
10:13 pm. – J M. – JUMP MAN. – Ev

10:13 pm.

J M.


Every 4 Years.
A Quantum
Leap or
Jump Year

A Poral Out.
4 O.
1 1 1 1 O.

O is 15= 6.
Sixth sense
To Fact.
You could escape the box.

Dec 1992.

It is Time

How do you know.?

Answer- I have completed and written it all down
The Story. Full Circle of my Life.
And all life O
In Perfect Symmetry
P 16. S 19.
= 35=8.
19 16 35. 8.

22 88.
Was the last person tel no who called me.

My shock of people in this play and realm is that refusal to share informatio,
Even with people that they know. And this Truth affects everything everyone everyone.

When I was first brought to the United states of America and this Universal Simulation Awakening.

I had never been much of a talker, but I knew that I had to share with everyone wasI had read and experienced by age 25 in Paris France.

I felt I would publish my Journals I confirmed by own truth empirical to even asking the Light Fantastic Love to given me proof, Evidence AY before I agreed to come back, that everything I had experience with it while in coma, a comma was true real and a fact
The moment I awoke back here in Jan 1993, I was giving Blinding Proof, so clear, that I knew it had kept its Promise and Vow, and that I would, and now could never deny it

And that was 33 years ago +.
And I was led through a pathway not of my life and to such testing, such trials, agonies I surmounted every single day, it seemed as I was deliberately placed in unending circumstances to deny that truth.

Until slowly then just like that, everything and everyone I cherished abandoned me.
Then it was everywhere.
Until I was seen as a Zero.
And cast aside over and over again.

And as if people were intent in making everything I said negated until I would cease to exist, body, being, Expression

I was The Lie

I fought, and dragged my self every single day, as I listened each day to people shunned me, that once Golden Boy
Rape me daily of my Trith I came to share.

On the Streets of the World, then New York, I could not help seeing where the Light Fantastic was leading me, and I would quail, and even look for ways to escape and turn back but I would never deny or betray that I had experienced it Truth as a Fact, nor ignore the truth that it was making its original intentions known of asking me to come back into this world story.
W S.
To share how I had gotten home at age 24. And made First Contact with it in Perfect Timing.
To the Point of Being in Existence in Liifes play.

I shared the story with others, until it was as if Air .. Breaths. .Death, Earth, Fire all the 4 5 Elements had risen up with me and all I knew was that I share the intelligence
Because despite my reserved and quiet nature, I had to find a way to share, for it concerned all.

Not to convince or convert them, but for each to at least have a Choice, a Chance to make an informed decision for themselves by seeing the Evidence Proof.

But 33 years.
A Facebook play.
An Ender Game and on Facebook after having to be led to all this people and live in a way. I would never ever live…?

This far explaining this long, and watching others not share, not care an iota for their fellow human being to know, not share the in the information which affects all?

The lies of Omission
Gaps the are indifferent to and confusion
The way people are so selfish, uncaring, choosing who they will share with what was given to them for free, and such a cost and price.

There is no greater secret quiet shock which turned from the Hunan Race.

Abomination Monsters, who would lie, twist intel, use it as a power tool and then like vampires such out the life energy of others and Its Source, and come back for more.

To do an action in which you were given an example which you could see and be reminded of what to do.
and hence be.

See what was done to me, for telling the Truth, for keeping my word and promise.
Just look…

And I had to record it all for you in Transparency Supremacy Rocket Fuel.

I do know what Being has become that it became this… Super Black Hole.
But I have seen how it became this way and it led me to a portal 66,
From Sacred Portals I drew from inside me and then outside of me witnessed by Marina Burini in 2010, 2011, way before I even knew that I would be lead to a door in which that sacred Portal aligned to as well as the occupant within.

Its actually not a person but a frequency.


11:07 pm.

Its enough

/ 70.11

See Sacred Portal
70 and 11.

11:08 p.m

One can not protect people from the Cruelty and Indifference for others in themselves.



Ground Zero.

11:10 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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