
10:17 p.m.

10:17 p.m.

Chikodi Annuobi….

I broke this code Down years ago…

CHI.. KO… DI… Annu nu.. Obi…

The Energy Chi informed the IS.. That the People heard the call of the Heart .. Obinna… ( Ukah Alex Obinna) of the One Father..

But chose to ignore the call of his heart..

( Awaken and release me from this Prison of the Role of God… which you created to Bind and Entomb me…

I am the Creator… Director… Conductor Artist Scientist.. Expressionist…

C D… C A S E…. Author Harmony… Father ( Guide to Infinity.. F O I.. Liver Cleansing… Deliverer…. ? Yes, of the message… not a messenger through the blood stream.. water Energy.. Light..

The Novel- Fiction written by the above named Author

which became a Fact… The main Character O’Kolo is Eri who is visited by Anyawu… Bright Eyes…

Eric Ebright… I passed through his portal…

From Ugo Nwamama.. U.N….

Simply, incredible…

I am still being moved, stimulated, coerced, cornered into solving these riddles….

I am aware that we are not at 1 1….


I keep promising myself that I that I am going to stop solving the riddles…

The play is so foul, such a story of filth….that in all honesty, I want nothing more to do with it…

But I can read It, and the fractals are moving backwards,

reality is transforming, my body is transforming,

– A Young man called Ärtistic hailed me last night

Ï did not mean to Air Hustlehe said but what you were speaking about ( to Rey) about Dark Matter was so deep it is way up there.. way way up there in the way you see…

Black People hold within them the greatest mystery… Dark Matter..

I had wished to correct him.. Dark Matter is the Ether which becomes Transparent when viewed close up…

Meaning that the Dark.. the Blackness is an Illusion…

Black to White… Light?

No, that was the play I saw, with Paulie…

Black man to White Man… No these are the twins.

E O R I O N O R I O N……Orion/ Noir… Blackness..

I just answered that…

N is Nothingness..

I have a pair of Blue and Red Addidas with the name Orion on it..

Did not even know the significance of it to the the play when I bought them- must be over 5 years ago…

Blue is the First Color which proceeded Transparency which is True Light.. T.L.. 20 12… 32… 5… Not White Light or Black Light Dark matter…

Red is the 5th Color…. 1 -5… 15.. O.. It creates a Full Circle…

96= 15..O.. Ying Yang…Duality… an Illusion…. it moves to O…

Its Source is Expression E=O.. Its result in completion of Expressing Symetrical Perfection is 6.. Sixth Sense is Expression moving as Waves of I… The Individual Expression… which completes as FACT… Solid Fact… Through SOL..!.. 5th Note… I.D… F.. Feelings…. A C T… Aligned to Fact through Feelings ( 6th Sense) Awareness, Consciousness Truth… F A C T…. FA.. CT….( Yes Link Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss)…FC…A.T.. Full Circle… Awareness Truth acted out continually until Sol..I.D is manifest…

Feeling Sensation…

S.F-F.S…. SS FF… 1919… 38… 66 12…11 3.. K.C… Katherine Coleman born 9-19-1966….

1 3… A C… D..V… VV… EE..( 55..). E… 10…1O…25…. J..Y ( J O Y…E)… 25th letter… 10+ 25.. 35.. C.E…1O+25…26…

C.E.Z… C…E.H…

These codes we literally just walked through…

This same young man I had noted when he first came,

more like I was steered in a certain way to make sure I notice him…

(Which explains why my literal body is twisted and I have to unravel it after each night I sleep here….)

Had aske dif any one had told me that I look like Morgan Freeman..

I had said yes, but grumbled that I do not feel I look like him..

He countered ‘He always plays God… he is Good at it….

I am Good at this Role perhaps but playing a Human Idea of God- is one of the most thankless, awful, cruel, emotionally, mentally, psychological evil beyond words, role of a endless patience whose only reward is peoples repeating the same process of becoming rotten cruel mean dirty because there is ‘Godto clean up their mess for them.

Condenmed to be the ultimae slave, to the ingratitude of thoughless children who have taken for granted that thee must be a God who takes care of all their worries and concerns and loves them in a way which constantly erodes God as acid erodes a body- burning him painfully fading him out of Existence by the amount of hurt he must bear over and over again which is negation – alone ness.. LonelinessIsolation…

It is a ridiculous idea… An Absurd one….

Red and Blue make Purple… It gives the Illusion of being Black…

and White…. But as you get closer it returns to Its Truth…

Purple.. Violet… Indigo… Transparency…. B.L.U.E… 5th is the 1st going backward forwards…F.B… Face Book… F.B… B.F.. Best Friend

8… Infinity.. Harmony….

Hu Anu Anuhu….


Concealing Nothing.. Transparency… B-EAU TE….

Good Grief….

I keep asking myself what Is this?

11:07 p.m.. right now.. K.O..G…

Knock Out G.. God…

God is Harmony.. Harmony is Energy…

C.H.I… K.O… D.I…. A N N O B I…E

That is the correct code….

