
10:15 PM

10:15 pm.

Sacred portal 96.

Sacred portal 49 was The Point.

Every one must DIE.

But The Anointed, Cherished and Beloved Rise…

Lazarus from Death.

To attain this G O A L.

G-Omega Alpha – Life.

The True way we play

In that moment of Extase, was BL.IS. S Born;

For They Beheld,

The Lord,

Of All THings Bright,

And Beautiful

* See the Date of the post


Exactly 16 years to the date I arrived in the U S A.

New York.

10:22 pm.

J V.

Yes, T is a 17 year old Beautiful Youth.

10:23 pm.

Jay Double V V.

Jeron. 23 months old.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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