
10:16 p.m – J.P – Here is a quic

10:16 p.m


Here is a quick example of the Ancestors watching you, and present as Time.

Not Perfect Timming P.T.

But as Time as Hidden Figures in the Heart of Darkness.
H.O D. Evolution of G to H when you cease to be veiled by your body covering you Cee of Consciousness by using Creation Dark Matter.


I personally do not have any interest in “Good” People.

Be Beautiful or I am not interested.
Intrigue me, be Unique, for me personally from my experience walking, and Lord Knows I was made to Walk everywhere.

I am the ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide To The GALAXY I C./- I.C.

People had to always give me lifts or a ride.
Did I tell you how much Iike speed?

I got my learners permit at 15-16
And began to Drive.
But by age 17 I paused because of my mother and Nnamdi’s Death by a lorry driver. Then my uncle, Lord Charles and she would not drive her car.
By 19, I stopped entirely, there wasc.no car available for me.

And I slowly began to see the play.

Something was yes, trying to kill us, but I began to see the play

And especially when my then young aunt freaked out when I said I would one day write our story. She would not tell me why, but already figured out in Canada, that like in Harry Potter H P.
That we are being watched from beyond the viel.

I was and am still very much pissed off, but my Grandfather was very wealthy and distributed nearly every major car in the world, from Mercedes, Peugeot, Honds, Volvo…
Lorries, luxury buses, vans and he had two enormous maintenance factories and even a fuel station the front yard.
Total, that was the Fuel Station name.

It did not take me too long to understand that the cars we drive are represented as Bodies and Liscence Plate as our I.D in this World Controlled by Ancesteral Spirits.

At 4 888 Facebook Friends, I did not decide to mention that my Grandfather was also of both worlds perfectly at ease in both Blac or white or foreign
And he was a litera King, who hid that lieral fact under the title of ,Chief.

He had 3 wife’s, each 8 children 888.

C H/H C.

I recall that I was being spied on by not only Ancient Africa but also by the Ancient Lines, Royals in the west.

Same thing.
Royals are still Royals linked in the Spirit Realm as the 4th Dimrnsion, all in the Story of the Book, seeking power.answers or a way out.

Those who cross over over via Harmony as 7 colors in one which restores Origin Full Circle Light as Memory, are not in the same realm.

I did mention quite a few times my Grandfathers 3rd wife.
How here own biological families story resembles to an almost miraculous extent the Abrahamic Sarah Hagar Old Testament story, and though their families version was cleaner, clearer it still was Terrible

” Morrah” it was caled.

Yes, Sodom and Gommrah.

Coded it since 2012.

10: 57 p.m

I am growing weary of this long End Game.

We have Stephen Johnson & Liberty C line…

Just before I went out. I saw the time taling to me, I had made my last post and the response was 9;30; p.m

I C. Emeka..

Then I left at 9:39 p.m
I C I.

I went to the C V s..Pissed…
It was 3.93: U S.D.


I had felt bad seen Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as I departed.

C I C was the High school the 3rd wife, Wyomma, first son, Obiora. Had gone to, and in an instant it ckicked.

Kim is Obiora.

He was a less extravagant version of Lord Charles and even rumored that his truly, truly hot temper was part of why Lord Clarles and his Elder Brother, Peter had died mysteriously in 1994, then Lord Charles less than a year later.

Yes, my Telephone number Kim arranged.

You see, before I left Nigeria.

Nigerian Eye

My Grandfathers had decided now all the children were older to keep a Promise made to my Grandmother and her Father whom I call Pan..A musician and trickster but very special man, who had managed to marry my great grandmother, a foreigner so unearthly they said she was a bird who landed here with her 2 sisters. ..yes 3. From the Sky People.

My Grandfathers married my Grandmother in a church and thus his 2 other wives were no longer seen as his wives in the Law, but of course they still were.
My Grandfathers may have his shortcomings but he always a fair Juste and Honorable and Noble man.
He disguised for months the implications and plans with all his wives, taking care that each of them were heard. And children taken care of and reassured.
I was resent at the wedding but my sister had already moved back to the west.

When I left a year later, I was cursed by the two but Ma Rose, I knew was not into it, she managed to convey that to me.

She was a whizz at numbers, arithmetic and Mass… Greedy and bonded with my Grandfathers genius with numbers,she neglected her children who were personable but could not match the lion like personalities of my Grandmothers children or the sly and intelligence of Unaku,s.

Bun in the Ovnen.
Leander oven not microwave.

See the meaning of the name Obiora.it’s like my uncle Lord Charles O.I.Nri Igbo name ” Igwebuike”

Lord of the People- Crowd.

And Heart of the People.


Peter the firstborn son his name was, is Ogochukwu

Ogochukwu Obiora


Alright, no more.

Jana Patty J.P

Parman Stress P..S

Ashley Ashley A.A.


I spent exactly 11 USD
I found I had left in my wallet after shopping at 1544 C-Town Supermarket
And nothing left but 37 cents after 1544 C.V.S just next door to 1544.
And the Blone tan black she demon was there, but Rahul who loves Shiva, quickly over and I was served by him.

11:41 pm

11: 42 pm.

Stupid, vile play

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