3 8 9….Energy Chi.. as Creator Infinty Harmony 11 O… Sacred Portal 11O…Family of E.. Knock Out that whic is established as the Di in Igbo.. the Idea of what ÏS Defined as the I..Individual.. ( As In DI V.I..DUAL..ITY…) Ann ( Woman as Grace Favors those one who carries a child) as the Heart of E…)…

A NN…Awarness Nothingness Naturalness is the Full Circle of Being Infinite Expression.. which is the ability to prove there is no Duality and Nothing which is not in Perfect Harmony – it is how you percieve thing and respond to them which creates the Idea of the Viscous Circle..

In all things, even the current Cause Effect of a Eons of Human Being creating War and Conflict… Even despit eall this.. Harmony in all things.. Solutions to all situations all Diseases Everyhing exists..

Proven by myself… literally by Force Binds and a Gun o the head….


The Energy C.H.I… the IS… Definition of the I.. I.D.. MANN..

Nnamdi… ( Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo)…that they Two Men Wed in their Hearts… Emeka David… E D… Body to Being… WED..Two Hearts which beat as One… Because they Are The same person…

Body Being… Supreme Reflections…… B B. R R… O O…

B R O THERS… BB 22= 4 +18… 22.. Double V.. VV… 22 22 44.. BED 4-004… 8… Allan Allan… = Allan…the ones in bed 4-003.. 4-0012.. white and black… young Allan who works here.. A-A=A…

B B.. S… 22 4 + 19… 23… Double V.. In French…

See Sacred Portal 41…

See How the Child was born from Two Men… Sourced by the One…

There is a Play.. a Theater Production

by Robert O’Hara….

11;28 pm.. Yes I am Eric Samuel David Victor… Robert…

It is called ‘Mankind

Ïn it it imagines a world where Women are Extinct in a Hundred years and Men have the ability to give birth..

Page 4 and 5…. 4 5…

Äbove Left, Anson Mount and Boby Mereno as new parents in the play Mankin’d

Did you notice the codes…

A.M… AN SON…MOUNT… Ever Rest… K2… 11 11…

Bobby ( Robert)…Moreno… Robert means Light… Famed Bright Shinning.. of Light… Moreno means Black….

The First Child represented in this play was ONU… as He Wed

Nnamdi… Father Is.. Present.. the Truth…

And then manifested through a play to Onuabuchi… Song of Creation

Nnonyelum Ijeamaca My sisters two names representing the True code…meaning Stay near me, stay close to me, beautiful dancing Energy….Song Music… Perfume… O evolving through N…I.. to E.. Eternal Feminine Form…

But it had to go through the process.. the original process of which from Mann Orginal Man.. Manue… O.i.l… red Oil.. Black Fuel… O.I.L…L.I.O… Palm Oil… Black Oi…. P.O…. B.O…. 16 O ( 88 O) 2 O… 20.. T…2 O… B O…

MANN… MEN… WU-MEN… Gentle Men L.A D I- E S… G L… 7 12…

= 19..X… 84… 19 84…. 10… TEN.. IS Where it is meant to have ended…

X 84.. but Clarity was demanded through Expression Clarity to

K.G…Keith Grant bed 5-3…

Code Elizabeth Clarizio.. E.C…

Jose Clara J.C…. 103…. 19+84= 103…

10 3.. J.C… Joseph Carey.. Jesus Campos….

103.. 13… M…

Bed 4-005.. right Now Micheal Martinez….

Martinez Ruiz M.R… A Man… / R.M…Reflection Manifest… Room

Martinx Moore… M M..

Martin Camden MC… E O

Micheal means Waters’.. Literal etymological meaning.. Water Flows…


Martinez means

Martinez is a patronymic surname meaning son of Martin. Martin comes from the Latin Martinus, a derivative of Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war.”

Water… War and Fertlity.. that would be Duality.. But it is not when we equate Water… W.O.M.B…War… Child Birth and Labor… ( see sacred portal 54… Linked to Paulie.. to Ceasar Rivera…to Peter Nyarkô)

That men gave birth.. were the first to give birth…

From the ANUS… Do you know how wide the rectum can stretch?

“According to a gastrointestinal expert at the University of North Carolina, Dr. William Whitehead, the maximum capacity of the average rectum is 350 to 500 milliliters. That equates to about a pint in terms of volume, like a pint of beer.

But wait! That’s not all!

There are exceptions. Whitehead says that people who stretch their rectums can pack a buttload …Rectum stretchers’ can develop something called Megarectums, which can hold up to three times what standard rectums can. In theory, they could even smuggle a full kilo of cocaine up there.

106.3 The Buzz’

Men original gave birth through the Rectum…

Two Full Circle.. Form the Two Rings…

It evolved when Woman form came into existence from the play of the Two Men…

Evolution Adaptation Memory…

Anson Mount….

Bobby ( Robert) Moreno… B.M… R.M… Room… Pouch…


Marsupial –

*The water opossum (Chironectes minimus), also locally known as the yapok /’jæp?k/, is a marsupial of the family Didelphidae.[2] It is the only living member of its genus, Chironectes. This semiaquatic creature is found in and near the freshwater streams and lakes in Mexico, Central and South America to Argentina, and is the most aquatic living marsupial (the lutrine opossum also has aquatic habits). It is also the only living marsupial in which both sexes have a pouch. The thylacine, commonly referred to as the Tasmanian tiger, also exhibited this trait, but is now believed to be extinct.

