and Resa.
M R M.

* Royal and Reign Mayan Rodriguez Santana.
Reign Maximillian Rodriguez Sanatana.
R M R. S
R.M R. S
Fenglino – Feng Shui.
Farid *”Farid (Arabic: ?????? fariyd, far?d), also spelt Fareed or Ferid and accented Férid, is an Arabic and Persian masculine personal name or surname meaning “unique, singular (“the One”), incomparable”. Farid is a common male name in the Middle East, the Balkans”


*”Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic faris ‘horseman’, ‘knight’.

Orpheus – Morpheus, Morph

*”The name Orpheus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning “the darkness of the night”. Name of the legendary ancient Greek poet and musician — whose music was so beautiful it made trees dance and rivers stop to listen — would provide a child with a challenging but indelible identity.’
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, Donna, and Jae Sherman were all three of them in the room Magical portal 11-9- 2020 a day before Jae moved in when a blue Jae appeared before them,
so who was Mortimer meaning “Death”, who in the story meets his female version?

Was it Donna Jae? or both as J D,
Jonn Delguidce J D.
Jonn Blackwell J B.

11:59 pm

All were stories.
Was it Arica Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Love…?
Was it Qushara Allah aligned to Anamla Qayin.

* Intel she sent directly to me “DM I C T/P 115 AGE

It was like a Book Report. B R. B-18.
Across the street.218 Whitney Apartments, W.A/ A W,
Initials of Liberty’s sister’s newborn daughter born a little after Azure and a Girl. AW E or E-WALL E.T.- C-LAW.E

Was It King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?
Hemmingway Room at the Ritz Paris linked to J. K Rowlings J K.R? The Black Vape with K given to me by Jae S? Kolo?

10 11-18
The series sequence in order are: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) and …Nov 20, 2010″

Order of the Phoenix 2007 27
Or The half Blood Prince 2009, 29 Linked to Ardens favorite number 7 and me leaving him in July 7-21-2020.

Jeron Satya S Lang is a Half-Blood Brother to the Gemino’s and I call him Prince Charming. J S and S L

*”Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Wikipedia
Author: J. K. Rowling
Number of books: 7
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
Cover artist: Mary GrandPré
Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, MORE”

*”The Story of King Arthur and His Knights/Author
Howard Pyle” H.P

12:17 am

That was the play End Game.
Enders Game.

Was it 7 books and a Trilogy and which one?

Laura Walsh and Troy.

*”author Margaret George
Acclaimed author Margaret George tells the story of the legendary Greek woman whose face “launched a thousand ships” in this New York Times bestseller.”

12:21 a.m.

That is enough.

I leave here with Ease and harmony, it happens naturally, and that is what I learned the hard way from the day I moved to New York, that despite all my efforts to do it he way, with Effort and taking Control, that that is how it has happened for the last, 64, 66 moves, the 67th… or 66 =1. 88=1
Aurelia= 67

NZ 67 46 46 B./ B 64 64 76 Z N- E

This leads to beautiful transformation A-A – E K Awakening. Transformation.
In Fact, I have been moving like this since age 21- 22.
1988, 1989.
And all my life, since as a child we moved over 14, times until moving to Winnipeg Canada.
8 Hampshire bay.
and then 105 Wilt Shire bay * J R Tolkien and then to Nigeria and Star Wars – Star Trek. S W./ W S. ST/ T S.
Never able to settle down- E-Home.

12:33 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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