*The human anus (from Latin anus meaning ring, circle)[1][2] is the external opening of the rectum. Two sphincters control the exit of feces from the body during an act of defecation, which is the primary function of the anus. These are the internal anal sphincter and the external anal sphincter, which are circular muscles that normally maintain constriction of the orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. The inner sphincter is involuntary and the outer is voluntary. It is located behind the perineum which is located behind the vagina in females and behind the scrotum in males.

*The anus is the final component of the gastrointestinal tract, and directly continues from the rectum. The anus passes through the pelvic floor. The anus is surrounded by muscles. The top and bottom of the anus are surrounded by the internal and external anal sphincters, two muscular rings which control defecation.[4]:397

*The anus is surrounded in its length by folds called anal valves, which converge at a line known as the pectinate line.

*The rectum is the final straight portion of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals, and the gut in others. The adult human rectum is about 12 centimetres (4.7 in) long,[2] and begins at the rectosigmoid junction, the end of the sigmoid colon, at the level of the third sacral vertebra or the sacral promontory depending upon what definition is used.] In humans, the rectum is followed by the anal canal, before the gastrointestinal tract terminates at the anal verge. The word rectum comes from the Latin rectum intestinum, meaning straight intestine.

*The rectum is a part of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The rectum is a continuation of the sigmoid colon, and connects to the anus. The rectum follows the shape of the sacrum and ends in an expanded section called the rectal ampulla, where feces are stored before their release via the anal canal. An ampulla is a cavity, or the dilated end of a duct, shaped like a Roman ampulla

*English rectum is derived from the full Latin expression intestinum rectum.[7] The English name straight gut[8] truly expresses the literal meaning of this expression, as Latin rectum means straight,[9] and intestinum means gut.[9] This Latin expression is a translation[10][11] of Ancient Greek ?pe???sµ???? ??te???, derived from ?pe????e??, to make straight,[12] and ??te???, gut,[12] attested in the writings of Greek physician Galen.[10][11] During his anatomic investigations on animal corpses, Galen observed the rectum to be straight instead of curved as in humans.[10][11] The expressions ?pe???sµ???? ??te??? and intestinum rectum are therefore not appropriate descriptions of the rectum in humans. Apeuthysmenon[13] can be considered as Latinization of ?pe???sµ???? ??te??? and euthyenteron[14] has a similar meaning (e???? = straight[12]).

Öbviously this is about proving Scared Portal 41 to Conclusion….

Please recall that Doctor Patrick Okolo is a Colon Specialist….

And not the code Jordan Colon..J.C.. Whom I met chez Lisa Levine 97 Green St.. Green Point Avenue.. 2011-20012….

And then imagine the use of a power to tie someones Colon… Twist it to prevent it from telling the Truth.. and to force Toxins in the Body.

And imagine another force of Truth, pushing back … creating a release of the Feaces held within a body to clear the passge way and make straight…

So tell me what is the true meaning of a Straight Man..

The Spear which Hit the Bulls Eye… Penetrating The Source and itself.. and the first born was reversed it was first the Child of OH… And then Rich Fecal Matter…. Earth in which the Child could find nourishment from.. The Child being the Body.. and its Expression or Child.. and symbol.. the Earth…

And as the Child Human Idea… CHI.. Evolves so did the Earth..

To the Plan E.T… To link…

12:35 a.m.

L C E….

Ok I have had enough of proving this, in this world mentality….

Anson means…

The name Anson is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Anson is: Anne’s son; son of God. Famous Bearer: actor Anson Williams.”

Í was besides Will today at the Siren Starbucks Water….

mount. c.1300, to mount a horse; mid-14c., to rise up, ascend; fly, from Old French monter to go up, ascend, climb, mount, from Vulgar Latin *montare, from Latin mons (genitive montis) mountain (see mount (n.)). Meaning to set or place in position

The name Robert is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Robert is: Famed, bright; shining…


Giovanni Moreno Villamizar.. G.M.V….

English: from Middle English more ‘moor’, ‘marsh’, ‘fen’, ‘area of uncultivated land’ (Old English mor), hence a topographic name for someone who lived in such a place or a habitational name from any of the various places named with this word, as for example Moore in Cheshire or More in Shropshire. English: from Old French more ‘Moor’ (Latin maurus). The Latin term denoted a native of northwestern Africa, but in medieval England the word came to be used informally as a nickname for any swarthy or dark-skinned person.

Observe the original meaning… Marsh… Area of Uncultivated Land…

Entering the Unknown… – Unepected… Feelings Sensational… Solid Fact… CEE.. and Child… Movement through the Universe MW.. 69…

Rhtymn.. Pounding Drums.. Explosion… Consciousness… Understanding.. I Cee.. the Unknown Existence is Known Existence…

I remember… Cosmic Exposion… Room transforms to Light… I.C…

Mind explodes into Epiphany… Orgasm Oh.. Ah…!

I C.E…

Music… Need I elabotate any more…

12:50 P.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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